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me - petz - links
{ Insert a wittier welcome here. }

Hello. I really don't know what to call this site. Not enough giggly me-things to be a personal site, not enough of anything else to be any other site. I guess it kind of morphs with my interests... right now I'm addicted to Petz. Again. What is Petz? Click HERE. It was a lot better before Mindscape and Ubisoft and whoever else came into the scene, but.. eh. What are you gonna do.

Nov 21/03
Added the 'Hexie Indexie' to the Petz section. You're looking for some hexed stuff? Check out this list. It's friggin' huge. I'm surprised my fingers haven't committed suicide.
Some more sites added to the Petz links, too.

Angelfire, these ads are not cool.