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The Boyfriend Files

Welcome to The Boyfriend Files. Ever gotten treated like shit by a man, and then wanted to let the whoel world know what an asshole the guy REALLY is to prevent another girl form getting hurt? This is the perfect place to do that. Below are the names of the boys that have so far been summitted to this site. Each name is a link that will lead to the story of the nasty heartbreak these men left their ex-girlfriends with, and a list of reasons from ME as to why you should definately NOT date these jerks. If you would like to submit your ex-boyfriend or even a friend's ex, feel free to e-mail me with his full name [or at least first and last] and a picture [if available] as well as the story of what he did to deserve the title of "asshole" at Make sure you put "Ex-Boyfriend Files" as the subject. Have a great, jerkless day, ladies!! ♥ MaryJane

Do NOT date THESE boys:.

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