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Cisco Semester 3 Threaded Case Study

An introduction to the Mt Sky TCS project




The WAN implementation for the Washington District Schools


View Mt Sky's school plan and layout of Wirning rooms and cabling runs.

Check out how the Mt Sky network is logicaly divided.

Wiring rooms, the construction prcess and layout of them within Mt Sky.

View racks, cabinets and how the network devices shall be placed within them.

A closer look at the hardware used through out Mt Sky school.

Cutsheets, indepth look at where all the cables go.

The overall district and and indepth view of the Mt Sky IP Schema

A run down on how ACL's were implemenated on the Mt Sky routers.

A closer look at how the routers use IGRP to communicate.

The expenses of network devices, media and hardware through out Mt Sky as well labour costs.

The positives and negitives of the Mt Sky Network.

The servers and where they are located through out Mt Sky School.
















Website Created by Rob Large, compiled from the works of Brent Egan, Peter Szweryn, John Orlich and Rob Large, The Mt Sky TCS Project Team