Visit the discussion board to tell me about your experiences renting at Fed Up Renters Discussion Board 
A site truthfully detailing and exposing the staggering dishonesty, incompetency, and unprofessionalism of some of the Wesley Oaks Apartments owners and/or some of its employees in League City, Texas as experienced by my friend and me
Beware: Wesley Oaks Apartments League City Texas

Wesley Oaks Apartments 301 Wesley Drive, League City Texas 77573

Site update (March 29, 2004): for whatever reason, I had to move this site to Angelfire as the "HD Free Hosting" company no longer exists. I thoroughly despise the on-page Angelfire ads, but what are you going to do?


INTRODUCTION: Regarding Wesley Oaks Apartments....

Let me begin by saying that I'm sure that some of the employees of Wesley Oaks are fine, upstanding, honest, competent people. The problem is that some of them allegedly are not, including management (whether some or all I do not know) and/or possibly the owner(s) (again, whether some or all of the owners, I do not know).

My friend lived at Wesley Oaks apartments for approximately two years and recently left; I spent some time there off and on. This site will mainly detail his horrific experiences there as well as those of some of his neighbors.

The Inefficiency of The Current (as of January 2004) Wesley Oaks Apartments Manager, Edward Ruwaldt

The Managment Lied / Overcharged Apartment Resident

-- includes exposés about the bitch Krista Ruwaldt who works in the front office, their trouble holding on to and getting tenants, the possible money order scam, how they allegedly try to rip you off even AFTER you have moved out and more!

Weird or Unethical Behavior By Employees

Beware: Some of the Wesley Oaks Apartment employees allegedly steal from residents! The stuff in your apartment is apparently not safe from employees, who have keys...

Wesley Oaks Apartments Either Does Not Make Repairs -- or Literally Take Months to Years -- to Make Repairs or Perform Other Services: Read About My First Hand Accounts and Conversations and Those of My Fiance


Read my review of Wesley Oaks Apartments, as well as those by former tenants, at

Wesley Oaks Apartments - Tenant Ratings & Reviews

As of Jan 2004: A Registered Sex Offender Lives in a Wesley Oaks Apartment

That's right! According to the League City Police Department's website, a guy with the last name of "Day" is a registered sex offender & he lives at W.O. Apartments. See link above for more info.


(All Links Below Open in New Browser Windows)

Texas Tenants Advisor: Know Your Rights as a Renter in Texas

Renters and Tenants Rights (from Clear Lake Apartment Guide)

Miscellaneous Facts For Texas Renters

Should this site ever be removed from this web hoster, I will be placing it on another hoster. Just keep plugging in the phrase "Wesley Oaks Apartments League City Texas: Beware" into a search engine like google or alta vista, and you'll find it.

*** Don't forget to drop by the "Fed Up Renters" Discussion Board! ***

Visit the discussion board to tell me about your experiences renting at Fed Up Renters Discussion Board (You have to register to post, but you can remain anonymous; no need to post or publicize your real name or address etc)

ALERT (March 3, 2004): There is a web "troll" or "flamer" who e-mails former (WO) Wesley Oaks residents who post their e-mail addresses at the 'rate an apartment' site; he or she pretends to be a Wesley Oaks lawyer who tries to bully you into removing any of your negative posts about WO Apartments.

This person further claims to know your identity, yet does not address you by your name in his/her e mail, which demonstrates that this person is not legitimate -- among other signs.

Of interest:

Judge allows critic to name car dealership on Web site

Do web sites or discussion board posting cause Wesley Oaks to lose profit and business-- No, they do not-- their poor management does!

Expressing my and my friend's personal experiences, as well as those of people we talked to who rented at this shoddy apartment complex, is not "unlawful. " Providing links to testimony of others is not "unlawful," and linking is, in fact, the very nature of the web.

Furthermore, all incidents recounted pertaining to myself and my friend in regards to Wesley Oaks Apartments and its employees reported here at this site are TRUE: truth is protection from libel suits. -- So are the handy words "allegedly" and "supposedly."

Unless otherwise noted (e.g., as in links to sites by other people), the conversations reported are of a first-hand nature, made by witnesses to the events reported, and are not, therefore, 'heresay'