Toy Talk
Volume XLIV

By Mark Patraw
Posted on 6/9/14

After much consideration, I've decided that I'm not going to do Toy Talk on a weekly basis anymore. The many hours I spend hunting for, researching/identifying, writing about, and photographing, these items has become excessive, to the point where it's taking away valuable time from other things that I'd rather be doing, so, I feel the need to cut back. I'm not going to stop buying/collecting secondhand toys altogether, I'm just going to take a more relaxed approach to it. In short, while I may publish additional volumes of Toy Talk in the future, if I do so, it'll be done on an irregular basis, whenever the mood takes me or I happen to find a bunch of good stuff that I want to share, not on a "forced" weekly schedule.

Moving along, in this chapter of Toy Talk, starting on the far left, and continuing to the right, we have: a 2007 Dreamworks/McDonald's Shrek: The Third Baby Ogre Girl talking figurine (twenty-five cents "girls" grab bag on 12/5/13); a 2009 Spin Master Liv: School's Out Sophie doll (fifty cents on 5/15/14); a 1996 Disney/Burger King The Hunchback of Notre Dame Quasimodo action figure (twenty-five cents "boys" grab bag on 12/5/13); a 1987 Tonka Super Naturals Eagle Eye action figure (Eagle Eye: seventy-five cents on 5/28/14; shield accessory: twenty-five cents on 6/3/14); and, finally, a 2011 Hasbro Transformers: Generations Backstop action figure (fifty cents on 5/29/14). If anyone reading this knows more information about any of these items, that I haven't already discussed below, and would like to share, or just chat about toys, feel free to e-mail me and let me know!

What color is the diarrhea of a baby that's already green to begin with?

Here we have a 2007 Dreamworks/McDonald's Shrek: The Third Ogre Baby Girl talking figurine. In addition to her, the assortment also included Shrek himself (I have that toy, somewhere, but, despite a search, I couldn't find it, which is too bad, because I wanted to shoot a photo of him with his daughter), Artie, Gingy, Puss-in-Boots, Princess Fiona, Donkey, Dronkey (baby donkey/dragon hybrid), and two different Ogre Baby Boys (one standing and one sitting).

I can't remember if I've ever seen Shrek: The Third or not. I know I've watched some of the films, but I can't recall exactly which ones--they all seem to blend together in my mind.

The baby looks adorable, or at least as adorable as an infant ogress can. I like her innocent, perplexed expression. The diaper has a molded, woven texture to it, but the rest of the figure is smooth, just like a baby should be. The hair, bow, diaper, and facial features are all well painted. There's a very small stray mark of color on her left hand, but it's nothing to get bent out of shape about. The only things that really mar her appearance are the obvious screw and speaker holes on her back, but, at least you don't have to look at them unless you turn her around.

Change me!

The little ogress has rotating cut joints at the hips, so you can choose to pose her in a standing or sitting pose (and she's pretty stable in either position). Other than that, she's immobile, but I do appreciate that the manufacturer provided the means for two different display options, as they could have just as easily made her a static statue instead. Fully erect, and at the tip of her hair, she's 4.2" (10.7 cm) tall.

Flipping the switch on her back to the "ON" position, and pressing the adjacent button, causes her to "speak" one of three sound clips: a burp, a gurgling giggle, and "Da-da! Da-da!" The feature works well and the samples are clear. If you had to listen to someone playing them over-and-over, it would surely drive you up the wall, but, thankfully, that's what the "OFF" position is for.

I'm not a huge Shrek fan, but this green bundle of joy looks good and her sound feature is fun. If nothing else, she's an interesting alternative to a traditional baby doll.

No, this isn't a Jenny McCarthy doll!

Here we have a 2009 Spin Master Liv: School's Out Sophie (actually, I'd guess that this figure came out after 2009, but every Liv doll's head/body I own is stamped with 2009, as Spin Master kept using the same old mold, for all five girls, over-and-over again). The theme of the School's Out wave was to show what the quintet (Sophie, Katie, Daniela, Alexis, and Hayden) do when they're not in class. In Sophie's case, she's on her way to her after-school job at the hair salon, riding her motor scooter (sold separately--speaking of which, I'm pretty sure I saw that scooter in the thrift shop one time, but I didn't know that it was part of the Liv line back then, so, I passed on purchasing it).

As usual, the basic Liv body sports a ball-jointed neck, shoulders, and waist; pin-and-disc ball-joints at the elbows and hips; double pin-jointed knees, and rotating swivels at the wrists and ankles. For a mass market play doll, Sophie is very poseable, although there are some additions that would further enhance her mobility, like rotating cut joints at the biceps and thighs. Without a wig, Sophie stands 11.6" (29.4 cm) tall.

