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Owner: Operates and manages everything unless not present. Created by _element06_


Co-Owner: Assists owner in managing and operating and if owner is not present co-owner takes over until owner returns.


Financial Advisor: Will make and handle business transactions but will report any activities to owner and/or co-owner. We only want to profit.


Hacker: A position which will be very well paid for unless payment isn’t necessary. This position goes along hand-in-hand with the financial advisor. Experienced hackers who are able to “donate” items for payment among the other employees are required.


Manager: Keeps all joiners below them in order. May give orders if approved by owner or co-owner unless not present then they will take over until they return.


Spy: You are to go and seek out useful information. Do not give any inclination to being a spy or else you will be demoted or thrown out.


Under-Dog: You will be in charge of accepting any assignment given to by anyone who is above you (manager, co-owner, and owner).


Any acts of mutiny or betrayal that are committed will be dealt with immediately. If you are believed to have committed such acts you will be either dealt with by the owner, co-owner, or the hacker.


I believe “gangs” over the internet are by all means idiotic, but this by all means is no gang. I might not even call it a job. This is something that I believe will make this lousy “Cokemusic” much more interesting. What we do here is simple. I have always enjoyed causing mischief. What is done here, or what I would like to have done here are many acts of mischief if you want a simple explanation of it. Of course payment is a must considering no one works free, unless it makes no difference to you. Mischief in the dictionary is defined as a troublesome or annoying act or a cause or source of harm, damage or annoyance. Many acts can be described as this. It doesn’t necessarily have to be harmless fun and it doesn’t have to be cruelty towards other either. Of course naming all such things could get quite hard for one person and ideas right now are essential for this to be carried out to its potential. My e-mail address is and I would be delighted if you would send in anything at all you had in mind.


Dress Code: I never liked the fact of having a dress code but it seems it would be difficult to tell apart everyone if I didn’t have even a little one. If you are a female red or black hair is what I ask for. For clothes, a black bottom, and black shoes (doesn’t make a difference what kind of bottom or shoe). If you are male and would like to join, spiked hair with an un-natural hair color is needed (meaning not black, brown, blonde, or orange or red). For clothes, it is the same as the females clothing. I suppose a status differentiating you with everyone else is also a must. All I ask is that you put your favorite song title and its author as your status. Ex: Pearl Jam- Alive


Now, before I can completely begin all of this I’m going to need every possible person that wants to join e-mail me and stating your idea and your skills that you possess. Also state which job you would like… I’m not guaranteeing you will receive it because many applicants will e-mail me but I will try to give you a job that will suit you best. Remember, the more applicants, the more job opportunities.


If you wish to contact me at Cokemusic Studios my screen name there is _Element06_.


Email me at: