

okay so i haven't updated this thing in a long long time .. can ya blame me ? haha.. well dyngs have been goin along pretty well for us :) hehe that's great teeeeehehe anyways .. i hope you enjoy the page .. and enjoy the shout out you guys .. those are all the special people that have touched my life .. denks to all of you !! much love to you guys .. dont forget to sign the guestbook too alrights ? show me some love


names: phat & jennifer
ages: both 15
locations: texas baybeeh
special day: o3o1o3
contacts: whoaitbphat // whoaitbmeeh

and thas all you need to know for now

phat nguyen

hey hunnie ! ;) guess wat ? yur gay .. hehe mwahs i enjoy spending every moment i have with you .. it's like a dream come troo .. you being here in my life .. being by my side each and everyday .. i'd never ask for more .. even though we're not in love .. i know that we like each other a lot .. you make my everything seem alright to me .. yur the sweetest in every way .. waitin up for me .. doing this for me .. walkin somewhere juss to see me .. wat more could a grl ask for ? one day imma be able to say that im in love .. but that day hasnt come yet .. i hope you feel the same way about me to .. yur the apple of my eye ! ;D kaka i miss you lots hunnie .. mwahs h e a r t you

shout outs

okay these shout outs are gonna be listed alphabetically .. enjoy alrights ? and if yur not on here .. i'm sorry .. but check and see if you are on here ! :) and i know that i'm not really klose to anyone anymores .. because of summer but i'll still remember those good times that we all had together..

name: cuong cao
known since:2ooo

hey buddy !! yanoes i enjoy those times we'd make fun of each other or pretend to blow kisses in english class and make linda tell us to stop .. hehe those were fun .. but yanoes you're a an o5er i'm an o6er i'm smart to be in yur class !! mwahaha kiddin denks for bein there for me wen i needed .. askin me if i was okay wen you dawt something was wrong with me .. and amazingly you were right hehe denks buddie !!

name: linda cao
known since:1999

wow since 6th grade ey ? you've always been here for me .. hehe the comforting of yur big booty hehe denks soo much these past years .. i hope we all go through lots more years .. we all been through soo much together .. keep the memories alive babe cause i'll always be here .. :) yur a wonderful chick dont let a guy bring ya down .. you'll find a special guy one day .. juss dont rush things !! mwahs peace much love [ member that ? ]

name: emily chau
known since:2ooo

we were never really that klose .. but wen we came time to talking .. you always made me feel better .. denks elmo you always love to smile .. n that's wat i loved about you .. always so cheerful .. but you're a good friend at heart .. one that none of us would ever want to lose ..

name: anne chhayakrith
known since:1999

okay chick we been through a shit load of crap .. through the arguments .. n tears .. n laughter .. we're tawkin agen like good friends .. it's shockin wat happened [ freshmen year ] but it's nothing to bring ya down .. i'm always here for you .. through good times and bad ..

name: ava chuang
known since:2ooo

haha grl you're juss a fatrick full of laughter .. teehehe let's go out sometime to eat !! i miss that one summer in the chatroom with all those idiotic guys .. kaka those were the days ey ? dont ever let a guy mess up yur life .. juss let it be .. yur stronger than that .. i'm always here for you and you know it .. i love ya bunchies chick

name: peter dao
known since:1998

damn peter been soo long .. haha dont you miss kung fu classes ? i sorta do .. but i'd never go bak .. never .. haha things arent the same anymore .. i'm sorry i always put you down .. and never talk to you about things .. the reason being .. is yur a kid at heart .. you like to mess around alot .. but that's the good thing about you .. dont ever change .. you know i'm always here for you .. keke like i'm here for everyone else ! ;D but honestly i know out of everyone [ friends ] .. you'll be one of those that would never let me down .. i love you bunchies .. denks for everything n tell yur daddie i said hiyee !! ;D

name: nam doan
known since:2oo2

doode how can i ever repay you ? always givin me those rides n all those stuff .. haha yur always there .. it's been really nice knowing you n stuffies .. hanging out .. being on yur team for science day .. kaka that was a blast but hey !! yur gonna let me drive yur car one day right ? i hope you do good in college .. dont worry you'll be great !! yur hella smart kakaka [ not compared to tri though ] haha denks for everything though .. i really appreciate it .. n dont worry i'll try to smile n laugh at yurs n philip's funeral .. kaka

name: anthony kim
known since:2ooo

okay i know we're on this i ernoes right now .. but it's only cause i care .. if you juss keep sayin it's your business n leave me out of it .. then it's fine .. but damn juss dynk about all we been through together .. how many times have i heard you say you were gonna kwit ? that day still replays in my mind .. i can never forget that day .. that's why i even said that stuff to you in da furst place .. i juss care .. thats all i gotta say for now besides a denk you for the things ya did for me ..