The School's Out Sophie has lighter blonde hair (platinum-like) and less make-up, but, other than those two differences, she's nearly identical to the previous Sophie I bought (see Toy Talk Vol. XXX). I'm afraid that I don't know what particular Liv wave/assortment that other Sophie is from though.

One of the best things about the Liv line of dolls is their interchangeable wig caps. It's amazing what a difference swapping one hair style/color for another can have on a doll's appearance, as the four photos above illustrate. Now that I've finally accumulated a pretty diverse pile of wigs (and I'm always on the lookout for more), I can really take advantage of that feature.

Sophie's outfit consists of a short-sleeved top, plaid skirt, and chromed hoop earrings. The front of the shirt has a cool diamond-esque rose pattern, a large faux pink flower is affixed to the right shoulder, and the garment is sewn to look like there's a white T-shirt underneath, which gives it a layered look. The skirt has an ivory strip of material sewn on the inside to protect a doll's modesty when she bends over. Speaking of which, Sophie's body already has permanently molded white panties, so the ones on the skirt are redundant, however, some Liv doll assortments had flesh-toned panties on their bodies, instead of white, which is probably what Spin Master was thinking of. Both garments open-and-close, in the back, with velcro strips. The fit of all the articles is good and they're color coordinated, so, I have no complaints about her ensemble (and, as my last three Liv doll purchases were all wearing capris, I'm glad to get a skirt for a change). My sample is fairly complete, but I'm missing Sophie's glasses, sandals, bracelet/watch, and hair brush. I've purchased seven secondhand Liv dolls to date, and haven't gotten footwear with any of them yet!

What's that you say? How can I be missing the glasses and sandals when they can clearly be seen in the photos? Well, that's because I made her those items from scratch!


Preliminary paper test pattern.

Test pattern on Sophie's head. The size checks out, so it's full steam ahead!

Wire armature with the arms of the glasses covered with strips of newsprint.
Aside from providing support and defining the shape of the glasses, said wire is what allows the arms to bend/fold.

Test fit on Sophie's head. The arms are the proper length to reach behind her ears, so all is well.

Glass frames completely covered in newsprint.
A second wire segment was added to create the shape of the bottom half of the lens holes.
Aside from some sanding and final adjustments, they're ready to paint.

Final check on Sophie's head before finishing adjustments and painting.
They're a bit asymmetrical, but the overall fit is good and she looks classier already!
After the glasses were painted, I cut out lenses from a sheet of transparent plastic and embedded them in the frames, completing the accessory.

The finished product.


The first thing I did was trace the outline of Sophie's foot to make a pattern for the soles of the sandals.
The bottoms of the sandals are 4-ply thick cardboard: three layers glued back-to-back, and then the sandal straps sandwiched in between that stack and one more layer.

In order to work on the shoes without damaging Sophie's feet, I covered them in plastic and transparent tape.
That thin protective layer also ensures that there will be enough wiggle room so that the sandals won't become too tight after they're painted.

I wrapped strips of paper, from a brown grocery bag, around her feet to create the sandal straps, and then glued the soles onto those.

Here are the rough sandals on a doll's bare feet. The fit is pretty good--loose enough to slip them on-and-off, but not so loose as to fall off.

These are the finished sandals, with small decorative bows added to the front straps, just prior to painting.

The finished product.

Once again, the thrift store's pricing of Liv merchandise defies all logic. School's Out Sophie, who was in very good shape and came with her wig and most of her original outfit, was only fifty cents, yet, at the same time, the store was trying to sell a Daniela for two dollars, who didn't have a wig and probably wasn't wearing the correct clothing (weeks after I bought Sophie, that lonely "bald" Daniela is still sitting there). Sophie has some minor hot-pink staining on her feet (probably from her original sandals) and a tiny chunk of plastic missing from just above her left elbow (likely an artifact from the molding/assembly process), but, otherwise, she's in nearly flawless condition. Don't get me wrong, I'm grateful that I got Sophie for the price that I did, but I just don't understand how the store's staff came to the decision to charge four times as much for Daniela, when she wasn't as complete as Sophie. I've already got two Danielas anyway, so, unless they mark her down significantly, I'm not interested in buying her (and maybe not even then).

I really didn't need another Liv doll, but Sophie is one of my favorites, I didn't have a blonde wig, her outfit was attractive, and the price was right, so, I just couldn't pass her up. Lest you think I have no self control when it comes to Liv toys, I will remind you that I did leave the previously mentioned Daniela there.

Quit humping around and get back to ringing those bells!

