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Africa Bag Report

A WebQuest for 9th grade World Geography Students

Designed by

Stacey Coffman

Introduction| Task | Process| Evaluation| Conclusion| Credits| Teacher Page


Did you know that Africa is a continent and not a country? There are actually 53 countries on the continent of Africa. How are they alike? Different? If you were asked to sit down and talk about a few of them could you do it? Once you complete your expedition you will be the expert! As your country's expert you will discover amazing facts about your selected country. You will then present your findings to the class in the form of a bag report.

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The Task

Your group will study one African country in depth and create a bag report. Your brown grocery sack should be decorated to reflect what the group has learned about your country. You will then select five items to place in the bag to use as visual aids when presenting the bag report to the class.

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The Process

The class will be divided into groups of four.

  • The group will choose one of the following African countries. Countries may be used only once per class period. Egypt, South Africa, Libya, Nigeria, Uganda, The Ivory Coast, Tanzania, Zimbabwe, Rwanda, Congo, Botswana, Liberia, Madagascar
  • The students will decide the topic each of them will take from the following choices: Topography and Cities (major geographical features, climate, capital, major cities) - Culture (population description, interesting sites, political situation) - Economy (per capita GNP, natural resources, exports, imports, how they make their money) - Activities (sports, fun to do and see, festivals, any interesting holidays)
  • Study Internet sites and other resources for information on your topic.
  • Meet with your group and decorate your grocery sack. Your sack should reflect what you, as a group, have learned about your country.
  • Meet with your group and decide what five items your group will place in your bag and decide who will bring what item.
  • Gather the items from your home and put them in your bag.
  • You will study the Internet sites for your selected African country and answer the questions for your selected role.

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Each group will receive a common grade for their bag report. It will be counted as a test grade and will be graded using a rubric.

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You are now the expert for your African country!

Your group has:

  • chosen a country
  • decided which topic each group member would take
  • researched your country using the internet and other resources
  • decorated your group's grocery sack
  • decided on and placed five items in your bag

You are now ready to present your newfound knowledge to the class!

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Credits & References

Try these really cool animated sites:

Animal Clip Art
Free Gifs and Animation
Best Animated Animals

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Based on a template from The WebQuest Page