O.K. this site aint no where near finished, i am still working on a layout sad huh? it will look awsone one day i bet. mainly i will use it for personal use, and not let my HTML skills go to waste. I will put up cartoon dolls maybe and blinkies defenatly because they are my favorite to make. but i will let ya know when i get ready to put that up. =]

Luvs, A11Y (2-19-04)

I know what my layout is gonna be, and you dont! HA! ok well I will get the layout done soon, then put in the content! YAY! - Defenit Content: Blinkies, Journal/blog, Lyrics, Sister sites, request section, about me, and more, just not too sure...

Luvs, A11Y (2-21-04)

OK, I have more good news but then bad too... Good: I have my template for the site almost made, i have what the text will look like =] but layout wise, i still have just the top banner and its Benji! *eeks!!* ok well Bad: i have no idea when i will be done, hopefully i will get the layout done soon, most probably i will just have stuff for you to look at and crap. i dont no, i would have to get into the mood of really making things for my site for me to actually making something, but i will only do thaty if ppl appreicate my site...

Luvs, A11Y (2-23-04)
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