ÿþ<html> <head> <title>Wizardry Side Story II: Curse of the Ancient Emperor Papercraft Diorama</title> <meta content="Mark Patraw" name=Author> <meta content="Images of, and information about, a papercraft diorama of a Maelific battle scene from ASCII's 1992 Wizardry Side Story II: Curse of the Ancient Emperor Nintendo Gameboy roleplaying video game, made by Mark Patraw." name=Description> <meta content="diorama,papercraft,Wizardry,Gaiden,Curse of the Ancient Emperor,Maelific,ASCII,Sir-Tech Software,rpg,monster,creature,fan art,figure,miniature,sculpture,model,toy,Mark Patraw." name="Keywords"> </head> <body text=white link=e5ad6b bgcolor=black background="http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y196/kramwartap/SotD/WZD_CotAE_entrance_zpsa4200690.png~original" bgproperties=fixed> <br> <br> <table width=85% align=center cellpadding=10 border=10 bgcolor=3f1d04 bordercolor=a24603> <tr> <td> <center> <font size=5><b>¦0£0¶0ü0É0ê0£0û0YOII:<br>äSãN‡v^n0jTD0</b></font> <br> <br> <center><img src="http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y196/kramwartap/SotD/WZD_CotAE_logo_zps4198d2da.gif~original"> <br> <br> <br> <br> <font size="7"><b><i>Papercraft Diorama</font><br><font size=5>(Party vs. Maelific)</i></b></font> <br> <br> <EMBED src="WZD_CotAE_battle.mid" width="0" height="0" autostart="true" loop="true" hidden="true"></center> <br> <p align=center><img src="http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y196/kramwartap/kramwartap003/WZD_CotAE_maelific_diorama_pivot2_zpse86ff532.gif~original" border=10></p></center> <br> <p align=left> For my fifth video game papercraft diorama, I selected a battle scene from ASCII's 1992 <i>Wizardry Side Story II: Curse of the Ancient Emperor</i> [original Japanese title: ¦0£0¶0ü0É0ê0£0û0YOII:äSãN‡v^n0jTD0 (<i>Uiza-dorii Gaiden II: Kodai Koutei no Noroi</i>)]. Said game was recently fan-translated into English--while I didn't do any work whatsoever on the actual hacking/reprogramming side of things (I don't know the first thing about that kind of stuff), I was credited with a consulting role, as the team utilized the monster and item translations that I had done, some time ago, for my <a href="http://www.angelfire.com/ult/ace/wizardry_CotAE_bestiary.html">colorized bestiary/guide</a> for said title. <br> <br> <center><img src="http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y196/kramwartap/kramwartap003/WZD_CotAE_hacking_credits_zps8eae998b.png~original" border=3></center> <br> Here's the reference screenshot I worked from. Note that it's from the original, official Japanese version, the katakana characters, at the top left, Þ0¤0ë0Ã0Õ0£0¯0, spell out Maelific's name in Japanese phonetics, which romanizes as "Mairufikku". My party member's names are in English, because the game gives you the choice of using hiragana, katakana, or the English alphabet when you name them. I also edited out the plus sign, after BishopG's name, which indicates that he's equipped with an item that provides hit point regeneration, to give the party's names/stats a more consistent look. If you're curious, the "G" in BishopG's name stands for "Good", as in Good alignment. The Bishop character class must be of either Good or Evil alignment, not Neutral--the gods don't like fence-sitters--and I often create a Bishop of each alignment, for use in respectively-aligned parties, hence the "G" or "E" to tell them apart at a glance. <br> <br> <center><img src="http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y196/kramwartap/kramwartap003/WZD_CotAE_maelific_screen_zps5aeec337.png~original" border=3></center> <br> Maelific is a powerful Level 25 undead demon that can only be encountered in the final level of the dungeon as a random sub-boss. I'd speculate that he's the <i>Wizardry</i> equivalent of <i>Dungeons & Dragons</i>' Orcus, although, physically, he more closely resembles Pazuzu. Maelific has a -12 Armor Class and 85% (Mage)/95% (Priest) magic resistance, so successfully dealing damage to this dread creature is no easy task. Maelific has completely mastered the Mage school of magic (in other words, he knows all seven levels), so expect to be on the receiving end of the devastating Tiltowait (nuclear blast) and Mawxiwtz spells (greater prismatic spray). In addition to dealing 46-104 point of damage, his physical attacks can cause poisoning, paralysis, and permanently drain three levels of experience. Maelific also possesses a