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Sure, I'm the kind of girl that likes deep penetration . . . that is, I like penetrating your flesh deeply with my stinger.


Red Lobster put out a $10,000 bounty on my head.

Ferocious arthropods that can be encountered in Sir-Tech Software's 1988 Wizardry V: Heart of The Maelstrom Apple II/Commodore 64 roleplaying video game (it was also later ported to various other computer platforms and home consoles, including the Super Nintendo Entertainment System/Super Famicom in 1994, and it is also found on some of the Wizardry compilation packs). While similar in appearance, Lady Stingers are not true scorpions (the game already has distinct Giant Scorpion creatures that fill that role).

When compared to the game's monster population as a whole, Lady Stingers are a minor threat. They can be slain relatively easily, even by a party of Level 1 adventurers, and are only found on the first and second floors of the game's dungeon. A Lady Stinger's barbed tail looks quite intimidating, but the creature is not poisonous (or, if it does possess a toxin, it has a negligible effect on humans and demihumans). The tail can, however, deliver nasty, and, on rare occasions, fatal, puncture wounds--particularly if it pierces a vital area. While said appendage is the monster's primary offensive weapon, a Lady Stinger can also bite and rake with its' claws.

Newsprint, tissue paper, white glue, super glue, and acrylic paint.

3.1 cm/1.2 in. x 3.3 cm/1.3 in. (widest point x highest point)

Three days: September 5-8, 2010 (no work was performed on the 6th).

Lady Stinger photo collage.

For comparison/informational purposes, below is a screenshot of some Lady Stingers from the SNES version of Wizardry V: Heart of The Maelstrom:

Bitter over its respressive religious upbringing, a Lady Stinger attempts to take out its frustration on my unimaginatively-named dwarven cleric, 'CLERIC'.

(In no particular order of importance.)

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Any and all copyrighted imagery, terminology, etc., depicted here belongs to its respective holders/owners, namely Sir Tech Software.
The background stone image is a fill pattern from the GIMP computer art program that I edited.