name: julie kim
known since:2oo1

hey wifey mwahs ! hehe omg memories of sittin in choir class pokin ya botherin ya .. writing you an I LOVE YOU note wen yur sittin right next to me !! haha and french class .. oy the memories .. you're such a good friend .. always helping me through my shit wen no one else is there .. hehe mwahs thats why i love you wifey ;D

name: ken luong
known since:2ooo

oooh sexee legs !! first mackenese ever haha see i membered it !! gosh buddy you've ALWAYS been there for me .. even with our lil dealios you're still such a good buddy to me .. i'm surprised after yanoes .. i hope you find a gRL that suits you right n treats ya good alrights ? cause you really deserve it ..

name:cuong nguyen
known since:2ooo

you stink up the booty hole !! haha you remember that line ? oy hehe you're the funny one for me .. always pokin me tryin to make me screem haha yeahh member gym class in 8th grade ? hehe wen you n son were play fightin .. haha yall were juss the gayest ever .. but i miss those memories with you .. i hope one day we can aktually sit down and talk agen ..

name:mary nguyen
known since:1999

wow miss sexee mama !! hottest babe ever haha damn niggy you have ALWAYS and i mean ALWAYS been there for me .. you were the only one there wen me n chris had that lil argument at the mall .. yur the homegRL that ppl would want .. and i'm hella glad yur my buddy .. through everything mans .. even if i didnt tell you things .. you'd force it outta me .. yur the gRL i walk beside in da hallways .. it's like we're next to each other alot .. i mean i know i aint the best friend but yeah you've been soo great to me .. imma really miss you once we end up driftin apart .. cause lately that's all i do with ppl now .. it's juss me mans .. but yeah .. 4 colored gRLs always lives in me .. white bitch , nigger, stanky ass burrito n da hindu .. always ..

name: thi nguyen
known since:1999

one of my bestest guy buddies .. i still cant believe you came over juss to visit me .. i'm happy for that .. thank you thank you thank you for everything and i mean everything you have done to help me .. cheerin me up was something you always wanted to do .. i love ya soo much buddy .. dont ever worry about a grl .. until you find that perfect one .. i'm gonna be here for years n years to come .. you know where i am .. n remember we tell each other everything .. n i promise i wont get mad .. juss as long as yur juss tellin me .. keep yur head up for me alrights ? cause i dont wanna ever see ya down ..

name: tina nguyen
known since:1999

six flags !! our unforgetable times .. haha denks for makin me smile n all taht with everyone else .. haha and you remember bananas ? oy me n thy had a good time makin it up .. kaka but i really wish i could go bak in time n juss hang with everyone agen .. i miss you all so much .. and yes i miss you too .. [ not ;P ] haha always keep smiling grl .. never let michael try to bring ya down anymore .. n if you cant take it anymore .. you know you can always call me or talk to me .. denks for havin my bak through all these years .. love you grl

name: son phung
known since:2ooo

my brother !! haha even though i still dont know who spread that rumor .. it's the past .. i hope ya know it hurt alot .. but you've made up for it .. yur always givin me hugs wen all i need was a shoulder to lean on .. you're always makin those gay comments to make me smile .. dont change for me .. i love you the way you are ..

name: philip pongsatianwong
known since:2oo2

nigggggy !! kaka even through all the jokes about each other .. i've made a bond with ya .. yeah yeah so we're always bored .. but yeah i really hope you succeed in life in becoming a firefighter .. and remember to save me and NOT kill me alrights ? haha i really kare for ya alot pee pichet [ arent i nice ? ] so dont ever pull a joke on me like you ava n nam did on april fools !! haha good luck alrights niggy

name: darlene quach
known since:2oo1

welllllll i ernoes i always get klose to ppl .. but then eventually fade away from them .. is it juss me ? yeah .. but heres the thing .. dont let dipson get in the way of friendship .. julie cares for you .. n yur a good friend darlene .. and STOPM gettin obsessive with boys .. haha i remember those times .. good memories huh ? i hope you n dipson goes well .. dont let him bring ya down .. he can be a dickhead at times .. specially with that vanessa grl following him in swim class .. haha good luck grl mwahs

name: tracy ta
known since:1999

ahha remember those times wen we'd talk on the fone forever talking ? i remember it was you that i talked to first in middle skoo .. besides mary of course .. even though yur short .. yur hella strong .. haha i'm glad i got to know you throughout these years tracy .. you made it WEIRD .. haha but you know i still love you .. haha yur always gonna be the weird litto one around everyone .. hehe i juss miss those times wen we'd juss talk forever n ever .. wish i could bring it all bak ..

