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To be in love with you is like no other feeling
A feeling indescribable, and sensational
To love you is to cherish the times together
To miss you when we are apart
To complete our souls and to join our hearts
To love You Is to Remember all the times
The good the bad and realize the obstacles that we have over came
To love you is to realize and hope the feelings are the same
To love you is to remember the many times you brightened my day
To love you is to stand by your side
Come what may
To love you is to is to look imperically into your eyes and realize you're my soul mate
Realizing you're one of a kind, occupying every crevis of my heart and captivating my mind
Sharing the laughter and the tears, where
hours seems like days and days seems like years
This is what it is like to be in love with you.

Our love stands the test of time
no matter what the world throws our way
we know that love conquers anything
each and everyday
Our love never lets us down
has been there through thick and thin
with our love, we never lose
with our love, we always win
On this day, that our love began
I give to you
a promise of love everlasting
a love that's real, a love that's true
Our love will continue to reign over
all the hard times
because I will always be yours
and you will forever be mine...

Written By:Sir_Draven

M'Love,Well what can I say? W/we made it to another special moment in O/our journey together, I am so honored and blessed to have such a great lady and person sharing my life's experiences with. It's been a pleasure and a joy to make it through these past months with you. I know the road to get here has had it's bumps and twists, but together W/we weathered them all, I Love you more today and this moment than ever before. You compliment my life and you are my everything in life that I'll ever want.

As I sat here tonight creating this special page I thought of all the times W/we've shared as a couple, listened to each wave I placed here and read the words written by myself, and i've come to the conclusion that I have found my "soulmate" in life. I know that it might be silly to say such a thing but as I recalled everything that I put you through, and the loyality you show everyday just makes me beam with happiness each and everyday W/we are a couple here. You have been by my side through so much, I truly wanna thank you from the bottom of my heart. As I have told you each and everyday both here online as well as offline "I Love You Always and Forever" those words will never change as long as God keeps me here on earth, and I hope that if he decides to take me away from this journey that your smiling face is the last thing I see in my life for you are My Sun, My Moon and My Life.. I Love you with all I am baby.. I just wanna wish you a "Happy Anniversary" it's been a great 3 months and I hope W/we'll have a lifetime of anniversaries together... I Love You Forever and Always.. I'm totally yours.. Draven

Draven's Love Quotes

"A part of you has grown in me, and, so you see, it's you and me, forever, and never apart; maybe in distance but never in heart."

"I went to sleep last night with a smile because I knew I'd be dreaming of you ... but I woke up this morning with a smile because you weren't a dream."

"My heart, my life, my soul, she has the key to them all. She has but to turn the key and allow me to surround her with my warmth and love."

"Forever and Always in Love"
Sir_Draven & dravens_diva