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IB Criteria

IB Candidates




Helpful Tips and Facts




What is IB?

IB stands for International Baccalaureate and is a program offered at certain schools only. IB is a rigorous program much like AP (Advance Placement). But unlike AP, IB is a program that focuses on all subjects instead of one. IB is recognized all around the world and if you obtain an IB diploma, colleges around the world will recognize you better.

IB Coordinator
IB Diploma
CPH Associate
IB Certificate

IB Coordinator

Ms. Leary is the IB coordinator, if you have any questions concerning IB, contact her at DON'T ASK YOUR COUNSELOR. One huge mistake that students make is that they ask their school counselor about IB and the counselor usually gives the wrong information because they don't really know much about IB. The bottom line is ask Ms. Leary or e-mail her about any concerns that deals with IB.

IB Diploma

An IB Diploma candidate is what IB recognizes. An IB diploma qualifies you to get accepted into colleges around the world, but, does not guarantee it. An IB diploma is similar to taking several AP classes plus some additional work. You would need three SL (Standard Level) classes that are one-year IB classes (for info click here) and three HL (Higher Level) classes, which are two-year IB classes (for info click here). Plus, in addition to the classes, you have to pass the exams at the end of the school year for each of the IB classes and get a certain amount of points. The possible amounts of points on the exams are 0-7. The standard is trying to aim for a 4 or higher on the exam, but a 3 is still passing. If you get a 0-2 on the exams, you automatically are disqualified for an IB Diploma. Other than taking the right classes and passing the exams with the right amount of points, you have serve 150 hours of CAS hours (community service). Plus, you would have to write an Extended Essay consisting of 4,000 words on a theory of some sort and also take the class Theory of Knowledge.

CPH Associate

A CPH Associate candidate is recognized here at Castle Park. Consisting of at least one HL (Higher Level) class and at least two SL (Standard Level) classes, you can obtain a CPH Associate. Although IB only considers this as a Certificate, you would still be recognized for doing some of the hard work that an IB Diploma candidate would do. You would also need at least 75 hours of CAS (community service) and take the TOK class. No Extended Essay is required.

IB Certificate

An IB Certificate means you do not qualify for an IB Diploma but you are still taking IB classes and exams. If you don't take three SL classes and three HL classes, then you don't qualify as an IB Diploma and you're just considered an IB Certificate. But, if you take enough IB classes and exams, you can still be a CPH Associate.

