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Ray Ridgemore

Defeat is the inevitable. The new beginning is favorable, as the Ridgemore is unaccountable in the depths of defeat...

~Every man has a quest. Every quest leads a journey. Every journey ends a lifetime. Every lifetime creates a generation. Every generation portrays an era. Every era seeks victory. Every victory meets defeat. Every defeat creates a new beginning, a new quest...

The man is Ray Ridgemore. The quest is the Internet Championship Wrestling. The journey is the road to fame. The lifetime is led by a 23 year old man seeking his mortal dreams. The generation is what will be created when the impact of Ridgemore is matched. The era is the Ridgemore era, the era of victory and prosperity. Defeat is the inevitable. The new beginning is favorable, as the Ridgemore is unaccountable in the depths of defeat.~

Houston, Texas... 6:30 am...

Awaking from an enjoyable 8 hour sleep, Ray stumbles out of his bed in his small 2 bedroom house in one of the most enjoyable sections of the city. After rubbing his eyes, and splashing water on his face to wake up he walks into his kitchen. He opens up a small door and pulls out a box of Whole Wheat Cereal and begins his morning feast, alone, happy, and awaiting his egger dreams of finally making it somewhere in life. 

Just the night before he signed a hefty, decent contract with the President of the Internet Championship Wrestling. Going by the money changing hands in this deal if would appear that Ray is taking a Rookie's salary, and quite fitting, he is a rookie, though there is not an ounce of shame inside his soul. There is no shame in him for getting his life started, as he looks forward to actually making something of what he has worked countless days preparing for. Now, 23, finally being able to live the life he has dreamed for years to come he will be a professional wrestler. However, the plans of letting anyone know of his young age and inexperience in the ring will not even be let out to a whisper. He will be going into his first ever wrestling match at the ICW, but why let his opponent know? He is just an out of town past wrestling pro, or at least that's what everyone who asks will hear. 

After finishing his morning meal Ridgemore gets dressed and changed for a day at the gym, trying to at least get fit enough to impress the men he will soon be seeing day in and day out inside the ring shedding countless gallons of blood from his veins, and let alone sturdy ego. After dressed for the gym he heads out to his garage and hopes in his old black ford pick up truck. 

As he pulls out of his driveway and down the street he is greeted by all the regular morning joggers and people walking out to get their morning papers along the peaceful neighborhood. Knowing that he lives in such a small part of town and that letting out the secret of himself finally getting signed as a Wrestler would circulate around the city and the media before he can even make it to the area himself he has managed not to share his enthusiasm with any of his neighbors. 

He later makes it to the gym and proceeds with his usual work out, acting none differently from the every-day Ray Ridgemore, not the newly hired wrestling Ray Ridgemore...


Later that day, after his workout and relaxation time in the hot tubs Ray ventured his way back in town. Unable to keep his excitement building up inside him the news of Ray Ridgemore was quickly passed around Houston. Within 30 minutes of telling his closest neighbor he had old friends and practically everyone who had ever known him calling on the phone to confirm all the rumors they had been hearing. 

Not to thrilled about the whole situation and that everyone seemed to know that he was joining the ICW before actually any of the other wrestlers in the Federation knew, he knew that it would happen and he took the chances anyhow. Ray's phone was ringing within seconds after each hang up, and none seemed to bother him all too much until he got one phone call that was not from anyone who he had known. It was the ever so nosey media, a local news reporter from down town trying to confirm the news. Knowing that he would be in more trouble if he had told them no, he had reporters surrounding his house within 10 minutes of confirming his signed contract with the ICW.    

Nearly an hour later he peaked out the window, and to what he could see there were only 3 or 4 different reporters still waiting to see if he was going to come out. Ray knew that if he stood up every reporter that showed up he would quickly get a negative response from the public, the opposite of what he was wanting. So, a few minutes later he opened the door as 3 reporters happily stepped into the small living room. 

Ray Ridgemore- You are all welcome to have a seat, and as long as you cooperate you will get your story that you came here to get. The only rule I have is that I invited you into my home and I expect this interview with you three to go smoothly and there needs to be no yelling, as you each will take turn asking questions. So, go take a seat and we can get started as I have things to do and I can't not waist all my preparation time talking to the press. 

