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Tori's House

All About Me Now

My name is Victoria, my family and some friends call me Vickie and other friends call me Tori. I am 17. I was born on the 4th of July. YAY!

I have one sister Jessica, she is 8 years older then me and she is married to a former Army guy, they have one little girl and a new baby boy on the way.

My father Charles died in 1999, I was daddy's little girl. My Mother Debbie is the best mother ever. If it wasn't for her keeping me in line no telling were I would be at right now.

I was born in Arkansas and raised there most of my life until my sister and her husband Michael asked us to move to Texas and be close to here we are in San Antonio, we have been living here for three years, we like it here and plan to stay.

The Latest News On Me

My love life is kinda crazy if you ask me but, I guess your not asking I'm just telling you. After being with this guy for almost 6 and a half months we broke up for good. It was a hard break up but better now then later, right? Recently one of my very good friends told me how he feels about me and that he has felt this way for me since he got to know me, he told me how much he cared and when I'm ready later down the road he would like to change our friendship to much more.. that scares me because it seems like everytime I let someone in I get hurt so all I could say was I need time to deal with this last break up so I don't use him as a rebound .. Guess we'll see how it goes..

Kailee Jo

Kailee Jo is my Pride and joy. She is my sister Jessica only child at the moment. Her daddy Michael loves her more then anything in the world. Yankee by birth, Southern by the Grace of God. She is the cutest little Cowgirl ever. She turned 4 in August. She is growing up so fast. I would do anything in the world for her if I could.

I am a real easy going person I love to hang with all my friends so I'm usually out with friends, or on the phone with my best friend Brandi (she has been my best friend for 13 years).

I like almost all music. I'll try almost anything. I don't know I'm just real laid back.

I know I've done so many people wrong even the one's I love the most, I know I can't take that back either. If you are one of the people I have hurt I'm sorry. I'm trying to turn my life around now and make the best of it that I can.

Oh before I stop I want to say that I'm in a 12 step program and it has saved my life from drugs. I would just like to thank PDAP for showing me the light and God for being by my side and never giving up on me.

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Top Thing's In My Life

  • Family
  • PDAP
  • School

My Favorite Web Sites

Country Music
Rock Music
Rap/Hip Hop Music
