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Tia's Saturn's Gold, a success in full design instruction: A Must do. Please order in multiples of, $50.00, I will choose each, Card, to send to you. This is a, Mail Order Business. Each, Card, can be used for a period of one, Lifetime. I am starting a new, Business Directory, consisting of an offer referring to, Gold Business Cards, of the, Companies, participating! Photo-Designer, Business Card Kit. To design your own, Photo Business Cards, it is one sure way of achieving satisfaction of receiving what you want in quality, Photo Business Cards. My full process a substance that is applied to a photograph through photography. This, Business, applies to only, Business Men, Business Women, looking to enhance their work production through employee`s hands on experience before entering this product into the consumer general public; there are many forms of this product; once your cards have arrived take, 4 to 20, cards aligning them, and too, your seating arrangement at arm’s length. All that I ask is that you take a seat and practice the art of handling, contemplating handing your, Business Cards, to someone; It is an art! and at 1/2 minutes more or less it's felt; in containing that some professions would require years of college to achieve. Hence, the ultimate gain of using someone`s, Business Cards, at a glance, for 3 or 4 minutes, is perfecting one`s self at the same time. After effects of a, Card; to use any moment you choose and within each moment until optimal usage is achieved along with swirling arm movements, and poses. Secondly: Not changing sides; using, Cards, hand to mind, hand to mind, a single second would consist of at least 2 contemplations, contemplating as a customer would begin thinking, and of purchasing this product in your mind. Business Associates, become the personal contacts they should be. Thirdly: Thinking to be clever enough to visualize a, five to sixpot, Gold Mine, reason with yourself that what just happened was absorbed into your mind without you seeing it and the invisible; Mine, will be revealed. W/I/H/A/I. Shop before thinking! Before it`s too late! Try my other products which belong in a, Bank, accompanied with these, Business Cards. Business Employee`s: Introducing a new space age process, a material embedded on the, Business Cards, that enhances ones results when distributing them to clients, and friends. The embedded process, substance, though photography your design should then contain, Gold, marked finished design, logos; that can be marked by the owner, purchasers privacy cut, computer lazier enhancements and then added to designer, Card, to ensure personalization, safely to the, Card. In other words if you have a, Business, you create a design of your, Business Cards, from the, Business Cards, I send to you. Since these, Cards, have legitimate miner`s powers through photography, and mystic control powers, unique to owners own specifications, they are designed to be used over and over again they should not be discarded. This is a product that has been, time and research tested; and now have been packaged into; buy as many as necessary. A single (1) to be used by, Business Owners, employee`s, and the general public. Maybe you are married or have children, or a second, Family Business. The most popular, Business Cards, will be selected by my, Company, and mailed to the purchaser. What was lost when communication with, Gold Business Cards; demonstrators met. Do not loose these, Business Cards. Recipient or owners, both have almost equal value transferee. Contemplating using this product repeat to yourself; the, Gold, transferred itself into my thought at about 5-1 ratio penetrated into my mind, and I did not even see it. Particularly entertaining when at that point you will see, 5 veins of, Gold, on the Card. Mask your face, (lift) holding, do not transfer further. Dig in With Your Arm, Dig in With Your Mind, Hot Dig Indy Dog; with your photograph. Now as you go on about your day; absorbed. Offers: Disney Security thru Online Store. Little Pyramid, in the 80's from 1981 which pops up on televisions everywhere I have seen. Together we can get this done. Sir Frances Drake's Grandson, Evacuation Cities. Corporation or already contacts; I can do: Oh I see stand on street corner here, and find people to get interested in my Gold Photography! And we have had an disturbance. You do my technique for reasons. You can see what I have done here. What goes up must come down and under, at your half way mark. All Universes are Identical, but all are different entities. When you must go down it is only sensible that you break the area into smaller area Parties; because it is to large an target and proceed under where you had originally started. As before do not forget your, Pets Their, interests of which you have previously engaged into their Universes, in your Universes and carefully accommodated are now subject to the finding, of the Universe Doors, and that of the, Inside, of my, Creation Twoparter, The End. That is as far as I have gotten. Can be said as easily as when you have a thought use my product, when you have achieved a placement spend two hours one evening or that evening throwing your precision party and let the blend take its effect. You do not need your thought of Earthly and do not include even a thought of it or any legit thinking to occur through any time or you are performing in the wrong direction, a waste of time. Then someone mentions a legitimate! Regrouping, my product; you will then have to choose what printers are mostly at hand it would look mighty suspicious if, Printer Businesses just starter erupting overnight. This should be considered a way of which records are kept that most printing is overseen. New. Families and then a possible neighborhood existence would cut costs, that they do not become, Family Businesses. So possibly executing media printers is