It's time to examine the main man himself, Quasimodo, in all his misshapen glory! This is a 1996 Burger King toy based upon the character from Disney's The Hunchback of Notre Dame animated film, which, in turn, is an adaptation of Victor Hugo's original novel of the same name. In addition to Quasimodo, the assortment also included Clopin, Victor, Hugo, Laverne (previously covered in Toy Talk Vol. IX), Esmeralda (with her pet goat, Djali), Judge Claude Frollo, and Captain Phoebus.

I can't help feeling sorry for this poor guy--he's got a heart of gold, but got beat silly by life's ugly stick. The toy's sculptor(s) did an outstanding job of translating the cartoon Quasimodo into 3-Dimensional form. The proportions and details of his deformed body and face look dead-on accurate to me. Quasi's paintwork is also well done, with uniform, clean application of all the colors.

Quasimodo stands 3.4" (8.6 cm) tall and has pretty good articulation for a fast food toy, comparable to a "real" action figure of the same size from that time period. He's got rotating cut joints at the neck, shoulders, and hips. You can't do a ton of things with him, beyond making him sit or stand and raising/lowering his arms, but, for cheap Burger King fare, that's not too shabby.

Other than the excellent sculpt, the standout feature of this piece is that his moss-green shirt is made out of real fabric. While it's probably possible to get the clothing off, his hump and husky build make it difficult, so, I gave up, for fear of tearing a seam or breaking something. Burger King was also wise enough to hide all of the molded copyright text on his back, underneath said garment.

Left-to-right: Captain Phoebus (missing his shield), Quasimodo, and Laverne, all from the 1996 Burger King assortment.

While he's not my favorite Disney character by a longshot, this is an excellent rendition of Quasimodo and a well above average fast food toy. Recommended!

If this guy ate scrambled eggs for breakfast, would that make him a cannibal?

This is a 1987 Tonka Super Naturals Eagle Eye action figure. Other than the neat character designs, the main draw of this toy line was the highly-detailed holograms (which are rather tricky to photograph) that each figure, and vehicle, in the assortment sported. Even better, some of the holograms, like the one on Eagle Eye's torso, are lenticular, so the image transforms as you view it from different angles. In Eagle Eye's case, he changes from a "normal" Native American man to an eagle. The larger figures, like this one, also came with shields that featured an additional hologram (an eagle's face in this case), but they're single-image affairs, not lenticular. I never owned any Super Naturals toys as a child, but my younger brother had one of the wonderful villain characters, Snakebite.

Story-wise, Eagle Eye is one of the good guys. His powers include the ability to transform into a soaring eagle (big surprise there) and to see into the future. All of the Super Naturals spirits escaped into our world when the Tomb of Doom (which was available in playset form) was opened after many centuries. In addition to Eagle Eye, the benevolent characters/vehicles including Lionheart, Thunder Bolt (large humanoid figures), Spooks, Hooter, See-thru, Mr. Lucky (smaller ghost figures), Lion Wings (mount), and Ghost Finder (hotrod). The evil warriors consisted of Skull, Burnheart, Snakebite (large humanoid figures), Scary Cat, Weird Wolf, Vamp-pa, Rags (smaller ghost figures), Dark Dragon (mount), and Bat Bopper (tow truck).

The figure's sculpt is decent. His buckskin outfit has molded stitches, fringe, and bead work, but the belt is perhaps the most detailed object on the toy, with raised arrowheads circling it and an avian belt buckle. The paintwork is minimal, limited to just his belt, hair, and moccasins, although it's applied well with no slop or errors. I think they should have painted his hands flesh-tone, as the gloves seem out-of-place to me.

Eagle Eye only has four points of articulation, rotating shoulders and pivoting hips (the legs can only move forwards, not backwards). There's no neck joint because that would break up the torso's hologram. You can't pose him too many different ways, but at least he can sit and raise/lower his arms. Eagle Eye's mobility is definitely lackluster, but, for the time period, not unusual. He stands 6" (15.3 cm) tall.

In addition to the shield, a complete sample should also include a black-and-white feathered headdress, a brown-and-red chest plate, and a glow-in-the-dark plumed spear. That's laying the Native American stereotypes on pretty thick! Like the figure, the circular shield has some nice molded details like feathers hanging from the side and rows of horns (teeth?) on the top. And, as previously mentioned, it also sports the cool eagle face hologram on the front. I bought Eagle Eye for seventy-five cents one week, and then, the following week, I got lucky and found his shield in the toy bin for an additional quarter, bringing his total price up to a dollar. I'm pretty sure that the shield wasn't in there when I purchased the figure, as I usually do a pretty thorough job of rooting through the toys, but maybe I missed it. While I'm happy to have found the shield, at the same time, I can't help but get the feeling that I'm buying him on an installment plan when I find his accessories after the fact!

