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Like Puffy! Meh!
Wednesday, 18 June 2003
Long time no speak.
Mood: Relaxed
Music: Social Distortion-I Fought The Law

I am so happy to be on summer break. Sorry I haven't written in a few days. Haven't really had anything good to say. Ahh I am so happy tho. No more school! And Julie spent the night last night. We had fun.'ll update again later. Bye.

Posted by tx6/likepuffy at 4:45 PM EDT
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Sunday, 15 June 2003
Billy's Birthday
Mood: In the middle of happy and bored to death.
Music: Good Charlotte- Overcome
Plug: In honor of the allmighty one's birffday-

It's Billy Martin of Good Charlotte's birthday! He is now 22. Offically 8 years older than me. That's...a lot but I think I still have a chance! *hahahahahaha shea right*
Well anyways I finally found at least one definate person who is going to Warped Tour with me! KAITLYN! Ahh! I am so excited! *pees pants* If your friend 'n' you have 35.00 to spend then maybe call me up. Chances are if I'm interested in you coming your my friend and you already have my number so I'm not posting it on here...just coz I know I would get 65,000,000 calls asking me to go to Warped with them. Or to have phone sex or to lower my credit card rates. So, I'd rather not. I think you get it.

Posted by tx6/likepuffy at 4:18 PM EDT
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I just joined the Sid Vicious fanlisting. You should too, if you like The Sex Pistols.

Posted by tx6/likepuffy at 12:38 PM EDT
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I wanna be sedated.
Mood: Crabby
Music: None...too early
Ergh...I hate my life. I cannot believe that they are making a movie out of Sk8ter Boi. The song sucked, so why would they make it a MOVIE? Errrr. And you want to know what else? My friend showed me her yearbook and like...4 people wrote bad shit about me in it. That's so lame. If you have something to say to me don't go tell my friends tell me to my face. Retards. Well, anyways I hope you all are enjoying hearing about my problems. Meh..I'm sorry. I watched Sixth Sense last night! That made me happy. I love that movie. O, and I just wanted to add that if anyone feels like talking to me you can talk to me on AIM or AOL. My screen name is sPyke4249. I'll post more later.

Posted by tx6/likepuffy at 11:43 AM EDT
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Saturday, 14 June 2003
Downtown! word.
Mood: Tired
Music: Marliyn Manson- mOBSCENE

I was just downtown with Jess, Che-lay-say and Kaitlyn. It was kind of boring because there was nothing to do really and it was hot. But oh well. I'll update later I don't have much to say..meh.

Posted by tx6/likepuffy at 3:07 PM EDT
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Friday, 13 June 2003
Mall yay.
Mood: Happy! *finally*
Music: Nofx- Olive Me *They have awesome shirts!*
Twas a half day at school today. So I got out at 11:00. Then I went to the mall with Jess and Courtney. It was pretty funny. We went into Abercrombie and Hollister and we were all like....trying on really gross short shorts and making fun of stuff. Then we went into Victoria Secret and I put a thong on over my pants and was running around. Everyone was giving us dirty looks. Then we went to Hot Topic and I got me 2 patches. One was a NoFx one, and one says "Cheer up, emo kid." And they amused me! I think I am gonna put them on my backpack when I get a new one for next year. =D Still no comments...puhleeze people. My goddesses. Been up for a week now and I am the only one who comments on my own life.

Posted by tx6/likepuffy at 6:03 PM EDT
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Thursday, 12 June 2003 was not funny.
Mood: Unhappy and embarassed.
Music: Antiflag-We've Got The Numbers

Eh...Kensington trip got cancled. So instead they decided to let everyone who was allowed to go roam the school freely, which was fun! Aside...from...Shan. Shan likes me. It was enormously embarassing to have him following me all day. And hitting on me! AND BEING SHAN-LIKE! Meh. Then, tonight, I had to go and carnival games at the elementary school for my sisters. Although funny for my friends probably...not a cup of tea for myself. I was nice and let people win though! O, and J.B. saw me singing the hokey pokey this morning..that was amusing.
Yeah, so that was my day! Please people...if your viewing this POST COMMENTS!! It makes me feel fuzzy like a toothpick. If your lucky I might even write you back!

Posted by tx6/likepuffy at 8:48 PM EDT
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Wednesday, 11 June 2003
4 More Days Of Hell! Ahem. School.
Mood: Bored =/
Music: The Distillers- Gypsy Rose Lee

Yush! One more full day and 3 half days of school left! Eh...well then I don't have to sit amongst preps all day. And reek of their stink when I get home. And I also won't have to see Mr. Downes anymore. Child molester meenie moe stupid head teacher! Argh. O, and soon...(like...maybe 12 days now) I'll be going to camp with 2 of my best chums to camp. -_- They know who they are. So, yea.

Posted by tx6/likepuffy at 9:24 PM EDT
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