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Don't Be A Psychopath's Next Victim!
Don't Be A Psychopath's Next Victim!
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Don't Be A Psychopath's Next Victim!

Unless one is educated on the traits, a psychopath can be hard to detect and one can easily become their next victim. Psychopaths are master manipulators, extremely good liars, and their most prominent trait is their severe lack of conscience.
There is no cure for psychopathy and people with this personality disorder are often misdiagnosed, if they do participate in therapy. More often than not, the psychopath will refuse therapy because he believes he does not have a problem. Psychopaths who are forced into counseling will get worse because they use psychology and current research to manipulate the world around them even more. They will be able to mask their personality disorder for longer periods of time, which inevitably does more damage to their victims in the long run.

Psychopaths are known to drive their victims toward a feeling of self-doubt and deep depressions because they can be extremely charming and engaging in the relationship, while doing much damage behind the scenes (i.e. having countless affairs and lying about them, hiding assets from spouses and committing fraud).

*He is not necessarily a serial killer like Norman Bates, depicted in the classic Hitchcock movie "Psycho." Oftentimes, psychopaths appear to live a normal lifestyle. They can be attractive, successful and charming individuals.

However; eventually, the psychopath will show himself for who he is, especially when he has his next target lined up and he knows his current relationship is coming to an end. At that point, the current partner is set-up and objectified in the worst ways, which leads the current victim into Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). All the while, the next target is being deceived and placed on a pedestal. She walks gingerly into the psychopathic abyss with a mate she knows very little about, all the while ignoring the red flags.

For a more in depth understanding of psychopaths, please read the book written by Dr. Hare, renowned psychotherapist and expert on psychopathy. In his book titled, "Without Conscience: The Disturbing World of Psychopaths Among Us," Dr. Hare describes a checklist he uses to diagnose the psychopath. Not all traits need to be present to be diagnosed a psychopath. The glue that binds any of these traits together is a lack of conscience.

1.  glibness/superficial charm
2.  grandiose sense of self worth
3.  need for stimulation/prone to boredom
4.  pathological lying
5.  conning/manipulative
6.  lack of remorse or guilt
7.  shallow emotional response
8.  callous/lack of empathy
9.  parasitic lifestyle
10. poor behavioral controls
11. promiscuous sexual behavior
12. early behavioral problems
13. lack of realistic long term goals
14. impulsivity
15. irresponsibility
16. failure to accept responsibility for their own actions
17. many short term relationships
18. juvenile delinquency
19. revocation of conditional release
20. criminal versatility
21. narcissism (not on Dr. Hare's list but many believe this to be a major trait)

        * I use "he" because psychopathy is three times more prevalent in men.

       My own research has shown:

A psychopath will always reveal himself in the beginning of a relationship. With or without words, he will invite the victim to participate in his game called life. If you are a victim, you will invariably be able to recall what the catch phrase, words or actions were, even decades later.

Psychopaths and sociopaths are different names for the same personality disorder. Sociopathy is the newer term that was invented because the term "psychopath" was being confused with the term "psychotic".

Mental health statistics tell us that at least 3% of our population is occupied by male psychopaths, or sociopaths if you will, and 1% are females. Other research has suggested as many as 30% of our male population and 10% of females lead a psychopathic structured life. I personally believe it may be somewhere in the middle.

A criminal psychopath will burn out after the age of 45, whether he is ever caught or not. Meaning, he may not commit more crimes, but he will never lose his traits.

Psychopathy involves poor emotional intelligence, the lack of conscience, and an inability to feel attached to people except in terms of their value, as a source of stimulation or new possessions. This is one reason a psychopath cannot live alone for very long. With incredible speed, he jumps from one marriage/relationship into another, completely lacking any self-reflection.

Most victims are women between the ages of 35 and 50. This is due to the fact that a psychopath does more damage in his life between the age of 35 and 45 since he is considered a "full-blown psychopath" during those years. His personality disorder is at its peak at that time, which makes the victims around the same age. 

Most victims express that they have become much more spiritual after having met up with a psychopath.

"All cruelty springs from weakness."
(Seneca, 4BC-AD65)

It's easy to forget the psychopath....but not the abuse and the shame of being violated,it will be with me forever.

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