Unfortunately, it didn't last very long, but, in my opinion, Super Naturals was one of the best toy lines from the 1980s. Eagle Eye is neat, but, if I had the choice, I would have preferred one of the villains, because I (almost) always like the bad guys better. If the price was right, and they were in good condition, I'd definitely be interested in acquiring some more of these Super Naturals characters.

No poacher has ever survived trying to steal his horns!

This is a 2011 Hasbro/Takara Transformers: Generations Backstop action figure. The toy was originally released in 2005, as part of the Transformers: Cybertron line, and sported a more vibrant red, yellow, and gray color scheme [a hue arrangement which reminds me of the Generation 1 (G1) Predacon rhino, Headstrong]. According to Transformers Universe, this 2011 version of Backstop was a Big Lots! exclusive, which is interesting, as I didn't even know that Big Lots! ever got exclusive toys like Wal-Mart, Toys-R-Us, and Target regularly do.

Backstop is a powerful, elder warrior from the Jungle Planet. In his younger days, he was of the "might makes right" mindset, but, time, and experience, taught him the value of all life, regardless of an organism's strength. Along with the other rebels, he struggles to overcome the three-headed dragon dictator Scourge, who was once one of Backstop's star pupils before he let power go to his head and became the Jungle Planet's oppressor.

Backstop's robot form is very squat and bulky, which implies strength and power. Funnily enough, because of his mass and drab coloration, when I first saw this toy on the shelf in the thrift store, I thought he was a Rock Lord! I have to admit that the toy's designer(s) really didn't do a whole lot to disguise the animal shape--for example, it's painfully obvious that his right shoulder is still the rhino's head (but, as the action feature involves the animal's horns, I can understand why they did it that way). I do think it's clever how the mammal's four legs fold down and snap together to create the robot's two. In this shape, Backstop has a pin-and-disc ball-jointed left shoulder, pin-jointed pivoting elbows, and rotating cut-joints at the right shoulder and hips. Even stuck together, the four pin-jointed knees on the legs still work, but, the orientation/direction is "wrong" for a humanoid shape, so, I'm not counting them. In this mode, Backstop stands 3.7" (9.4 cm) tall.

Backstop's rhinoceros form looks even better--it's apparent that this is where most of the designer(s) attention was focused--only the robot's right hand, folded up underneath the head, is poorly hidden. In addition to all the mechanical bits and panels, there's also a pebble-like skin texture in many areas, which I like, as that's a nod to the physique of the real organism. In rhinoceros form, Backstop has a rotating cut-joint neck, multi-directional ball-jointed hips, and pivoting pin-jointed knees and tail. The beast measures 5.4" (13.7 cm) in length and is 2.4" (6.2 cm) tall.

A complete sample should include a blue Cybertron key accessory (the 2005 version's was green). Inserting said object into the back of Backstop's head causes his two horns to spring forward, impaling anyone unfortunate enough to be on the receiving end. Amusingly, when the horns are extended in animal mode, it makes him look like a portly unicorn. While I don't have the key, any number of small, thin objects can be used as a substitute (I employed the blunt end of a sewing needle; if you follow my example, take care not to prick yourself). This action feature works equally well in either animal or robot mode, which is good design.

G1's Autobot cassette tape Ramhorn has always been my favorite Transformers rhinoceros, but I think Backstop may have just taken his place!