a large asset to consider when the initial work of distribution of Photography begins; I should not have to tell you this. He who receives this letter, as far as your mind can see can piece together that on the whole the average, Sea Coast contains a variety of distinctive habitat. That I for one am not one to stand on the street corner and wait for passers by to envision my product in their homes and life which lead to the out of door encounter to nature; that would be needed and a great accomplishment towards our Champaign. All along the coastline I use that; directivity inward. Then I would do the same on the, West Coast. To reach my landing post out in central, Texas the only one provided for the Whole World, it is then evident that we understand the word infinite to reach the, 8 Billion People who will act their own Universes, and become an finished product of this teaching to Nature, which includes these terms. So you would not mix the two, Finished Expert, of the total living, and knowledge, of process. To comparing, if not to catch up on these terms an non inclusive finished as has been directed, All Inclusive Universe, without the knowledge. You appear to be an intelligent society that can without hesitation keep this unimaginable course from happening that, that would leave you unforgivably in that realm that you did not complete this task, on your own. To me this is an all ins event scarcely; a competition for your own self preservation and what you actually are from the whole picture a self, serving Dinosaur and giving these parties through out your Universal Space. Then it is either go doing it or imagining not! Be ready at this now trending second chance. I mentioned, I have done everything for you. So when you get to this final point make use of what I have done in consecutive parties and get it ready for, Space Travel. Just before these three final doors is the only place I have ever seen where you may actually give an legitimate account of allowed work; like back up the stairs and only, a passing correspondent like under your heart, may pass. There will be several of these but under, from the beginning, make certain that whatever your mission; that to let them, or her if contacted that which is dangerous; get it out of her mind! You do see I am talking in consecutive organization? This dog step of testing the strength of the Universe, fall on literally knife sharpened Dogs ears so catch that at the beginning. Tell her that only the ones that it is happening to are the only recipients and they must go on with your knowledge which the, Dinosaur is the tender est., up there. From # one, two, and three. They are using and dangerous out of her mind consensually. This is like the reverse of the steps back in from the outer post just to mention. Two Posts: to your left from like an evacuating asteroid; from the surface of the, Earth which lifts duplicated. The other just standing, to your right from where you are, keep this in mind, tall and maybe a quarter of the width. But come back more while you are teaching and watching I am almost 100% sure it could be happening in your, Quadrant as she slips away then is when you utilize these; and give as much of the philosophy as possible to these active completive arrivals. You may not see you; but have a Universal Alternative Universe Door; in what is just an instant of time. Stand back even further and help her to understand that it may be happening as she is doing it simultaneously in a, Two Universe, or leading her back to her original. But she must complete this philosophy and without it she would never know. These are Originals, to the Universe, get them to hit the sand, and not come back, your dog is fine. Try not to give up, an initial danger, to the possibility. There you have all the possible prospects of space travel from, Universe to Universe; in a box. What will you discover is in your, Dinosaur. I know! Your Ship. From the Desk of, William Lee Janis Contra! What's that, as seemingly, Gold could be! This Scarab, is guarding the overflow that is now a force to behold a; Bay of Assets. Only the collected best received from where the estuaries have come together lifted above to the Second Floor, gaining a Second Floor; laminates the ceiling where the, Force of the Universe, had successfully fell. From all of your God Windows, Doors which you have held on to, exploding these boxes of assets from the boxes, You and, Keri have orchestrated, at relatively openings. A spot given to be done by your mind these separated assets flow washing up and over through your Universe. This is your Kingdom, Leaving all else behind below on site a, Top to your heightened, Zoo you have successfully distributed to reaches, spread, widening, Your Golden Eye, many, many times out, in length and in width set adrift yet higher through. You will notice that neither, You nor Keri, or her Mother can overcome the willingness from awaiting area residents. Stations they are beginning to begin to set up. This is a crucial moment in your planning. Just imagine you have called your every desire in, Color, and from your willingness, at no better description, God Nature for Yourself see how it will be. Each remnant a package which upon immediate contact with the feel of touch in your hand, it is thrown against the wall at a force of opening. Should it be put on hold postponed to protect Keri from the two flying hooks that will be set up between them, and to give yourself a chance to think. I utilized my Window very cautiously by figuring out the dementions I was dealing with. It spread inwardly onto the, Second Floor from Center Port, to make it completely around to the left of the Second Floor to be aligned to where the Starting Place was so far down and I took into account the slightest of my calculations where I would deploy my boxes. Remember you are not to go to far in from here the, where the Bay has enlightened the new area