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Welcome to the Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice in Texas

The mission of the Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice – Texas is to ensure reproductive choice through the moral power of mainstream religious communities throughout the state of Texas. We seek to educate and gather together people of faith who conscientiously support a woman’s right to choose an abortion and to control her fertility to enhance her life and that of her children, family and community. We are pro-choice because of their various faith traditions, not despite those traditions. Our motto is: Pro-Faith, Pro-Family, Pro-Choice.
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Join us for the largest pro-choice march in history on April 25, 2004 in Washington, DC!
Our rights are under attack in Texas and the nation like they have never been before. It is time that we fight back! Bring your family and friends and march with us on Washington!
TARAL (An affiliate of NARAL Pro-Choice America), the Texas Association of Planned Parenthood Affiliates, the National Organization for Women of Texas, the Women's Health and Family Planning Association and other pro-choice Texans are coming together with groups across the U.S. to let the Bush Administration know that the majority of Americans support freedom of choice.
We will be traveling from Texas to DC by plane and bus to join in this historic march. Come and join us! Visit TARAL.ORG or to sign up for more information about the March (including transportation and lodging information in DC)!
If you have any questions, please contact TARAL at 512.462.1661, your local Planned Parenthood, or email TARAL