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I should tell you now that some of these pix are a bit sexual, so if you don’t like to look at nudity, you might not want to read on.


I love to write music in my free time. It’s a great way to express myself and to me, it’s just fun. No, I don’t write rap or r&b; I like to write what I like to listen to, which would mostly be pop and classical. I started composing last year and just got accepted to ASCAP.


Back in August of 2004 (just two months after graduating high school), I was trying to figure out how I was going to pay for school and ended up becoming a houseboy. I never planned on taking up such an occupation; I was a straight ‘A’ student in high school, I was in Yearbook, Spanish Club, French Club, Debate, Drum line captain in Band, and so much more… but when you attend Jefferson High School, no one cares. That school has such a poor past that no one (besides the Army recruiters) even pays our school any attention. Anyway, after I became a houseboy, I realized that I loved it. I don’t know why, but I do. I guess it’s because I can find a healthy environment to be useful to someone else and at the same time I can have plenty of time to work (or play) or write my music (pop instrumentals).


I grew up in the average too-small type of town out here in east Texas called Jefferson. It’s not bad out here, though. The country life is wonderful, but you can get tired of having to drive for about an hour just to get to Wal-Mart! Still, there are so many great things about it, but I’m ready to get out of here.

My contact info is at the bottom of this page.

Hello, guys. I’m glad you’ve taken the time to view this. Before you look at my pix and try and guess what I’m about, you might want to read on. Just let me say, though, that not all black guys are the same…


Okay, enough about that stuff… now some info on me. Really and truly, I’m a simple kind of guy, but I’m not the average black guy. Let’s just say that I’m the reason they tell you that race is only skin deep. Seriously. Let me just try and explain… to start, I can’t stand rap at
































all, yet I can recite nearly every song by Britney Spears and my favorite is Madonna. As you can see in the pix, I have medium length hair. It’s smooth and straight (the only straight thing about me) but guys love running their hands through it because it’s never greasy (because I don’t wear grease). My favorite food is spaghetti, and unlike most guys my age, I can cook. Although I love to cook, my favorite kind of food is found in the best Mexican restaurants. Speaking of Mexican, I’ve never actually dated a black person before and I do love my white meat, but I’ve been with more Mexicans than anything. It doesn’t really matter the race; I can get along with just about anyone. I mentioned earlier that I’m a simply kind of guy, and I am. Yes, I do enjoy going out, but to me, the best days are spent wrapped up in the arms of another man sitting in front of the fire place or even just laying in bed whispering sweet things to each other.











I am a very loving person and although I do enjoy it when I end up developing a relationship with a host, I’m not saying that’s how it has to be. If you’re the kind that just wants someone to cook, clean, and satisfy in between, that’s cool, but if in any case sex is involved, you all should know that I am 100% bottom.

For those who want to actually fall in love, you should know that I like to fall in love with what’s on the inside simply because I myself don’t like being judged by


what’s on the outside. You should know that the guy you’re seeing in the pix… you wouldn’t recognize my (school) pictures from 2001 because I used to be over 100 pounds heavier, so I know what it feels like to be judged by what’s on the outside and let me just say… I don’t like it. Being so open has helped me find out that the best guys come in all types of packages.











As far as my expected duties as a houseboy, I can easily do the cooking and cleaning stuff (indoors and out), but I’m more than that. I am also very good with babies and children, so if in the event you need a babysitter, I’m cool with that, too. I love animals and will care for them like family members, and if you ever fall ill, I’ll be right there at your bed side answering to your every command. Also, I can and will be great company to you. I love being there for my host in any way that I can be. I’m very open and extremely honest, but for those who don’t want their neighbors to know about your sexuality, I understand that, too. All I ask of you is that you be good to me.


Good help is hard to find, and I understand that all too well, but if you’re looking for someone that’s very loving, caring, and understanding to share your home (and hopefully your heart) with, I’m the one for you. Just don’t let yourself pass up this opportunity because of my skin color. Trust me, when I say it’s only skin deep, I mean that. Of the things I described earlier, there


is still more to me than what I can fit on this page. I hope you will get back in touch with me soon and thanks for taking the time to get to know a little more about me. I hope there was something in this document that you liked. Anyway, I hope to hear from you soon. My email address is My phone number is 903-665-9522 and my address is 1408 Marion County Road 3406, Jefferson, TX 75657.


Yours truly, Brandon Sims












































Brandon Sims

1408 Marion County Road 3406

Jefferson, TX 75657



Brandon Sims

1408 Marion County Road 3406

Jefferson, TX 75657




