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Bunny Buddies
2005 Schedule
Message Board

September 5-Canfield Fair Results

Best Of Breed

  1. Tiffany T. w/ Vinnie
  2. Matt S. w/ Peanut Butter
  3. Rachael G. with Jimmeny Cricket (Reserve Champ)
Best Opposite of Breed
  1. Eddie B. w/ Cupid
  2. Danielle G. w/ Cleo
  3. Tammy T. w/ Ali
  1. Anna O.-Third
  2. Sam S.-Fourth
  3. Leah S.-Sixth
  4. Matt S.-Seventh
  5. Tiffany T.-Eighth
  1. Sami R.-Eighth
  1. Jillian-First
  • Anna O.-Senior-Fourth
  • Danielle-Intermediate-Fourth
  • Brooke-Junior
  • Jillian-Beginner-Second

Good job everyone!

June 29 update

The picnic is being moved to the August meeting. The July 6th meeting will be a regular meeting at Ellsworth firestation at 6:30pm. Make sure to bring your books.

June 1 meeting

Remember that there is a tattoo clinic on June 30th at the fairgrounds from 7-9:00, it is mandatory if you did not already go to one.

The skillathon is on July 17 at the experimental farm, it is mandatory.

August 20th tattoo clinic at the fairgrounds from 8-10:00, mandatory for doe and litter and meat pen, there will also be skillathon make-up.

Remember that if you have not yet paid for books, you must do so ASAP.

If your rabbits need tattooed, you may bring them to the next meeting to do so.

The next meeting on July 6 will be a picnic at the Orlando's house (contact them if you need directions, if you don't know their number, leave a message on the message board) at 6:30pm. Bring some kind of food.

Jonathon did a report over the Mini Rex and Brooke did one on the Holland Lop.

The meeting ended by going over skillathon.

May 4 meeting

There is a Jr. rabbit committee meeting on may 10 at 7:30 at the red cross building at the fairgrounds.

The tattoo clinic is on May 12, 7-9. It's mandatory for doe and litter as well as meat pen.

The skillathon has been changed to July 17 at the experimental farm, it is mandatory.

We have our new skillathon practice kit which we used at today's meeting.

We'll be practicing showmanship and skillathon at the next meeting, so you may bring your rabbit if you want.

Monica did a report on Holland Lops.

April 6th meeting

The Fun show is coming up on April 24. Check-in is at 9:00am and the show starts at 10:00am. The cost is $2.00 per rabbit and awards will be given for Best of Breed and Best of Show. There is showmanship, costume class ($1.00), Chinese Auction, and 50/50 raffle.

Two officer training sessions will be held and officers should attend at least one. The first one is on Saturday, April 16, 2:00-3:30 and the second one is on Tuesday, May 17, 6:00-7:30. They are being held at the Mill Creek MetroParks Educational Farm.

Reports were done over the Creme D'Argent and the Champagne D'Argent by Sami.

March 6 bake sale

The bake sale was today and even with the cold, we did pretty well. We made $565 and Walmart will match it with $500.

February 2 meeting

We took a vote to donate to the Happy Trails quilt, we decided on 4 squares.

We also filled our our enrollment cards and signed up for book and t-shirts/sweatshirts if needed.

A report over diseases was done.

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