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escobar family blog

Mood:  chillin'
Link to Photo Album family pictures
Yes, thats me. Today was a pretty busy , but nice day. I went to a baby shower, and we had some surprise guests.. baby birds that literally dropped in ! We put them in a box because we were afraid that we would step on them. They were really cute. Baby shower lasted a few hours,it was fun. The lady who the baby shower was for, is a mom(lydia)that I met through my boys school. Lydia is mom of Austin one of the boys bestest friends. all the boys are very similar.
After the baby shower, my husband and I took the kids to the park and ate pizza there. We all enjoyed that. We don't have too many opportunities to share together as a whole family. I think we will do this once a month, where we eat dinner at the park. We spent about 2 hours there. Thats a brief description on what happened today. I want to go on giving an introduction to my family, since this is the first blog.
I came to California back in 95 in hopes to join the CHP (California Highway Patrol). I passed my written test and was continuing to get in top physical shape so I could pass my physical agility test. I started getting sick and later found out I had pneumonia. It got so bad my doctor weould not sign a waver of good health so I could participate in the physical agility test. I was soo disappointed!
I always had some leg pains , but just thought it was just body quirks and aches. Since getting that sick, my legs have gotten worse as the yrs go on. I am just trying to deal with it. That left me with not being able to be a highway patrol officer. So in the mean time, I was seeing someone who was becomming a good friend, Mario. He became my husband on Dec. 28 1996 about 6 wks after our daughter Bianca was born..... I will continue the rest tomorrow. I think its enough for tonight. Got to get some rest!

Posted by tx6/mom_dad_bratpack at 9:45 PM PDT
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