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NTZemiro: listen to "here comes the sun" by the beatles, it will make you feel better:-P
Italy37612: no
NTZemiro: fine
NTZemiro: u can burn in hell now
NTZemiro: hehe
Italy37612: stfu
NTZemiro: if u dont like the beatles u must have a mental illness
Italy37612: I do

NTZemiro: dont tell ben to fuck me u fuck, if u wanna fuck me, tell me to my face:-D
Italy37612: Fine then fuck you
NTZemiro: ( ! )
NTZemiro: ^
Italy37612: What
NTZemiro: nm
NTZemiro: listen to hey jude, or imagine
Italy37612: uh huh
NTZemiro: how good are u at pool
NTZemiro: honestly
Italy37612: Im ok
Italy37612: I dont play that much, used to
Italy37612: But I dont like it anymore
NTZemiro: well its more fun than u think
Italy37612: Not really
NTZemiro: when was the last time u played
Italy37612: Like 6 months ago
NTZemiro: its like playing a computer game that u havent played in a long time and u really dont want to cuz u think it isnt that fun, i know the feeling, but once u play like 5 minutes, u get sucked in again
NTZemiro: so come onnnnnnnnnnnn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Italy37612: Kinda like Jedi Knight
Italy37612: Which I hadnt played for a year
NTZemiro: yeah, and then u got tired of it again
Italy37612: Tried playing it again got bored of it afer an hour
NTZemiro: but this is pool
Italy37612: Which is what will happen with pool
NTZemiro: no it wont
Italy37612: Im about 90% sure it will
NTZemiro: u know damn well, if pool got boring after a few times, NO ONE WOULD THINK ITS A GOOD GAME

Italy37612: And the other 10% is only if some hot girl shows up and plays nude
NTZemiro: sean u are hopeless
Italy37612: No I just don't like poop
Italy37612: pool*
Italy37612: lol
Italy37612: Why don't you play basketball then?
NTZemiro: becuase i have a stubbed middle toe on my right foot, with puss coming out, i dont feel like messing it up today, i know thats not an excuse but its enough of one for me not to play
Italy37612: Yeah well my arms are tired from work
Italy37612: I dont feel like liting the heavy stick

Italy37612: Becasuse that is actaully fun
NTZemiro: k go play basketball then, cuz im not gonna
Italy37612: Im not playing by myself
Italy37612: I will jstu sit here until I go to Kris'
Italy37612: just*
NTZemiro: cool have fun
NTZemiro: going to kris' eh? just like yesterday and the day before
Italy37612: Well we actually planed it this time
Italy37612: So yes I am going today
NTZemiro: whatever u say
Italy37612: screw you
NTZemiro: go fuck urself, fucker, ill make u shit urself then u gonna eat that shit, and my shit aswell
NTZemiro: :-D
Italy37612: Im not in the mood, trust me
NTZemiro: are u gonna kill me?
Italy37612: If I didnt go to jail for it, youd already be dead
NTZemiro: hahaha
NTZemiro: lol id like to see that attempt
Italy37612: Oh I wouldn't do it, Id jsut pay someone too
Italy37612: Go off any play your pool now
Italy37612: and*
NTZemiro: im sure there are alot of hitmen in issaquah, and that would be really manly sean, getting someone else to do it for u, tisk tisk
Italy37612: I'm sure there are some in Seattle.
Italy37612: I'd waste the gas
NTZemiro: yeah u could get jennifer to kill me
Italy37612: Maybe, everyone has their price
NTZemiro: lol all the sudden she would be willing and have the time to kill me, while yesterday she was too busy to even talk to u on the phone, how does that work
Italy37612: This is hypothetical stupid
Italy37612: Now go off and play
NTZemiro: k cya, have fun at kris'