legitimately at the, Origin of where everything was taken from you at the time of, Creation; only to have you recollect; you have come far. Now everything is laid out for you at this, Flattened Surface as though you know where everything is. Most of your priority is facing Keri who has been the splendor of your focus in showing at several spots. You know what to do from here. I suggest the point from where you sit which should be just slightly right front from your first caution, moving inwardly at that point becomes left for the Elevator, delivery of a single box; of with, leaning on this advances the contents singularly, and allows Keri to distribute a safe explosion at your choreographic location on stage; kind of like, Ballet. This is prevalent down below but it is where you were made to be touched, In The Universe, finding a rectangular, Elevator falling, on the ground where you are standing thinking hold that Elevator you jump out no two are the same and dropped everything in your pockets and should have chosen a right hand turn down the perfect roadway path, this is a left turn after most of your work is done and leads you right into a room facing off a, One Box Elevator. Up here everything is much harder to work through due to low gravity, also a bit of a cold night to start with, Yetis to avoid its reach is all controlled by you so follow the just a single degree method to overcome. I would imagine this to vary the unknown more than anything. Like a grain of rice could be a perfect asset for a Birdet given is within its flight. You know you have come in behind Keri's Ship so many times before. Just so you know by yanking off the door to Keri's runner at that point she and dog have the micro-second two, three to hop up into the lander, will separate the space inside the vehicle to move her inside safely like on a, floor on springs, and also promise her the, Third Level Bottom Floor, inside which is the entire Bottom Floor and she's achieved silence. Within infinites this is totally possible you should be able to get the drift of what I am telling you from the information I have just conveyed to you. You may do this for any or all of, The Keri's you have accomplished; that to apply to your present situation. At this flattened area you can now see where Keri is in relation to her Mother of course they have never met their Father. Keri can never get the attention of her Mother due to personal contacts of relations in her busy lifestyle but the blindness here is to; and that of being a relationship. But of the on coming relationship that the new assets will achieve, which given their space is graphically a separation of levels. This perspective should be the source of your Second Window looks like Two Giant Windows in the where with like glasses but the two are just a large size and although you have reached this obstacle once you have noticed the things you have deemed constructed have more or less been done at random choice but it appears as this is more, Acknowledged than worked, I had this type of Door before and it was the only different one describing all of them letting you know that almost everything you do from this point is all power done for you so possibly just let your mind decide that everything is done for you and go. Here I am just letting Keri and everyone know everything and so far has been one shot masterpieces. Leaving all that is done, a mirrored image of having to go in anyway different. The one if it moves, say down from your hand, an entire move that I have explained has been demonstrated to plummet almost the entire distance down as the whole, of this reinvent of Keri's ship. Meaning Universes are considered a solid, width and length wise, but it touches off controlling say to your thinking that it slowly retracts You know that because that is where you came in at being that it floats and it is a Ship with wings. A slow-motion flight of a Roufied Grousedet, the second, the first was as I have explained where I know it was not my intention but it plummeted down anyway touching off my Dog also inspiring Evacuation for say, Water, Horses you know that a, Powerized Thought, with that in mind is completed as an Evacuation. Of its mass the energy being one quarter of the time of the other three quarters through a completed thought, with no mistakes, like tails, and direction. First it was the efforts of my second God Window which the immense power when hit could hardly be conceived of its purpose then having just entered a huge Estate comprised of Worded Memory could have been the second window comprising the Double Window God Door effect. To a floor for under a spot far left from where you came in through the Door, might relieve the engulfed Birdets from a room where time has enhanced prorogated visits, to and fly freely under the floor, breaking their caps and not with natural habitat so close; leaving behind, be the slightest bit injured. I have not moved everything is a Station. Just set in and go through the movements and where you are to get to that point to have it introduced as a completed station its easy to imagine. It started by having a sink with running water, just by turning the faucet everything started to work my laid out shoes and my motions of dressing. If you can throw a Rice and Beans Pit you can understand how it happens to work. That's all one little point. On stage, The Water Reverses its flow at a rate of everything in your Zoo that would abruptly make a splash so close to you you were part of it but not wet. Ever since the beginning which appeared a bit different than you might have expected here again with this level of legitimate all right in that one small point; Zoo's are foldable. This is why none of it can be explained to any being considered as Of the Universe. Do not forget to feed up and over the heightened wall, from the ceiling which will drift to their consumption by just reflecting this to their