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Stuff About Me

Perhaps you would like to know something about me. I am 17 as of this writing and will be entering the University of Texas Music School in the fall. I have played guitar for 4 years, a little piano since I was 7 years old, and recently I have been playing the drums and bass a significant amount. I own a 1999 Gibson Class 5 Custom Les Paul electric guitar, a 1968 Gibson J-45 acoustic (inhereted from my uncle), and a good classical guitar inhereted from my uncle which would have been much better if it hadn't been left in a closet for a year with one steel string on it pulling the action up way too high. Also, my house has a piano and if I feel like it I can play my brother's beautiful G&L bass. My musical tastes are broader than anyone else I know, and one thing I like about building this website is that I learn more stuff about music by doing the research for the pages. Here are the last 5 albums I have been listening to:

The Who-Who's Next

Wes Montgomery-Live at Berkley, California

Los Straightjackets-Live (really good, its like surf guitar/blues)

The Essentianl Alice Cooper

Miles Davis-1958 Sessions feturing Stella by Starlight