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‫⸧潧杯敬愭慮祬楴獣挮浯术⹡獪㬧 瘠牡猠㴠搠捯浵湥⹴敧䕴敬敭瑮䉳呹条慎敭✨捳楲瑰⤧せ㭝猠瀮牡湥乴摯⹥湩敳瑲敂潦敲木ⱡ猠㬩紊⠩㬩ਊ⼯⼯⼯䰠捹獯䤠楮楴污穩瑡潩⼯⼯⼯⼯⼯⼯⼯⼯⼯⼯ਯ慶⁲祬潣彳摡㴠䄠牲祡⤨਻慶⁲祬潣彳敳牡档煟敵祲㴠∠㬢瘊牡氠捹獯潟汮慯彤楴敭㭲ਊ慶⁲浣牟汯⁥‽氢癩≥਻慶⁲浣桟獯⁴‽愢杮汥楦敲氮捹獯挮浯㬢瘊牡挠彭慴楸⁤‽⼢敭扭牥浥敢摤摥㬢瘊牡愠杮汥楦敲浟浥敢彲慮敭㴠∠汵⽴捡≥਻慶⁲湡敧晬物彥敭扭牥灟条⁥‽產瑬愯散琯祯瑟污彫㘰㤰㐱栮浴≬਻慶⁲湡敧晬物彥慲楴杮彳慨桳㴠∠㜱㜲㔲㜶㐸㠺㝢㔶〲摤㉣㘰㈷愰敤㉥㠲昸换㐶敢≡਻瘊牡氠捹獯慟彤慣整潧祲㴠笠搢潭≺∺潳楣瑥屹爯汥瑡潩獮楨獰Ⱒ漢瑮牡敧≴∺䌦呁昽浡汩╹〲湡╤〲楬敦瑳汹獥䰦䌲呁爽汥瑡潩獮楨獰Ⱒ昢湩彤桷瑡㨢瀢牡獩索਻瘊牡氠捹獯慟彤敲潭整慟摤⁲‽㈢㤰㈮㈰㈮㐴㤮㬢瘊牡氠捹獯慟彤睷彷敳癲牥㴠∠睷⹷湡敧晬物⹥祬潣⹳潣≭਻慶⁲摥瑩獟瑩彥牵‽眢睷愮杮汥楦敲氮捹獯挮浯氯湡楤杮氯湡楤杮琮灭㽬瑵彭潳牵散栽畯敳甦浴浟摥畩㵭慬摮湩灧条♥瑵彭慣灭楡湧琽潯扬牡楬歮㬢ਊ⼼捳楲瑰ਾ猼牣灩⁴祴数∽整瑸樯癡獡牣灩≴猠捲∽瑨灴㩳⼯捳楲瑰⹳祬潣⹳潣⽭慣浴湡椯楮⹴獪㸢⼼捳楲瑰ਾ㰊捳楲瑰琠灹㵥琧硥⽴慪慶捳楲瑰㸧 慶⁲潧杯敬慴⁧‽潧杯敬慴⁧籼笠㭽 潧杯敬慴⹧浣⁤‽潧杯敬慴⹧浣⁤籼嬠㭝 昨湵瑣潩⡮
ਫ††✠⼯睷⹷潧杯敬慴獧牥楶散⹳潣⽭慴⽧獪术瑰樮❳਻†瘠牡渠摯⁥‽潤畣敭瑮朮瑥汅浥湥獴祂慔乧浡⡥猧牣灩❴嬩崰਻†渠摯⹥慰敲瑮潎敤椮獮牥䉴晥牯⡥慧獤‬潮敤㬩 ⥽⤨਻⼼捳楲瑰ਾਊ猼牣灩⁴祴数✽整瑸樯癡獡牣灩❴ਾ朠潯汧瑥条挮摭瀮獵⡨畦据楴湯⤨笠 †潧杯敬慴⹧敤楦敮汓瑯✨㤯㤵㌶㤵⼶乁彇〳砰㔲弰晤❰‬㍛〰‬㔲崰‬搧癩札瑰愭ⵤ㐱〵〲㐷㐸㜰ⴰ✰⸩摡卤牥楶散木潯汧瑥条瀮扵摡⡳⤩਻†朠潯汧瑥条攮慮汢卥牥楶散⡳㬩 ⥽਻⼼捳楲瑰ਾ㰊捳楲瑰琠灹㵥琧硥⽴慪慶捳楲瑰㸧 潧杯敬慴⹧浣⹤異桳昨湵瑣潩⡮
