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The Z Files

Thurdsay, June 24th, 2004

Haha, and we're back. Sorry all for the period of hiatus, but... let's just say I chose the wrong isp. Note to all of you: FreeWebs SUCKS. All new stuff is going to be on here... until I either a) piss Angelfire off or b) they piss me off. What, you think I'm going to pay to subject you all to my twisted world perspective? Ha! To all you new people, here's the original intro paragraph from the original site.

Well, here we are... the *ahem* grand opening of... The Z Files *cue dramatic music*.

This site is all about my views and thoughts on just about everything. If you disagree with me on anything, that's great. It's my views and my opinions, and if you don't like them, don't read them.

That aside, this will be home to everything I'm interested in, ranging from political rants and raves to game/movie reviews. I have a lot of free time on my hands so check up on me when you can, because chances are I changed something.