attention; they will proceed back in to eat happily. To of necessity also, Stations being constructed from in coming assets noting the differences of your location possibly as you have and will be, the focus of two box openings not to far out but to be a nice starting reference for Keri. Remember you are not to move to far from where you now, permanently are standing but do stay within, here where everything was taken from you at the, Origin. Individual Legitimate Inventory Ball-ets, then set just feet away from the thrower, thrown hard against the walls at intervals as you will allow to be commanded; first one Ball-et, from the dispersed finished legitimates. Legitimate Inventory Ball-ets, coming at you in the blast they will not hurt you each in half the case, bottles or assortment close to, are best described facing the brunt of the force at close-up experience. Accounting for the weight of Gold, is set in front of the person and left alone it will start to rotate its power. The secret here is the button of the sprayer is more a myth than maybe getting just a fingernail through its opening entirely. It does come with a delay spurt for your Dog for whatever reason but your Dogs have mastered their, Stations to visit. You may both or all travel to wherever and whenever you choose just by a single step through your last creation, that you have left behind. The only difference between the two technics is that the shelving just a bit further in will be hit with a Ball-et which you will start up and at the same time; guide into the slot below it, do not leave that behind do that for each article chosen. The hundreds you may increase just by orchestrating with any Ball-et and throwing it against the wall. Standing back from it; it explodes leaving the subtle hair covering for your head, or Dogs, making certain these do not miss application, they may become hardened so touch them just barely when you want to activate. The difference in theory, is with each completed Station try and reach out and from behind the entire area removing the shelving from the entire area, with a hard and constant pulling until out of the back it is pulled clear and falls away. This a total surprise to your, Inhabitant's, reveals their, Old and Ancient Stations, leaving only what was not used through time. At the same time having them rotate their Stations revealing a new Station frontage; or don't; do it later. I feel the more work that is done the clearer the definition of their station making the surprise rewarding to them they know their agility routine. I have seen where possibly on board a Vessel where the concentration is concentrated towards the center of the, Ship, Keri and You, Keri who guides all Vessels and may have brought her own from a previous Station is possible, and needed for more variety. She is always in constant attention to these facts to build where she is. Keep a close eye out for her, her hair is a bit of the split hairdo at the top of her head; the only difference between, Her and her Mom, when you see her at the, Helm. Usage at Stations is, Done for you, do not mind the Entity behind it, its just wanting you still and in place just keep it straight. Without lifting a muscle except while grabbing your choice of clothing, choice of three colors and, seating adjustments, sitting, lying down, then scooting, yourself towards yourself off, reclining table to an apparent encompassing, Vehicle Weightlessness, folding you into do not forget your Dog, teaching, hands on to your student. The Station as though they had been thrown, millions and millions of years past, by you its all now, History. Though you know, and have mastered this, Art Capsule Yourself, diligently with hard concentration defying; nor neglecting one reasonably non mistake from your mind; reflecting backwards your thought trail. Your everything that has been collected onto the Second Floor from below. You are standing on a flat surface now which is the entirety of the whole. It is a, White Estate like flattened surface, so imagine the Color combination you might get your wish. For great work and when ready you will be the recipient of a full, Double Column, yes, Roman, to put or lay into place. I found not moving to far from the entrance and possible keeping that maneuver again as your place of reference would start the chain of events necessary of contemplating such as the, Single Box Elevator, your personal source reference point or dwelling where, Keri uses her; Hand and Arm Blade Maneuver to cut off a corner of a box. The content will empty individually when you Lean Hard like an Apparatus just make sure you get it off the elevator and the room is entered as a; Corner to Corner from Elevator to Inside. Usually knowing the makeup in design between Keri and her Mother would put that to the right Her Mother is always left. You have seen that when you have reached a, God, or Universe Window and Keri; you enter through the wall and the quick stepping up onto the Escalating Fluid Floor is right under the back of her Floating Ship. In contrast all finished maneuvers leaving a Ship, a Runner or Runabout, Finished Party, she and her Runner go home under her, Mothers Wall she must be, caught and so reconnecting, to her Floating Ship when coming off an Elaborate Sorting Maneuver. Remember she owns the entire, Bottom Level Floor, how does she have this area; you yank off her Runner Door. This is also equivalent to the, God or Universe Door, maneuver so do not let her miss and she should know not to forget her Dog. All of this should be reinforced into a Large Parking Lot at each, Box Opening Affair. To announcing, Noah's Arc, the doors will fall with a simple twisting of the Wheel found Valve; leaving them; closed to your, Kingdom. The large, Mantis holding the Metaled Hand Flying; knelt keeping your Dog close as a comforter, twisting connections, as it is twisted they twist around to suit. this is your highest