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Some 19 years ago...when I realized that I was lost...and that my life was going nowhere...and my best friend that I had in this life ...had died..I found myself wondering about death..What happens to someone when they they know what is going on with their they remember their life on earth...or do they forget and just go off into eternity...

Well after I came to the Lord...I realized that life after death is very peaceful and rewarding if you have lived for the Lord and died in him...

Don't take for granted that you are going to live on this earth and do as you please and die and go to Heaven...if that were so...than Jesus wouldn't have had to die for our sins...

Let's look at what Jesus did on the think it was easy for him....think again...he was man..and god ...but when he died he was man...and felt the pain as a man...and bled just like a man...but their was something different about his blood...IT SAVED MAN FROM SIN...and it heals our bodies...BY MY STRIPES YOU ARE HEALED...

"The Lord is my shepherd...I shall not want"..That is not just a simple statement...when I realized that I was a sinner and needed the Lord....He became real to me...and I saw that he would take care of my wants and my can have that too...but ONLY IF YOU KNOW JESUS AS YOUR PERSONAL SAVIOR..