poisonous breath attack that affects the entire party. The monster is an extremely deadly foe, but, as he's undead, if you can manage to get the Level 6 Mage spell Zilwan past his magic resistance, Maelific can be instantly slain. <br> <br> The decision to make this diorama was actually a result of my failure to make the steel latticed columns in my <i>Operation C</i> diorama the way that I wanted to. Because I ended up wasting all the graphics I had initially printed for said columns, trying out different designs, I needed to produce some more in order to finish that project. <br> <br> <center><img src="http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y196/kramwartap/kramwartap003/OPC_papercraft_fab05_zps21bd9a29.jpg~original" border=3></center> <br> As it would have been a waste to just print out nothing but the column graphics (two copies, in case I messed up again), I also put the components for this simple <i>Wizardry Side Story II: Curse of the Ancient Emperor</i> Maelific battle diorama on there, the fifteen characters, two pets, and three item drops from <i>Samurai Shodown</i> (<i>±qØ• µ0à0é0¤0¹0Ô0ê0Ã0Ä0</i> or <i>Nettou Samurai Supiritsu</i>, which romanizes as <i>Fierce Fighting: Samurai Spirits</i>), and, finally, the twelve fighters from <i>Fatal Fury 2</i> (<i>±qØ• ™ür O¬Š2 B0‰0_0j0‹0 _0_0K0D0</i> or <i>Nettou Garou Densetsu 2, Aratanaru Tatakai</i>, which romanizes as "Fierce Fighting: Legend of the Hungry Wolf 2, The New Battle", which was never released outside of Japan). It took some creative arranging, but I squeezed all of that stuff onto one piece of paper! <br> <br> <center><img src="http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y196/kramwartap/kramwartap003/sheet-3_zps0c5ec082.png~original" border=3></center> <br> As this was a relatively quick/easy project (start-to-finish, it only took part of the day), I didn't take any progress/construction photos this time. I separated the Maelific sprite into several layers/components, glued those back together, with spacers in between them, to give him some depth, and turned the party member names and hit points list into a box-within-a box to make it more visually interesting in 3-dimensional space. <br> <br> Here's the finished result: <br> <br> <center><img src="http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y196/kramwartap/kramwartap003/WZD_CotAE_maelific_diorama_zpsf77dcdd7.jpg~original" border=3></center> <br> Group shot of all the Gameboy papercraft dioramas I've made to date: <br> <br> <center><img src="http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y196/kramwartap/kramwartap003/dioramas_062414_zps9e98660e.jpg~original" border=3></center> <br> <br> </center> <hr width=650 size=3> <p align=center><b><font size=+1 >Materials:</font></b> <br> Cardboard, game graphics printed out on white paper, white glue, newsprint, and permanent marker.</p></p> <p align=center><b><font size=+1 >Dimensions:</b></font> <br> 8.5 cm (3.3") x 7.6 cm (3.0") <i> [widest point x highest point]</i></p> <p align=center><b><font size=+1 >Time:</font></b> <br> Part of the day on June 22, 2014.</p> <hr width=650 size=3> <br> <br> <center><font size=+1 ><b>REFERENCES:</b><br></font></center> <br> <li>&nbsp;&nbsp;Emonoya <i>Wizardry Side Story II: Curse of the Ancient Emperor</i> <a href="http://www.pekori.jp/~emonoya/monster/g2/g2m_7.html">bestiary (Japanese)</a>. </li> <br> <li>&nbsp;&nbsp;Mark's Art Page <i>Wizardry Side Story II: Curse of the Ancient Emperor</i> <a href="http://www.angelfire.com/ult/ace/wizardry_CotAE_bestiary.html">color bestiary (mine)</a>. </li> <br> <li>&nbsp;&nbsp;<i>Wizardry Side Story II: Curse of the Ancient Emperor</i></a> Gameboy video game.</li> <br> <br> <br> <br> <p align=center><a href="wizardry_index.html"><font size="5">&laquo; Return to my Wizardry Video Game Fan Art Gallery Index</a></font> <br> <br> <br> <font size="2"><i>This is a nonprofit web site. <br> <br> Any and all copyrighted imagery, terminology, etc., depicted on this page belongs to its respective holders/owners, namely ASCII and Sir-Tech Software. <br> <br> The repeating background graphic is the dungeon entrance from Wizardry Gaiden II: Curse of the Ancient Emperor that I digitally colored. <br> <br> The midi music playing is the "battle" theme from Wizardry Side Story II: Curse of the Ancient Emperor.</i></p> </td> </tr> </table> </body> <br> <br> </html>
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