Chapter 1 I was skating down on west lake shores, and I was pretty pissed, no I wasnt pissed I was sad, well I was feeling lots of ways. My girlfriend just broke up with me, and I was pretty down. No one saw it coming, I kind of saw it coming I knew something was wrong, but even after it happened no one could believe it, no one thought it actually did happen. So I was skating down on west lake shores just casually skating around not really doing anything special, just thinking, then this prep came up in his golf cart. "What are you doing around here spiker? You know any spikers caught around her will get their ass kicked." "Well if your gonna be the one doing the ass kicking then I'm not too scared." "I'm not scared of you." "I didn't say you were, I just said that I wasn't scared of you." "That's it spiker, your gettin' it now!" The prep started driving at me with his golf cart, not too smart, I just jumped on and swang at his head with my skateboard. It hit him good enough scraped up his pretty boy face and made him cry. I let him have his golf cart back and started walking back on down the road. "You'll be sorry you did that! Waite until monday!", I heard him scream. I didn't really listen to him that well I just went back home. I got a call later on from Leo. "Hey man, I heard about what happened, how could she do that! How could she do that to you man!" I wasn't really in the mood to be reminded about this. "Leo I'm not in the mood." "O.K. man. Wanna go get a cheeseburger?" "Sure man, anything to get out of this place." "Blake" "Yeah?" "I'm sorry man." "I'll be allright." We went to McDonalds. What a drag, too many girls were there. I decided to give up with the girls, after this last break up I feel like I cant trust anyone at all. "Man, Blake, you just need to get over it, it's done with, you can't do anything about it." "Yeah, well I'm gonna quit this whole love, relationships thing, it really brings me down." "O.K. man. If it makes you happier I'm gonna quit it all too, Robyn wont go out with me, she just likes P.J. too much." "I could have told you that, leave them alone, they are happy together let them stay that way." After we got done eating we stepped out of the McDonalds and went down an ally way for a short cut, and out of the shadows five figures stepped out. "Well look if it isn't that spiker that scraped up Ken's face.", said the big one "He'll wish it was his face that got scraped after we get done with him", said one in the back, and they started toward us.
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