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Big Country Wind Riders Rally
Ft. Richardson State Park


Rat Trike trophy winner.



Vern and his trike

This trike from San Diego, CA took "People's Choice" Trophy  and the 1st Place Trophy in Metal Body Class


Marty's Trike

This trike took 1st Place in the Fiberglass Class


Wind Rider from Oklahoma

New club banner.


Ice Delivery.


Danny and Vickie

Ed and trike


Oscar's trike



Firing up the Grill

The cook




























Quilt made by Carol

Quilt was being raffled off. 














The event was held at
Ft Richardson State Park



Raffle is about to begin. 


Waiting for the band to start playing.



Cooking hot dogs and hamburgers. 


Trophy winners.



BTW hooked rug
made by Vern

Group shot.

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