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to Pink Sky Homes

The future Pink Sky Homes office in Austin, Texas

The mission of Pink Sky Homes is to teach individuals how to successfully re-enter society. The fulfillment of that mission takes place when the client successfully complete our program of G.E.D. preparation and testing, basic computer skills, job skills, employment skills and living skills. They are grounded in their commitment to crime free living, self-maintenance and productive living. Each client is educated in job and employment skills and is established in their employment, their educational pursuits and in their personal program. It is the goal of Pink Sky Homes to enable each client to go from being knowledgeable to being knowledge-able. Our success will be rated one client at a time.

Murilyn Ver Steegh Pinkosky CEO/Director of Operations Austin, Texas

Pink Sky Homes is expanding and moving into our new offices in December 2004. We will have our support staff, administrative staff and transportation.

Cottage Row Graphics

24 seven
24 seven