੻†朠潯汧瑥条搮晥湩卥潬⡴⼧㔹㘹㔳㘹䄯䝎慟潢敶㝟㠲㥸弰晤❰‬㝛㠲‬〹ⱝ✠楤⵶灧⵴摡ㄭ㔴㈰㜰㠴〴〷ㄭ⤧愮摤敓癲捩⡥潧杯敬慴⹧異慢獤⤨㬩 †潧杯敬慴⹧湥扡敬敓癲捩獥⤨਻素㬩㰊猯牣灩㹴ਊ猼牣灩⁴祴数✽整瑸樯癡獡牣灩❴ਾ朠潯汧瑥条挮摭瀮獵⡨畦据楴湯⤨笠 †潧杯敬慴⹧敤楦敮汓瑯✨㤯㤵㌶㤵⼶乁彇敢潬彷㈷堸〹摟灦Ⱗ嬠㈷ⰸ㤠崰‬搧癩札瑰愭ⵤ㐱〵〲㐷㐸㜰ⴰ✲⸩摡卤牥楶散木潯汧瑥条瀮扵摡⡳⤩਻†朠潯汧瑥条攮慮汢卥牥楶散⡳㬩 ⥽਻⼼捳楲瑰ਾਊ猼牣灩⁴祴数∽整瑸樯癡獡牣灩≴ਾ昨湵瑣潩⡮獩⥖笠 †椠⁦ℨ獩⥖笠 †††爠瑥牵㭮 †素ਊ††⼯桴獩氮捹獯獟慥捲彨畱牥⁹‽祬潣彳敧彴敳牡档牟晥牥敲⡲㬩 †瘠牡愠䵤牧㴠渠睥䄠䵤湡条牥⤨਻††慶⁲祬潣彳牰摯獟瑥㴠愠䵤牧挮潨獯健潲畤瑣敓⡴㬩 †瘠牡猠潬獴㴠嬠氢慥敤扲慯摲Ⱒ∠敬摡牥潢牡㉤Ⱒ∠潴汯慢彲浩条≥‬琢潯扬牡瑟硥≴‬猢慭汬潢≸‬琢灯灟潲潭Ⱒ∠潦瑯牥∲∬汳摩牥崢਻††慶⁲摡慃⁴‽桴獩氮捹獯慟彤慣整潧祲਻††摡杍⹲敳䙴牯散偤牡浡✨慰敧Ⱗ⠠摡慃⁴☦愠䍤瑡搮潭⥺㼠愠䍤瑡搮潭⁺›洧浥敢❲㬩ਊ††晩⠠桴獩氮捹獯獟慥捲彨畱牥⥹笠 †††愠䵤牧献瑥潆捲摥慐慲⡭欢祥潷摲Ⱒ琠楨⹳祬潣彳敳牡档煟敵祲㬩 †素ਠ††汥敳椠⁦愨䍤瑡☠…摡慃⹴楦摮睟慨⥴笠 †††愠䵤牧献瑥潆捲摥慐慲⡭欧祥潷摲Ⱗ愠䍤瑡昮湩彤桷瑡㬩 †素ਊ††潦⁲瘨牡猠椠汳瑯⥳笠 †††瘠牡猠潬⁴‽汳瑯孳嵳਻††††晩⠠摡杍⹲獩汓瑯癁楡慬汢⡥汳瑯⤩笠 †††††琠楨⹳祬潣彳摡獛潬嵴㴠愠䵤牧朮瑥汓瑯猨潬⥴਻††††੽††੽ਊ††摡杍⹲敲摮牥效摡牥⤨਻††摡杍⹲敲摮牥潆瑯牥⤨਻⡽昨湵瑣潩⡮
੻††慶⁲⁷‽ⰰ栠㴠〠‬業楮畭呭牨獥潨摬㴠㌠〰਻††晩⠠潴⁰㴽猠汥⥦笠 †††爠瑥牵牴敵਻††੽ †椠⁦琨灹潥⡦楷摮睯椮湮牥楗瑤⥨㴠‽渧浵敢❲⤠笠 †††眠㴠眠湩潤⹷湩敮坲摩桴਻††††⁨‽楷摮睯椮湮牥效杩瑨਻††੽††汥敳椠⁦搨捯浵湥⹴潤畣敭瑮汅浥湥⁴☦⠠潤畣敭瑮搮捯浵湥䕴敬敭瑮挮楬湥坴摩桴簠⁼潤畣敭瑮搮捯浵湥䕴敬敭瑮挮楬湥䡴楥桧⥴
੻††††⁷‽潤畣敭瑮搮捯浵湥䕴敬敭瑮挮楬湥坴摩桴਻††††⁨‽潤畣敭瑮搮捯浵湥䕴敬敭瑮挮楬湥䡴楥桧㭴 †素 †攠獬⁥晩⠠潤畣敭瑮戮摯⁹☦⠠潤畣敭瑮戮摯⹹汣敩瑮楗瑤⁨籼搠捯浵湥⹴潢祤挮楬湥䡴楥桧⥴
