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Seed Of Faith Ministry.

Servants of the lord.

Derrell Miller

Darnell Fennell


We as young ministers encourage the people today to seek god and ask the question, "what must I do to be saved?"

Derrell Miller-The founder of(SOF)Ministry "We as the younger generation speak a different language so it's up to us as young evangelist to relay gods message to our peers."

The (SOF)Ministry has started a new project, (Sow a seed grow a tree)

We have began to pray for all the less fortunate and put together boxes full of our day to day needs such as T-shirts, Socks, Sandels, toothbrushes, beans and even rice what ever we can spare but being that we are a none profit group we can only ask that you donate these things and if you cannot donate,PLEASE let us know that we have your prayer and supports (THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT)with E-mails and letters.

If you have letters or shoe boxes with item donations send them to this Address
803 Glenn STR. Lufkin Tx. 75904.(please send us what you can,It truely is for the children)

We thank you for all your support and if you would like to be on our prayer list send to us a E-mail to the adress below this page. Remember



NowPlaying:India Arie


  • Derrell: I pray that god would continue to bless this ministry and others like it.
  • A Lost Mother:I need you to pray that I will soon have happiness in my life and that I can care for my kids the way they need to be cared for and a good man in my life
  • My MOM:Please pray for me as your mother, that I continue to grow in the Lord's word and that we can continue growing stronger in God's word together. I need strength to be the mother , the daughter, the grandmother, the wife and the sister that I need to be in God's way. This world can seem so harsh at times, but I thank God for all he's done and most greatful for my children. Keep dad's ministry lifted in your prayers that he accepts the guidance God gives him. Son keep up the good work even though it gets hard sometimes, we must remember God is always just a prayer away. I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!
  • THE AVERY'SI am so proud of what you are doing and I hope God will continue to bless and use you in this ministry in a way that he sees fit. It touched my heart to see someone as yourself involved in something that is very crucial in our world today. Sometimes we as people forget about those that are less fortunate then us but I Thank God that he gave someone like you a vision to help those that are in need. We really need more young people as yourself to spread the word and get into the ministry because our young are the future. So I say to you keep up the good work and remember Brother and Sister Avery are here to support in whatever way we can. Please keep the Avery's in your prayer. May God Bless You……and We Love you.
