Poetry by Hollie Davidson

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Welcome to the place where Hollie will showcase her fantastic ability with poetry. From the heart, the soul, her life. Please enjoy what you'll find on the pages ahead and feel free to email Hollie any comments that you may have.
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Spontaneous abortion is what the doctor said.
A miscarriage, sorry the baby is dead.
I dare anyone to tell my heart
that it was not meant to be.
God needed an angel in heaven.
Give me a break Oh Please!
A part of me was taken
and it hurts to this day.
My baby would be turning eight the 13th of May.
Was the baby my little girl?
All innocent and sweet?
Would she have been like my boys?
Would she have looked like me?
I hear the people screaming it was not a baby inside,
it's nothing but tissue.
You're wrong. My baby died

What you did was just so wrong, so mean and just not you.
How could you be a total bitch after all we have been through?
You threw me aside like yesterdays trash
no concerns for my feelings just a cold hearted kiss my ass.
How dare you think I'm jealous how dare you be so cruel
go look inside that mirror and take a look at you.
But see I never judged you, I was always your friend.
You were the liar just playing a game and now its come to an end.
At first I was hurt, then angry then I cried,
now I am just pissed that you let our friendship die.

Your words
What you said really hurt and took me by surprise.
The friend I thought you were knocked me down to size.
The hatred you showed, the cruel words you said will not go away.
Time to move on, it once was fun I cannot forget what you had to say.
The tears did fall and the heart did break but time heals old wounds I hear.
I will go on, I will forgive, but I'll never forget my dear.
What hurts the worse I have to say is I really thought you were my friend.
It almost feels like a part of me died, a part I did not want to end.
I will go on, I will be me but I have one more thing to say
NO matter how badly you think of me I will always be a phone call away.

It Was You
Who came in with a sword of words and made me face the pain and hurt?
It was you.
Who gave it to me straight and true never sugar coating
oh yeah it was you.
Who understood the hurt inside and never said who was wrong or right?
It was you.
Who made me face that little girl, the one with such a screwed up world?
It was you.
Who made me take a breath and see no one could change my world but me?
It was you.
Who over the years has always been there some I trust and I know she cares.
It was you.
Who do I hold way up high and think she's wonderful and an angel in my life?
It's you!
(thanks Claudia)

My Mom
There are no words to explain how you make my life complete.
Unselfish and so caring. You've always been there for me.
So much hurt in your eyes from a past I'll never know.
But never once did you give up. Never once gave up hope.
Even now you are here and help me to this day.
The love I feel for you is whole and nothing can get in it's way.
So much pain in your soul so many tears you cried.
Too much sorrow for one woman. It just isn't fair or right.
So strong yet weak so soft but hard so sad yet your eyes shine.
The love that's given to you from my boys sometimes I wish was mine.
But It makes my heart smile to see you smile I wish I had more to give.
Mom you are the best of the best and I thank you for the life I live.

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