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"Well you do what you do and you pay for your sins, and there's no such thing as what might have been. That's a waste of time, drive you out of your mind. I was stopped at a red light just yesterday, beside a young girl in a Cabriole, and her eyes were green. I was in an old scene. I was back in that red ragtop on the day she stopped loving me." -Tim McGraw


Thursday, January 15, 2004

Fuck. I got pulled over while I was on probation (two days from getting off it) and so now I have to go to court February 16 and get my license suspended. Fuck the police, they're nothing but fuck heads who want to get me into trouble when I'm having fun.

And so yeah. Tuesday, I got pulled into the SRO's office and the cop was asking me all these questions about some party that fucking happened a month ago. Like I was actually going to tell him the truth. My favorite line was: "So, did you know if any of the kids were smoking marijuana, or if there was any weed smoking going on?" My response? "Sir, I don't know what marijuana smells like." Actually, it's more like fuck you, fucker, I hate you and everyone of them like you down there at that police station, so stop being friendly and stop acting like you aren't interested in the weed so you could smoke it.

Ethan and I are talking again. No doubt this will end up horribly.
And to make it all worse, I like this certain someone a lot. But if he knew he would blow a gasket and I'd die. Plus the chances are nil of us getting together.

And that's about all I have to say about today. And yesterday. And February 16. And December 13 of last year. I have to go to Fast Eddie's now and do homework with Alex.>>

January 15, 2004
January 16, 2004
January 17, 2004
January 18, 2004
January 21, 2004


carrollton, texas
hating cops




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