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DNA Extration Lab!

DNA stands for deoxyribonucleic acid. DNA stores an organism's genetic information and controls the production of proteins

Before Stuff:

The purpose of this lab is to see DNA extracted from liver. Some Safety tips are Wearing eyewear on when messing with Alcohol. Do not put hand in blender (Duhhh…). Make sure you wash your hands when done, wash all used glasses, and through away the filter when done.

To do this lab you will need hand liquid soap, liver (beef or chicken), blinder, salt, coffee strainer, and a toothpick.


My lab partner and I predicts that the DNA will look like Red (because of blood), Slimy, will have a stench and will have a length of about 1 cm.


1) Gather together your supplies.

2) Cut your liver (5g) with knife. (as Shown Above)

3) Put in Blinder.

4) Add a teaspoon of salt and add 30 ml’s of water.

5) Blend in blender on HIGH for 10 to 15 sec.

6) Pour the mixture in the glass though the strainer. (put the strainer in/or a funnel as shown below)

7) (after straining) Add 2 tsp. of liquid soap. DO NOT create bubbles.

8) Then carefully pour about 10 ml’s of alcohol.

9) Wait 5 minutes.

10) Use a toothpick to extract and look at the DNA (it will show up between the mixture and bottom of alcohol.

11) Repeat step 9 if needed.


1) Before putting in blend the… Liver look like regular meat then became a liquid Salt was solid then came out as a liquid