level, along with your, Memory that you have left behind and it is just beneath the Second Floor from here. Although he fell apart to face the ledge his weapon as adjusted; He is the Stereo Speaker, and many like this one are the source of the tremble, hanging visibly in space above your work scene. Place him there when he can freely resort to his resources; he vibrates to your sound or hum, do not forget to bring him around to receive his assets they are always happy; when deployed properly. Find a matching but seemingly different, God Door in fact it is a, Two, one for scene and one for control. This is the Second floor; it is where you started at the same Time, but further right, an allusion of unlimited Systems. Hop and you will see! Do not suggest ever looking in the down direction again, although some things you did not do, watch carefully as you work. I can suggest that all of your work be on the down grid. One reason for this is Contra, is hard to get a hold of and since a Scarab needs to be a Scarab he should be adjusted at placement lower resonance. The main reason is everything is added to flatness and in every which order, you choose; and the real reason is a, Marking that I am sure you are familiar; is taken from throughout the entire surface which can only mean that, God could not find us so keep in mind everything built leans towards down grid; is being within! If you did not Reinvent the Ship you were under through the Universe Door, and again it happens, you did not; as you may know that when you did do the maneuver in case that were to happen twice; it would make it three times as big as it would have come out which is a good thing. Through the God Door, there are however power surges like these which up to this point can be a positive roll play. Rather you noticed or not when you were busy and working with the boxes readying flipping to reinvent Keri's Ship where you came in through a, God Door frantically leaping up onto the liquefied Floor, when it happens it will fall through the floor and keep going. This if you have adjusted these doors below to a, Center Square, within your Universe; these must have a reason of existence so all of them are, Free Floating Entities. I believe this happened to cook a Tarantula. I have no mistakes so from what I can perceive this order is a consecutive reaction like how its being told. At the same time it is the center at which the, First Creation, took place. It seems an allusion existing in, God, at the same time at the place that you started at; what you need to do is acclimate setting your direction to these corresponding adjustments it will do you a, World of good. Just remember that where you started everything is a, Square to the left; so is it, Up Top. There would be no reason to search from here for anything below here so do not offer it outright to residents. No way that beings who concede to traveling down, which is possibly the representation of you, noting this is a reaction off your future caution going to points easily to pin point adjustment and have fun just keep the assets coming in and they will build their Stations. No way to come up from the original point of entrée where you have built your, Universe and Keri's Mom may appear to visit and leave by parachuting back down. Even as you stand at the, Original Creation Point, Keri passing by then her mom to the right; no sound can penetrate you have left them behind for your future visits. You may not use the space at this time as is where you now stand and do not respond to Keri, left and Keri's Mother, right they will not hear you; you may just start each moment there but until furnished with assets; you will be blocked. Even Tomlin is a huge likeness of seemingly a, Being Standing to block; likeness from Being, Sounds, like him and Power from an attempt at his presence and left his size through to his upper shoulders. Which is now your queue; that you are in. Which is my concern, that I am contacting this media once again that is what we will do as I will have a question, answer, connection which will point you through your quest. When in you are standing at a literally flat, White much like surface, Moman Roon, Roman Moon, God by the way created us to, as a stipulation that we see Colors. At this point rather than noting that you have told each, Keri of the danger out of her mind, and focusing on instead of watching the, Blade Footwork as the one who has come by and transferred Universes, keep in mind that only the hardest of tugs really hard will bring them back so eventually and note the reaction of building to the attic response, when relocated back to where they came, Keri does this too. Our entrance, vital to a Machine of Six Cubes, or could be eight but they are all moving in motion. You have entered one of the Cubes permanently, you are starting each aspect of each representing, Where you Started. It will travel from there, out to this is an award. Everywhere you have been in your Universe, its entire run from start to finish. So if it is moving at that rate you can always maintain perfect control because it can only move at that rate; but you have big plans for its maneuvers. Keri's, you have connected at, Box Opening Engagements, awarded the entire brigade, and Towers, raised at each engagement in the order you have completed. You might note that if everything you have done has been done right correcting, and thought and considering, has been a scarcity. So at least get through, the activities twice level, let these things fall into place legitimates fuel as a mass; is fed into its path, This Machine at contact; give it a little time in Keri's case the concentration is an award. Like two attempts at building with legitimates; or your two cents, any outstanding knowledge maybe once, before and once after while completing Gold Eye. Dog should be considered, before and after; Flittering Self Dog, like Egyptian Dog Person, and