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This is Ya and James ridin your horses in tha sunset. Two brothers with a special bond doin what they love.

John me made this page just for ya. This is from me heart. This page is for Ya ta come when Ya need ta get away from everythin and everyone. Me hope Ya like it.

Me wish me could find tha words ta tell Ya how me feel. Ya are in me heart and me soul. Always and forever. If Ya ever need anyone ta talk ta or vent, cry, what ever Ya need ta do me will always be here for Ya.

Ya told me once ta never give up faith. Now me tellin Ya tha samethin again. Me do hope that Ya find what Ya are lookin for. That one thin Ya are missin that makes Ya whole. One day Ya will find it. And when that day comes Ya will know. Dont give up hope or faith. It may not be tomorrow or even next year, but Ya will find it. Me know it in me heart. And so will Ya. And when that day finally does come all Your hopes and dreams will come true. And me will be there smillin at Ya, finally seein Ya happy tha way ya deserve ta be. Me know in me heart Your day will come and me would love ta be there with Ya when it does. Would love ta see it in Your eyes when Ya feel that since of beein whole. Me will always be here for Ya no matter what.

Always remember Ya are a very strong, wonderful man and Ya deserve so much that life has ta offer. And know that there are ppl that love Ya very much for tha person Ya are. And we all want Ya ta be happy. Live for tha moment and enjoy what life offers Ya and dont ever give up hope or faith.