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Jenn's Photo Page


Here's the promised photos!  This is me (I won't tell you how many pictures I made them take of me before I found one I thought was acceptable to send you! I guess we are all our own worse critics).  Anyways, there are a bunch more photos on the rest of this page.  I figured it would be better to use a bunch so you can get a good idea of who you are talking to online!  Let me know if there is anything else you would like to see, because it was kind of fun making this page and I don't mind sending more.


This is my family.  Richard is my father (50 years old, professor) and Karla is my mother (47 years young :), office manager/accountant).  My brother is Jason (18 years old, one year left of high school then off to college).

This is a picture of our house.  It looks kind of big and...pointy? the is big but its not pointy.  I am not too crazy about is too big (I hate cleaning it!) and empty feeling when it is just the four of us...but it is great for having lots of people over.  Sometimes, the entire church youth group comes over and then it doesn't feel so big!  We moved here about 3 months before I moved out so I haven't lived here much except between semesters, etc.  My room is the top right windows, just FYI. :)

Don't they look thrilled to be in this picture!  These are my three precious dogs...actually the one in the middle is my brother's but he is too busy to pay much attention to her, so she's really practically mine.  The black and white one is a beagle mix (mostly mutt) named Shorty, the middle tan one is a complete mutt named Roxie and the dark one you can barely see is my only purebred...a bratty little Dachsund named Kylee.

Here's a close-up of Kylee...she is sweet...when she wants to be!

This is my brother next to his new truck...he is very proud of his new truck.  He is about to go to work even though it is so HOT outside!  He mows lawns and so he just got this bigger truck to pull his trailer with.

This is my dad doing one of his favorite things...rock climbing.  (Obviously, he is not rock climbing at the moment, he is belaying someone who is :))  He is a professor of computer science, but he is also (and more importantly he might add) the sponsor of the Outdoor Club on campus.  He takes a group of students almost every weekend to go rock climbing...I go sometimes, but not with the other college students!  I'd rather just embarrass myself in front of my dad and not a bunch of my classmates!

This picture is actually kind of old (about a year and a half ago) but I look almost the same except my hair is longer now.  But this is one of my good friends Amanda and I at a burger joint in Oklahoma.  They have the BEST cheese fries I have ever had.  By the way, do you have Sonic in Germany?

Another old one, but its a cute one of my and my mom at the same burger joint.  My mom and Amanda's mom are good friends and so sometimes we have mom-daughter weekends and go do fun stuff together.