Tia'ing - Self Dog and Pet Dog. These will turn to Windows or Doors as a matter of fact the entire, Right Hand Third, of this Universe is a dedication to Dogs' so you always have access to that starting place. Also a good place to release, Keri from her ordered duty she will just slide off to safety. I noticed this also in where we enter into the, God Doors, relative to finding the Universe. Anyway Santa, as an example broke loose in a, God Bubble which broke up; Thanks for hanging on. This Machine will not recognize you as a permanent resident and will only know you for your achievements. My first and last, was just like stealth thinking, out smarted everything and I can realize its counting the moments. Let me give you another prospective. Keri's Mom say you have used a Duplicator or Duplicators from the inside version, yes there I have created twice and have completed all of my ideas from this perspective; would you know where you were at? So remember to open the mirror like liquefying table she has a chair at; that is the Rods and Reels, of this encounter be very quick and use all of your strength pulling and pushing it clockwise at the chairs front of the legs which the chair sits just grab it at around the 12:30 handle and push and pull like your life depended on it up to the 1:00 o'clock point and be careful not to cause any accidents at the same time you are thinking. Say just because the new one has to fill, does not mean that the old one does not work, then let her know and each will contain one Rod and Reel. Be very careful it is kind of spring loaded it would appear. This is something that Keri might be in some clue but in actuality is incapable of performing. The only other thing I noticed was a grouping of Mosquitos could harm her feet so be careful of any incoming, ideas that might occur. We have another problem , You can only give sight to one person in your Universe I chose her because of the flow of vocals outside to Keri's Runner Lander Room At this time I was not wondering about noticing this in a round about way but I could read it in the trees. Christ Figure, along Side, Fathering Children, and of course this explains what Keri's mother is doing in this element, I know she would be apt to hide an element something like a, stick for chapped lips, a lipstick and wants it kept at her back Vanity Table; I'll explain a little further on. Immediately upon handling a remnant it is thrown up against the wall to start the station. Keri's Mother has a Vanity Station immediately above Keri's Runner or that room. And one straight behind her; Mirror, Mirror, her wall in back is a delivery bay for, Water. Like a big container it just fits into the wall. Do what it take to accept the delivery and at the same time pulling it from the wall, towards you in the attempt with enough force that it rolls across the floor to an awaiting drop straight down this must be done right and correctly with no time to waste. This water container will fall and with a tremendous sound and force bounce off of Keri's floor and it will either land or stay, or bounce back up to Keri's Mothers each one is different but the one that does not contain the container becomes the Shower. If you intend to clean this area is where the , Baths are held next to out the water This water talks and can hand a glass containing water and a glass containing Paregoric Medicine. When the door is removed or yanked off of Keri's runner remember she and Dog must make the leap up on to the Escalating Liquid Floor in a second, not two or three but must be there. This area is now detached with free movement starting from her right, of the Runner; after the top of the stacked boxes is the starting place, from her Mothers left to get boxes from; is a simple snag of the hook. Do not let her think that this is just a really quick delivery or Oh! it's just a box delivery. Here is just a little food for thought, not to many things have been said up to this point about, Keri's Mother as dually noted respectably respectful and since you are practically advancing your entire life; by understanding these new friends that you are meeting the one thing that we have in common could appear as hard willful work or in her case concentration so we try to find this link with the, Honey Bee. Taking the anatomy would resemble and fit quite nicely it goes right along with the concentrating reality of the horse like hooves when removed could lean towards a double task hiding them or it could be singularly at this point is a bit of part of the game. Our game is that of Teacup meaning Dog Person! In no way intended to realign a point because it is interest. In other word She is looking for a needle. She is also intended to gain drug control which you slip out, under pressure if you could not do it especially on sight it would not make it any less fun so just by being smart enough to capture this a moment of dexterity could make you realize what you've got here, this could be what concentration has led it to be, anyway that is my finding. I have what I needed to achieve what happens. What do you do when that happens is entirely up to you when it is all there. While I knew this Keri`s Mother, I was able to complete her task as I was explaining. She coming in hard, it took her a full two days to react and I recognized this so I was expecting it; she was not out, but to get what she wanted her concentration was telling me the same thing so disarming the, Bee separating stinger. The game is a constant thought of following who's got it right all of the steps I heard, noticing she was staring me down, face to face, off the floor, each second that passed only knew who she was looking for her Bee. Like our game, Balance the Tea Cup Through the Universe. Dog that is. There is actually no such thing as the Tea Cup existence we are following here on Earth so it is considered a; New Game. Probable worth everyone of them our moments trembled