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Welcome to the Sound clips..hear some of your favorite quotes from the girls in 'The Tribe' and also save them to your computer by right clicking and pressing "Save Target As" and use them for your computer..maybe for the shut down you can have Ebony say goodbye or for turning your computer on you can have Java saying Hello..or use them for your instant messengers..let the girls tell you when someone wants to chat! Whatever you choose it's up to you!Have fun..

(Please Note That Some of these clips are a tiny bit fuzzy)
Ebony Series Two:
"Yes, I really Hate!" | "Ebony Never Begs" | "See you..In hell!" | "Goodbye Zoot!"

Java Series Four:
"Lord Ram, I have news!"-Her First Words..hehe | ~Javas Evil Laugh~ |

Siva Series Four:
"And which one is that my Lord?"-Her first Words

Ebony Series Four:
"Ah Take A Hike."-Her first Words