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Welcome to the new home of The Peppermint Patty Connection
    This introduction appears in issue #2 of The Peppermint patty Connection.

    Here in humble Gilroy, California, a teenaged kid can be a drawn completely a blank for things to do. Noticing that we have volatile political agendas, sort of, and a lot of stuff on our minds, Gregg and I decided to compile this nifty little idea. Gregg, having previous knowledge with making zines, and I have no experience whatsoever in this art form, joined forces and made
The Peppermint Patty Connection!
    We decided to name it after Peppermint Patty from the Peanuts comics because we always loved her for seeming like a bit of a lesbian. Her personality and alternative lifestyle-attitude are kind of what we wanted to bring to the publication, plus, she wears Birkenstocks. And the way there seems to be a subtle romance between she and Marcy is just divine. Definitely one of my favorite lesbian couples.

    So, once the idea was conceived, we started writing things and finding stuff to put into it. It actually took us over a year to complete the first issue. We werent really concentrating on it all that hard in the beginning. But once we finished all 17 pages, and printed it, we discovered that people love them and the darned things sold like hotcakes! Thus, we quickly began putting together a second issue. So here it is, the wonderful issue number 2.

Enjoy! Natalie, co-editor



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