and inwardly my mind would be passing more than I might be expecting this to go. We were all entangled in this game when, The Bee spoke, about needing to know what kind of Honey this this honey was made of. It could finally determine that, I have always believed this. I had just enough time to get to my next point a good thing I had my tasters onboard which it was thoroughly enjoyed and it was tasted successfully after all. That moment said simpler was Yes she is a, Bee Keeper and this was a good reason to, sound semi middle of Potty Mouth, Man and God all is at the same tone as respectfully we sit. Just think of all of Keri's ships they will all point to one direction and return to dock at the identically same point and angle. How you know this is when you get to a God Door of multiples, six stacked together it seems like a lot of work out there! Just notice that on top of Keri's Ship is a radar it is pointing straight to the, Multiple God Window, therefore you have the water way, there must be 6 ships and you know the possibility of where it leads to because you have set up a Lighthouse across on the other side of your Universe, there you know you were on the ocean. When I found myself at the Floor of my Universe; unlocking and disarming the Door to the Ocean, this is a regular door and the trick is the button when opening, keep your foot in the Door to keep it opened. This sort of thing is a mind trick as well so, to get to the other side keep this in mind; you could be totally surprised by your findings; an Elevator upon request straight up to engage a, Light House Box Opening. I arrived there by meeting Tia's God like Potty Mouth Eve, One from her concerns, A God and the Universe Box Party; crossed paths from inside a Steam Bath. She could Blow Clouds, out of the steam a True God. Just remember things at that distance seem to have a crisscrossing affect. To keep moving along there were several ways to encounter, Your Self Dog and Tia's God Doors; size was one, concern for their needs, smaller like shaft windows because it seems like you need to duck to get in. As a matter of fact the Shaft that runs straight through that direction was one of the greatest Keri's; and the one I left behind from. Going over to the right side of the water way; oh look behind you and do not forget to put up your, Nile River, hot, cold, running waterway it runs straight across from right to left piercing, behind, everything you have put up in progress. Left, Zoo moving right. An easy task at this point is spreading, Water from the heightened, Nile of hot and cold to the choicest of Remnants escavated from a sector, Evacuated, just follow the design remembering our location at this point. Starting at what is the true definition of, The Second Floor, way left a almost some might question a, Replicated Standing, of where you started, Above. Do not forget to account for the specifications when working around this area. At this heightened, Zoo here the; Water is suddenly in a reverse motion, from the Fountain of Youth, you have successfully accomplished completion; and your, Hanging Gardens are just what it might appear from where you are at. And just a bit down is another of the doors that had been opened, further down from my point of the, Keri Shaft Door that runs in a your North all the way through it appears, to the Ocean. On the ground the First Floor there is only one look, straight under here and back straight the confronting direction. These two doors are bays of a Cluster of Four Universes at the end of the Shaft Door, as well as the; Top a Plain Door, to arrive. The array of possibly six, doubles or snacks, like Twinkies they just fall into place. There are possibly Two Zoos at the beginning point, again from here as well as from The Top Zoo; a total dusting all the way to the Starting of Your Universe. On the left side of the, Waterway to the Ocean, at the immediate far reaches of the ocean, to you Northern Border there is one more immediate inner reach that is separated by an Ocean with Six Oceans around it or maybe they are Seas. This can be reached by Keri's Bottom Floor Ship, and it is just across the waterway and down deep, like you might imagine the trip back would direct the Ship through its concourse this is a rendezvous' point tactic because if you look up from at the Ocean you are trying to reach in the middle and run the ships; the ocean is the end of the trip. So this ship starts under the bottom of the floor to end up on the, ocean so therefore turn around to come back the same way by judging the trips end noting that another, Keri up above may reach the Oceans Northern Continental Wall, from you; and use the Lighthouse to reverse direction but from the lower, Box Opening Party you can direct it under the floor for a safe rendezvous' back to come in at the right, angle to re-dock. Also to pick up legitimates from the two parties just close enough to be propelled onboard along the way the, lost in Dinosaur Being, can fling aboard the ship the ship does that kind of collection. You might disagree with a rendezvous' at the Center Oceans edge to the right of the water filling into the Ocean for yourself; but keep in mind you can either turn around at that point knowing that the Lighthouse is to the left of the concourse bay, the ship must travel; or you may be traveling into the, Vast Ocean. But you have other Universe Doors up and to the right, all the way to the, Universe Floor accounting for around five in that layered Coventry. Starting with the, Heart of the Universe, this is basically what you have been building to have a mental picture working down which is really it appears for the meeting and teaching of Universal travel from the boxes for them. Then reaching your own boxes to reveal Ships capable of travel between and to different Universes, this surprisingly is not complicated as a matter of fact it is necessary to gain full knowledge for such things