੻††††⁷‽潤畣敭瑮戮摯⹹汣敩瑮楗瑤㭨 †††栠㴠搠捯浵湥⹴潢祤挮楬湥䡴楥桧㭴 †素ਊ††敲畴湲⠠眨㸠洠湩浩浵桔敲桳汯⥤☠…栨㸠洠湩浩浵桔敲桳汯⥤㬩紊⤨⤩㬩ਊਊ楷摮睯漮汮慯⁤‽畦据楴湯⤨笠 †瘠牡映㴠搠捯浵湥⹴敧䕴敬敭瑮祂摉∨祬潣䙳潯整䅲≤㬩 †瘠牡戠㴠搠捯浵湥⹴敧䕴敬敭瑮䉳呹条慎敭∨潢祤⤢せ㭝 †戠愮灰湥䍤楨摬昨㬩 †映献祴敬搮獩汰祡㴠∠汢捯≫਻††潤畣敭瑮朮瑥汅浥湥䉴䥹⡤氧捹獯潆瑯牥摁䙩慲敭⤧献捲㴠✠愯浤愯⽤潦瑯牥摁椮牦浡⹥瑨汭㬧ਊ††⼯匠楬敤⁲湉敪瑣潩੮††昨湵瑣潩⡮
੻††††慶⁲⁥‽潤畣敭瑮挮敲瑡䕥敬敭瑮✨晩慲敭⤧਻††††⹥瑳汹⹥潢摲牥㴠✠✰਻††††⹥瑳汹⹥慭杲湩㴠〠਻††††⹥瑳汹⹥楤灳慬⁹‽戧潬正㬧 †††攠献祴敬挮獳汆慯⁴‽爧杩瑨㬧 †††攠献祴敬栮楥桧⁴‽㈧㐵硰㬧 †††攠献祴敬漮敶晲潬⁷‽栧摩敤❮਻††††⹥瑳汹⹥慰摤湩⁧‽㬰 †††攠献祴敬眮摩桴㴠✠〳瀰❸਻††⥽⤨਻ਊ††⼯䈠瑯潴摁䤠橮捥楴湯 †⠠映湵瑣潩⡮
੻††††慶⁲⁢‽潤畣敭瑮朮瑥汅浥湥獴祂慔乧浡⡥戢摯≹嬩崰਻ †††瘠牡椠晩㴠搠捯浵湥⹴牣慥整汅浥湥⡴椧牦浡❥㬩 †††椠晩献祴敬戮牯敤⁲‽〧㬧 †††椠晩献祴敬洮牡楧‽㬰 †††椠晩献祴敬搮獩汰祡㴠✠汢捯❫਻††††楩⹦瑳汹⹥獣䙳潬瑡㴠✠楲桧❴਻††††楩⹦瑳汹⹥敨杩瑨㴠✠㔲瀴❸਻††††楩⹦瑳汹⹥癯牥汦睯㴠✠楨摤湥㬧 †††椠晩献祴敬瀮摡楤杮㴠〠਻††††楩⹦瑳汹⹥楷瑤⁨‽㌧〰硰㬧 †††椠晩献捲㴠✠愯浤愯⽤湩敪瑣摁椮牦浡⹥瑨汭㬧 †††ਠ††††慶⁲摣癩㴠搠捯浵湥⹴牣慥整汅浥湥⡴搧癩⤧਻††††摣癩献祴敬㴠∠楷瑤㩨〳瀰㭸慭杲湩ㄺ瀰⁸畡潴∻਻††††摣癩愮灰湥䍤楨摬
楩⁦㬩 †††椠⡦戠⤠ †††笠 †††††戠椮獮牥䉴晥牯⡥摣癩‬⹢慬瑳桃汩⥤਻††††੽††⥽⤨਻紊ਊ㰊猯牣灩㹴ਊ猼祴敬ਾ戣摯⁹愮䍤湥整䍲慬獳笠 洠牡楧㩮‰畡潴਻†楤灳慬㩹汢捯椡灭牯慴瑮਻†癯牥汦睯栺摩敤㭮 眠摩桴ㄺ〰㬥紊⌊潢祤⸠摡敃瑮牥汃獡⁳愣彤潣瑮楡敮⁲੻†楤灳慬㩹汢捯椡灭牯慴瑮਻†汦慯㩴敬瑦਻†楷瑤㩨㈷瀸㭸紊䀊敭楤⁡洨湩眭摩桴›㘷瀸⥸笠 㰠ⴡ‭潆⁲〳瀰⁸牯氠獥⁳摡⁳乏奌ⴠ㸭 ⌠潢祤⸠摡敃瑮牥汃獡⁳愣彤潣瑮楡敮⁲੻††楷瑤㩨挠污⡣〱┰ⴠ㌠㈷硰㬩 素紊䀊敭楤⁡洨湩眭摩桴›ㄱ〱硰
