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Home page of Nora

Hi! My name is Nora, I'm from Central Europe. I'm a crossdresser. In this home page I will tell you some things about me, but unfortunately I have only some picture about me (you know, I'm a little bit bashful...).

I'm a natural male, but I like to wear female clothes, mainly the high heels! On my first pictures I wear the high heel of my girlfriend (it was smaller than my feet), but next time I wore my own high heel! I bought one.

How it begin? I don't remember. When I was a child, I used to wear the shoes of my mother, I was 6 at that time. My sister knew everything about it, but it was normal to her. Later I wore more my mother's shoes, high heels. At about my age of 12 I tried to walk in it outside, when it was fog and nobody could see me. It was fantastic, but it was always a short distance. And unfortunately my mother threw off that black high heel, so I had not any other shoe for a long time. When I started to go to the secondary school, I bought one shoe in 1998, but it was small. So I had not shoe again. My first own high heel was from 2002, but the new one is from 2004. This is the best! You can see it on the secound picture.

I have not only a high heel, I bought a skirt and a top, too. Now I have all the things to be a woman outside the street!

Watch my pictures!

Pics of 2004

Pics of 2005

Pics of 2006

So, as I said, I have a girlfriend, but she don't know about these thing. she knows only, that I was women two times at the carnival. But I really love to do this and I love my girlfriend, too... I'm not gay.

And this is my favourite high heel! I love to walk in it!!!

And why I do this? Because I think that way, the men has the right to wear high heels, too, like the women wear male clothes, too. Am I right or not? I would like to wear them, if the women do the same!!

You can write me here, I will wait for your messages. What do you think, am I a beautiful lady or not?