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Mike And Rebba= Forever!

4/27/05: 20 days Rebba....In 20 days, 1 year ago our lives were changed forever. There has been Happy times and Bad, stuff that eats both of us up, yet there is so many things that bring tears of joy to our face. We've gave each other our hearts, our soul's, our bodys and our lives. Your beauty straight takes my breath away. Those beautiful eyes, precious lips, pretty little nose, breath taking hair thats so pretty and smells so good I can smell it even when Im far from you, and a body everyone would kill for, but I see beyond that, I see a beautiful girl who needed love and who didnt need bullshit like your ex in your life and I hoped to take all that away from you and show you that your life and love is way more needed to me then he could have ever needed. The moment I saw you, I deeply fell in love with all of you. Your personality drove me up the wall and made me go nuts. I just didn't know how to tell you. You having the same feelings for me, made me go crazy. I was so in love. I needed you and I still do. I regret the things I did to hurt you, and I know you do too. It was the worst mistakes of my life, I hurt you, I hurt my baby, My princess, My angel baby, My cup cake. Even though I screwed up, This heart, This body, love, everything has been yours and has never came near another person, not even close. We both made mistakes. Mistakes we're regreting till this day and for the rest of our lifes, but Rebba we've made it. Dispite everything, we've done it. We're so close. We shut everyone up who said we would not make it. We overcame everything and still are happy together and strong. Though its hard for us to trust eachother, we believe in our hearts for each other. Rebba, 7 24 04, The most happiest day of my life. You are mine and I am yours. It was a really special day that we will both never forget, together or not. This year and 7 months has been UNBELIEVEABLE. When you think about how much fun we have had and how much excitement and laughter, it blows all the bullshit away. We can make it rebba, we sure as hell can and we will, I have no dobut in my mind we will. I know you will be there for me and I will be there for you every step of the way. Our love is to hard to break apart, and not even one person, NOT ONE will take away our dynasty we've started. This is it Rebba. It's me and you for the rest of our lifes, all we have to do is be strong and make it there, and I know we can. I love you with all my heart. Those 7 words mean so much to me. You will never understand how much our love means to me. I'm not just some guy, Im it rebba. Im the man you need, and your the women I've wanted and needed. I know you believe in us, as much as I do. We have a love that makes everyone say "Holy Shit!" and that makes me smile. We can make it, all we have to do is Believe baby, Believe......I love you so much with all my heart for the rest of my life and beyond Rebba. Muah! I love you with all my heart Princess.

Your baby, Mike.
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