Ray points over to his couch, motioning for the three men to have a seat with their tape recorders and note pads. 

He walks into the kitchen for a few minutes to get a glass of water as he leaves the three reporters sitting in anxiety on his couch dying to start asking questions. 

The first reporter, sitting over on the left if the first to speak up as Ray enters back into the room. He was not sure of how to start of the conversation, says the first thing that pops into his mind.

Reporter 1- So... By you saying preparation, I am assuming you mean for the ICW, am I right? Is it true that you did in fact sign a contract with the President and will be their newest young talent?

Ray Ridgemore- Yes, I had an interview with the President last night and I signed a deal and will be participating in the weekly events from this night forward. As far as newest young talent... I have no idea what to expect when I get there, as I have not even seen a single man perform there myself. I was so egger to actually sign a contract with a Federation I cared not who was in it. I could be going into one of the toughest places around and I could be manhandled every match, but you just never know what to expect until you try. 

As Ridgemore finishes up his response to the first reporter, the man sitting in the middle of the couch is the next to speak up...

Reporter 2- Can the views expect to see any gold wrapped around your waist anytime soon? Obviously, we know that you have just joined, but as far as talent, do you have what it takes to succeed? 

Ray Ridgemore- As I just mentioned, I really have no clue what to expect when I walk into my first match in the ICW. I do believe that I have not only the talent, but willpower to exceeded most people's perception of rookies, but I can not promise anything. I will, of course go out there every match and put my life on the line to do what I can. I do not plan on letting years of preparation for this time to finally come and blow it all away. People can expect great things, as they will see me fight like it's my last day on earth, because in my mind, unless I do what it takes, there is no tomorrow in this business. You live life by the day, and if something goes wrong, they can end it in a second. 

With a confused look on his face, the man on the right side of the couch, the only reporter who has yet to say anything speaks out.

Reporter 3- Saying such things like "...for this time to finally come..." and the way you have been talking it seems that you are may be much newer at this then we all would think...

Ray Ridgemore- Well, not only will this be my first time in the ICW, it will be my first time in a Wrestling Federation. I am 23, and I have yet to face a single man in the ring, and I plan on surprising anyone who thinks I am just a new rookie will be beaten out within days. 

Just a little shocked after the previous answer the focus goes back over to the man on the left who speaks out once more. 

Reporter 1- Wow, I knew you were young, but I had no idea you have never had ANY experience in a ring in your life. How can you even expect to face anyone who has been wrestling all their lives in such a large wrestling federation?

A little peeved and agitated on what the questions are turning into Ray tries to keep a straight face and answered the question with as much normality as humanly possible. 

Ray Ridgemore- Why worry about such small things? I have had no experience in a match, but you have yet to realize I have been throwing people around in a practice ring since I was 16 years old, and I don't think there has ever been a rookie joining any Federation with more experience then I. I have been trained by the best of the best, and I plan on someday reaching that stage as well. 

The Reporter sitting in the middle has a red, and somewhat angry look over his face as he begins to ask Ray yet another question.

Reporter 2- I still fail to see how you can even judge your experience at all when you even said yourself you had never even seen a single wrestler in the ICW fight... Any person on earth can say anything they want, but not just anyone can even measure themselves up to a true wrestler until they have faced one themselves or AT LEAST seen them in action. 

Outraged, Ray stands up and begins to yell at the reporter and ends up taking his frustration out on all three. 

Ray Ridgemore- And I fail to see how, after nicely being invited into my home for a civilized interview you throw stuff like this back in my face. Get out of my house, all of you! Why don't you come back after you actually see me fight, it will wipe those pessimistic smirks all of your faces, now OUT!

The reporters, a little frightened to have a man with arms the size of their thighs yelling at them they quickly rush out the front door. Ridgemore slams the door inches behind the men as the exit his house as he furiously goes back and sits back in his leather chair and turns on the one thing that always relaxes him, baseball... The Houston Astros. His favorite home team sport. 

To frustrated to make an appearance down at the ICW, he knows he better wait till tomorrow to head down there, or his entrance may just be one long evil rant to blow off steam, which most likely will infuriate the veterans who probably walk the halls of the Internet Championship Wrestling...



"...the era of victory and prosperity."