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The Renegade Page


If you are here you probably agree we need change, and the current oil driven madmen are not doing a lot to help us. We need a democratic revolution. I think it is time that the people finally have a choice. We need to abolish the electoral college and ensure that we are governed at our consent. We may disagree on how to get there, but I assume if you are hear you have hoped and prayed for a better society and what's happening is driving you insane! Modern globalization is an extension of feudalism, of slavery, it may be better disguised but it is no better in nature. I am unsure of where we will go after corporate globalization. Will the damage ever be undone? Will we ever incorporate environmental damage into our economic theories?
These pages should help you better understand our mission. And to clear this stereotype up, I do not hate america as many leftists are portrayed as doing by ultra-conservative pigs. I simply believe in pointing out its faults and attempting to fix them. How can a doctor help you if he doesn't know whats wrong with you? That is my answer for those who yell at me for being "anti-american". Well I am not here to convince right wingers that we aren't all horrible people, I am here to help you "fight the power" and learn about the causes.
Lansing Michigan - Iraq War Protest

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Just for kicks...or frights, view the 2000 Texas Republican Platform here about fascist
Read This Now - "What Uncle Sam Really Wants" By Noam Chomsky
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