name: vinh ta
known since:2ooo

haha always cheerin me uppers .. and boy do you got GRLIE hips .. hehe you can shake it like that .. haha oy you remember 8th grade durin our aide period .. we went outside to play .. and tina took a pixer of us .. haha i still have it .. i miss those days .. i'd sit there watchin you n tina massage each other .. haha memories .. but hey dont cry over a gRL aites .. well not until she's the absolute perfect one .. hehe

name: ha thai
known since:2ooo

well we've been through our ups n downs .. and boy have we had our times .. i'm really glad i got to know you ha .. really .. even though you had yur bitchy sides haha .. but yeah you can be a really good friend .. even though we're not klose that much anymore .. i'm always here .. i'm juss sorry we grew apart .. i gess its juss cause you went off to highskoo before me .. n since then it's been hard to communicate .. but we're in highskoo together and things still arent the same .. i love you for all the things you have did .. i hope that maybe one day you n chris would last .. make sure i'm invited to the weddin aites ? dont ever forget yur homefry .. haha miss those days .. miss you white bitch ..

name: anna tran
known since:2oo2

i'm glad that yur not sheddin those tears anymore .. or wondering about blah blah blah i hope yur happy with mean ass minh .. haha well freshmen year you n huyen were like the ones i really talked to n bonded with .. made me feel welcomed .. amazin how ppl i juss met are soo nice like that .. i'm sorry for yur pasts .. n all that's happened with friends .. and i know that i wont ever do that shit .. i hope you enjoy yur life .. [ being short ] haha mwahs love you mama ;D

name: huyen tran
known since:2oo2

same shit goes for you up there !! hehe i dynk me n you connected more than me n anna .. maybe cause at first i had more classes with you ? haha it's been hella great knowin you n yur krazee self .. dont dynk too mush about bois .. you're gonna find a perfect one for you .. cause gRL you got all these guys chasin after you .. wat a dream for a gRL ey ? hehe if you n anna grad early juss know imma miss yall trOoLy .. yall were really my tRoo hoMegRLz throughout my freshmen year .. keep the strawberry book alive !! one day i'd like to re-read wat we've written in there .. hehe

name: teddy tran
known since:1999

haha amazing how i knew yur brother before me .. still remember those tymes wen you john n olay bothered me about tim ? that was like a nightmare mans .. haha but yeah we've had hella good memories .. and to let you know i kept one of yur notes that you wrote me .. one of these days imma show it to you .. to show you how gay you are .. haha denks for all the help you've put out for me .. always stay in touch with me homie !! oh yah yur also gay haha and dont try to give my nephew nail polish anymore ! }:O

name: tim tran
known since:1998

waddup niggy !! tsk tsk tsk you've lived a bad life .. but hopefullie dyngs for you are /gettin better .. you needa move bak here someday agen .. i aktually miss you !! amazing ey ? yup yup ahha not really but niggy you helped me with boy pRobLems alot .. it'd be good to aktually see you n give you a hug for it all .. dont forget to come visit me sometime alrights ? never forget the smart azn chiCk wid da long last name ! ;D haha

name: johnny truong
known since:2oo2

waddup homie !! hehe im glad that you n thao are werkin out well .. i wish yall the best of luck .. and FRIEND you know i'm here .. mwahaha here to give you a punch ;D kakaka but hey i aint that mean am i ? denks for sittin next to me .. punching me .. askin wat's wrong n all that .. i love you FRIEND hehe

name: kathy truong
known since:2oo1

okay wow sister you've done a shit load for me .. i'm soo greatful to even have you this klose to me .. i'm glad you stuck by my side throughout everything .. especially all my damn mood swings .. i hope you n olay last forever n get married n let me have another niece or nephew .. but i prefer a niece kakaka hehe i really love you kathy .. you're the bestest ever .. you have done more than anyone has ever done for me .. helped me through so much .. denks for never ever giving up hope .. i love you muchies

name: richard van
known since:2oo2

kakaka you silly hoe but gess wat ? i like lesa more than you teeehehe she's sooo kyoote .. i wanna see her someday .. hehe i hope you n monica are werkin out pretty well .. dont worry about arguments cause all couples argue .. but if ya need me .. i'm here .. i'm even here for you to rape ;D kaka member that day that you were chasin me .. n you were practically on top of me .. on the ground .. wat a loser .. haha i hope we have good memories to last a lifetime .. miss you whore ;P

name: loc vu
known since:2ooo

kakaka hey cross dressin boy pimpin buddy !! you member that ? or shall i say locerina ? haha noo my name isnt juice jammer you man whore !! hehe mans buddy i really miss you .. i know that i havent been hanging with you soo much n all that .. but i gess it's cause yur an o7er kakaka i went off to highskoo without you .. but hoed up .. arent you older than me ? haha wat a loser .. i hope things werk out for you .. and dont cause any trouble !! especially dont burn yur house down agen !! haha