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Poor Jon's Homepage

Things I pay For

Hey everyone out there......first of all I would like to thank you for even coming this far and checking out my site. I don't really have anything extra special to show you or talk to you about, except that I need some finacial help. You see, I made this site in hopes I could find pitty in some of you out there to make any kind of monetary donation to me. Anything will help, whether it be 10 cents or a dollar. I ask this because I am a struggling college student in College Station, Tx, which some of you might know of as, the home of Texas A&M University. This isn't one of those sites where I have no purpose in wanting your money, or am only goin to use it to buy alcohol with, you have word that this money will be put to good use getting me through my college years. Not only do I have to pay for my groceries, clothes, and anything else I want to personally do, but I also pay my monthly car payments. All my parents pay for his my schooling and a place to live. I worked all summer, but most of my earnings went right to my parents because of money I owed them from various things, and I will continue to work throughout the school year even though I will have a busy class schedule. So once again, I ask you to please help me out in anyway possible because I am sure many of you reading this were in the same situation as me at one point in your life. Thanks for your time and help! Any questions can be e-mailed to me at the address listed below.

Donations can be given online through paypal, just click the link below....if unable to use paypal please contact me through e-mail
