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I don’t leave no river down but it comes to you and me
You know all about the way I feel inside
U know how hard I tried but that don’t mean that I

Can’t love a little stronger dig and little deeper
Go a little farther anything to please you girl
Tonight im gonna start all over
Show you girl what’s in my heart
Ohhhhh im gonna love a little stronger

U tell me you’re the lucky one but I see things differently
I have just begun to show you you mean everything to me
I still feel the need to

Love a little stronger dig a little deeper
Go a little farther anything to please u girl
Tonight im gonna start all over
Show u girl what’s in my heart
Ohhhhh grow love a little stronger

Grow love a little stronger



baby i just want u to know how i really feel about u baby

yanno i dun think i could ever love anyone as much as i love

u right this very moment in time i know i get jealous baby

about alot of things and im sorry i dun mean to get so jealous

but i cant help it baby, im just very protective of u and i cant

stand it fer someone to flirt wiff u im sory if i have made u

upset or hurt u in anyway wiff my jealousy. my heart belongs to u

meggan i could never break ur heart fer anything nor anyone. u

sure it didnt hurt when u fell from heaven cuz ur my angel baby

and i dunno wat i would ever do if something happend tween us

i love u more then anything in this werld my lil angel, there is

nuttin or anyone could ever make me hurt u, yanno u got this lil

thing that u do that makes me really and even more inlove wiff u

sometimes ya get this lil tude wiff me about things when i try n

talk u about things and that really makes me want u more n more

cant u see that i dun want anyone at all flirtin wiff u, i dun care

who it is. meggan i made a promise to u before we became a couple

and when we got married that i would always love u and never leave

ur side or hurt u, i made a promise that i would love u unconditiony

i sit and cry sometimes yanno cuz i feel that i have failed to love

u and treat u go0d during each day that goes by yanno, i wonder

if i have treated u go0d enough or loved u go0d enough during that

day. bein wiff u having u in my life means the werld to me i could

never get tired of u i could never stop loving u nor bein wiff u

yanno i dunno wat else to say or do to show u wat u mean to me and

how much i love u, baby i do love u wiff all my heart plz know that

i long fer ur love i long fer ur touch. there is times in my life

that i really get so teary and i just wanna cry fer u yanno i fell

inlove wiff an amazin woman. it was inna place that we talked fer

nites in and nites out gawd i fell inlove wiff the most wonderful

woman i had ever met in my life so sweet so beutiful and loving

never thought fer one min or sec that we would ever fight like we

have or do sometimes in our life. i think ur such a wonderful

woman, ur like an angel to me baby i have always wanted that

special lady in my life to love and hold treat so go0d, do things

fer, give her love that she had never had in her life. and u are

that special woman baby i would never hurt u meggan fer anything

i would walk across the earth to prove that to u, do watever it

takes. i would sacrafice everything we have just fer our love and

to show my love fer u yanno i could never love another woman

no other woman could ever love me the way u do no other woman could

ever have my heart, ur the only woman that i wanna love only woman

that i wanna give my heart tooz, cries baby plz understand how i

feel about u i love u more then my own life all i have left to say

is that i love u meggan wiff all my heart and soul i will always

love u baby more then anything and im sorry if i have said anything

to hurt u in anyway then im sorry i hope u can find it in ur heart

to fergive me i would really like fer u to take me to a room and

tell me baby i dun want u to be afraid of telling me

Love always.. Ur Husband Chris