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Hi! My name is Amanda.... the owner of this website. is copyrighted so plz do not steal images ext. unless I have gave you permission. You may ask me by e-mailing me at Otherwise.... you may not make a choice. This website is made for ppl that are nice and do not steal.... if you agree, you can enter. If you do not agree then please find another site that will allow you to steal images, ext. ,although there are not many sites that will let you steal. They have spent many hours on making their fancy things to, right? Well..... then you might as well not steal. I do not want anybody to say that the things that I have in MY website are yours. You would'nt want that to happen to you either would you? I did'nt think so. Well this is kinda like the FAQ page so I did'nt make a FAQ page. Well, let me tell you about me. I came from Japan and then moved to America... I brought alot of things with me and alot of them were of Tarepanda. So I love tarepanda alot! :) *sqeazes stuffed animals and smiles* Well.. I hope you enjoy my website and have a nice day! Thanx!


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ˇThanks for the layout!ˇ