੻†ℼⴭ䘠牯㜠㠲硰漠⁲敬獳愠獤ⴠ㸭 ⌠潢祤⸠摡敃瑮牥汃獡⁳愣彤潣瑮楡敮⁲੻††楷瑤㩨挠污⡣〱┰ⴠ㌠㈷硰㬩 素紊ਊ⼼瑳汹㹥ਊ搼癩猠祴敬∽慢正牧畯摮⌺扡㙥㙦※潢摲牥戭瑯潴㩭瀱⁸潳楬⁤㔣㜰㡡㬷瀠獯瑩潩㩮敲慬楴敶※⵺湩敤㩸㤹㤹㤹∹ਾ †㰠楤⁶汣獡㵳愢䍤湥整䍲慬獳㸢 †††㰠⁡牨晥∽瑨灴㩳⼯睷⹷湡敧晬物⹥祬潣⹳潣⽭•楴汴㵥䄢杮汥楦敲挮浯›畢汩⁤潹牵映敲⁥敷獢瑩⁥潴慤ⅹ•瑳汹㵥搢獩汰祡戺潬正※汦慯㩴敬瑦※楷瑤㩨㠱瀶㭸戠牯敤㩲∰ਾ†††††椼杭猠捲∽愯浤愯⽤湡敧晬物ⵥ牦敥摁樮杰•污㵴匢瑩⁥潨瑳摥戠⁹湁敧晬物⹥潣㩭䈠極摬礠畯⁲牦敥眠扥楳整琠摯祡∡猠祴敬∽楤灳慬㩹汢捯㭫戠牯敤㩲∰⼠ਾ††††⼼㹡 †††㰠楤⁶摩∽摡损湯慴湩牥㸢 †††††㰠捳楲瑰琠灹㵥琢硥⽴慪慶捳楲瑰㸢潤畣敭瑮眮楲整氨捹獯慟孤氧慥敤扲慯摲崧㬩⼼捳楲瑰ਾ††††⼼楤㹶 †㰠搯癩ਾ⼼楤㹶ਊℼⴭ⼠⼯⼯⼯⼯⼯⼯⼯⼯⼯⼯⼯⼯⼯⼯⼯⼯⼯⼯ⴠ㸭㰊捳楲瑰琠灹㵥琢硥⽴慪慶捳楲瑰㸢潤畣敭瑮眮楲整氨捹獯慟孤猧楬敤❲⥝㰻猯牣灩㹴ਊ㰊楤⁶摩∽祬潣䙳潯整䅲≤猠祴敬∽慢正牧畯摮⌺扡㙥㙦※潢摲牥琭灯ㄺ硰猠汯摩⌠〵愷㜸※汣慥㩲潢桴※楤灳慬㩹潮敮※潰楳楴湯爺汥瑡癩㭥稠椭摮硥㤺㤹㤹㤹㸢㰊楤⁶汣獡㵳愢䍤湥整䍲慬獳•瑳汹㵥搢獩汰祡戺潬正椡灭牯慴瑮※癯牥汦睯栺摩敤㭮眠摩桴㤺㘳硰∻ਾ㰉楤⁶摩∽晡楬歮桳汯敤≲猠祴敬∽汦慯㩴敬瑦※楷瑤㩨㠱瀶㭸㸢 †††㰠⁡牨晥∽瑨灴㩳⼯睷⹷湡敧晬物⹥祬潣⹳潣⽭•楴汴㵥䄢杮汥楦敲挮浯›畢汩⁤潹牵映敲⁥敷獢瑩⁥潴慤ⅹ•瑳汹㵥搢獩汰祡戺潬正※潢摲牥〺㸢 †††††㰠浩⁧牳㵣⼢摡⽭摡愯杮汥楦敲昭敲䅥㉤樮杰•污㵴匢瑩⁥潨瑳摥戠⁹湁敧晬物⹥潣㩭䈠極摬礠畯⁲牦敥眠扥楳整琠摯祡∡猠祴敬∽楤灳慬㩹汢捯㭫戠牯敤㩲∰⼠ਾ††††⼼㹡 †㰠搯癩ਾ††椼牦浡⁥摩∽祬潣䙳潯整䅲楤牆浡≥猠祴敬∽潢摲牥〺※楤灳慬㩹汢捯㭫映潬瑡氺晥㭴栠楥桧㩴㘹硰※癯牥汦睯栺摩敤㭮瀠摡楤杮〺※楷瑤㩨㔷瀰≸㰾椯牦浡㹥㰊搯癩ਾ⼼楤㹶ਊ㰊ⴡⴭ唠䑎剅佄䵇䑅䅉䔠䝄彅祬潣⹳潣慊慶捓楲瑰䄠䍄䑏⁅呓剁ⵔⴭਾ猼牣灩⁴慤慴挭慦祳据∽慦獬≥氠湡畧条㵥樢癡獡牣灩≴愠祳据猠捲∽⼯摵獭牥敶渮瑥甯浤椯杭昮瑥档猿摩ㄽ㜷㐵琻摩ㄽ搻㵴㬶㸢⼼捳楲瑰ਾℼⴭ‭乕䕄䑒䝏䕍䥄⁁䑅䕇江捹獯挮浯䨠癡卡牣灩⁴䑁佃䕄䔠䑎ⴭ㸭ਊ