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Preppie Pets Online

We're cool with collecting stool....Serving the Lower Rio Grande Valley


Show of hands....

How many pet owners just love their dogs to death??

Everyone; that's Great!

Now, how many pet owners just love to clean up after their pets??

Just as we thought, no one.

Well this is where Preppie Pets steps in.

You can do the lovin' and we will do the cleanin'. Interested? Good, then keep reading.

About Preppie Pets.............About Preppie Pets..............

Preppie Pets Canine Waste Removal Service eliminates the necessary evil of picking up after your furry kids ever again. Our top-notched service is the most affordable and convenient way to guarantee that you, your family, and your pets will have a clean, beautiful, and healthy lawn to enjoy year-round.

Preppie Pets is a courteous and professional "pooper scooper" business that services private residences, apartment complexes, home owner assoications, condos, and even businesses throughout the Lower Rio Grande Valley.

Still interested? GREAT!! Feel free to contact us by phone <956-225-4368> or email for your FREE pet waste removal consultaion today.