
farming When it comes to employment in Utopia, it can be summed up in one word: farming (From Utopia 1). No matter the gender nor age of a person, they're taught from early in their lives the fundamentals of agriculture (1). "We take great pride in our farming," John Crow said. "It's something our parents did and we hope our children do in the future."

Children not only study agriculture, but are given a hands-on experience as well (1). The 6th-grade teacher of Utopia Elementary School thinks there's some facets about farming that books simply lack. "Even though my kids can learn everything there is to know about farming thru books, it's another thing to actually experience the land for themselves."

Farming isn't the only thing Eutopians are skilled in (1). Each is taught a special trade of his or her own, ranging from being a blacksmith to a carpenter (1). "Everybody here is unique in what they do, which is what makes Eutopia so special," said Ryan Field, a stonemason. Often times, these trades are passed down from generation to generation. Vocatoinal courses are available, however, to those who wish to learn other skills.

In the past, school wasn't even an option for Utopian kids. "Until very recent times, the vast majority of children never went to any school: their school was the family, where they learned how to dig and sow and reap and herd their animals, or they learned their father's craft or smith or carpenter or potter (The Dying Family 7)." The importance of education has since been established. "School helps are children reach their maximum potential," said Superintendent Hall.

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