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The Kilworth Manor Bed and Breakfast is our version of the neighbors from hell. Don't do business with them, because you're enabling their rude & inconsiderate behavior. Bad neighbors are often bad business people. They've ignored our requests to make things right; do you think they'll treat their customers any differently when the customer wants something done right?

This wedding factory thinks nothing of loud, obnoxious, DJs and live bands outside in a heavily populated residential area. It can go on for hours at a time. This is bad manners, and it shows little respect for us, the neighbors.

Considerable attempts to resolve the problems have only led to slight reduction in the problem - not a resolution.

The city has laws against this rude and inconsiderate behavior, but they haven't done enough to stop it. We've written our local city councilperson, and mayor’s office. They all responded. They seem willing to help, as quality of life initiatives have been one of their campaign promises. We've been trying to stop the noise since 2002.

Below are simple things neighbors can do to keep up the fight. We are trying to organize the neighborhood because as a group we are stronger than an individual. Contact us at

Three things neighbors can do

Thank you for caring about the peace and quiet of our neighborhood Please come back and visit again!