as Dinosaur Strap in, from Pure Diamond also a good tip is boxes that render contact, Floor Platforms. To the right of this great waterway to the Oceans Wall and at the half way point above the Ocean route, sitting above on the banks and just in front of a Keri Door you will find that it is possible to release Pile-ons, groupings of long Rectangular Blocks which are actually Five or more or so of these long blocks in consistency together making up Estates. This area consists of Six of these Estates, these all land on the ground at the same thought to account for across the, river waterway was the Multiple Window which was figured out to be covered with the equivalent of Yachts detected by what a radar was shaped knowing the direction of the large waterway these six structures also had six, Circular Disk Estates, one over each of the stacked three next to three in the, Multiple Window Door, detected by the fact that one flew over from where I was situated and contemplating my route from, Keri's Door. So is true of the, Stack Pillar Estates made at an angle which is fashioned to a, Horse Head favoring the ears with an added plus; the identical was the result of an Earth Evacuation from my immediate area which happens to adorn my Universe, to the right side; and ride out on a horse. So it would be a huge, Six at the same time, of Estates. That's six handfuls of extra large pillars landing together as Six separate Estates and a one representing Evacuation, which will lead you to how to construct the Wall, to accommodate this Vast Ranch. Up to and bending it towards you all the distance. Right up to I remember a circle of Dune, this means it does exist. there would be other Dune Bars or Sand Bars; as it would contain water all the way out from there. More doors, but in this area the toll of Doors is astronomical. But here on the Second Floor it was my, Writing and Word Mind Coordination Estate. Then, something happened at that point and maybe when it did it seemed to have sunk the entire center of my perspective gaze all the way down to a deflecting point. I know from my Evacuation experience that this was Horses, Water I knew and the horse wanted a drink when it happened. At that I have a next God Window that was the actual combination of two large large windows put together as just a thought that it was together as glasses. It was coordinated for me at a, Bathroom Sink with Shoes and a few things it was then I realized I could have this happen anytime. I hopped in and turned the water on; but it also happened again the second of this legitimate conversions as I contemplate how to go, my parties ended up a total complete success just give it a kick; I hit my entire, Color combination with that instinctive move and very unusual for all this to be true for first and all single boxes, so much for progress. Just to let you know; everything like this is an award in depth about you awards saying dress to dress with award reading. I keep close my assistants since everything now is carefully monitored modification. This is a good time to set out one of your, Asset Collectors and Distributers. Where I added the second Door like the First Door to cook a, Tarantula to the bottom; I just inserted it this time and made sure it was secure so not so far as I could cautiously get to this, Beast,I would not go within miles of. I was able to collect my, Keri from the fall down to the area; this a fall like only Keri and a passing, Universe Persons, trait pulling them back from where they came which is the, Door into your Collector Distributer. From the inside Party to way across the Water Way on the right I just found a path and went for it right on the top of my Cube it is round from the inside, We were pulled up right along the side of the area she slid off to safety. I was just right next, and in the middle of my Two Duplicators; which will now supply the, Hard Version of Legitimates, to all shaft like areas like you noticed where you got off the First Elevator from the beginning of your Universe work you might have noticed that it appeared right when you got off the, Elevator and hurried to contain yourself and pets in a like completed clear containment by use of a thumbs width seal like a button snap. Then your, Boo Person or Grim Reaper will show then slower your, Dogs a much smaller version expecting them, and knowing as long as you sit still and are contained they will wait until you are ready to come out. More importantly you did not realize that you have put your containment over a walled Canal. I can always see entering a little deeper, finding a bench makes it all worth it, because you may visit the very spot you set in at anytime. I know where the Keri I started with, is right at this location; knowing that I might need more element in case I had depleted the source to run through the lower shafts. I would eventually catch Keri; to safety from her sorting activity which she achieves at your command. These assets are the source which these machines are powered just by introducing them, in between cubes to eventual cube pickup. You cannot see ahead to far from the next cube. From there you are at the controls and there is no limit as to how quickly this will be for your assortment to be collected and deposited to each and every place you have completed. Using the proper aim first you may pick up for your own secret power as, Being; just kind of slide by the area where this was piled and pick up a couple of scoops they sit very well and you can do this at any of your finished parties and you should always have a supply on hand. Parties where assets were dumped by up turning large containers out on the floor; you possess that power. It possess a fact in every tiny grain and dust particle. But try not to take this surplus from what you consider main, cut it in between and pick at things that were not understood when they exploded out of the boxes with your Collectors and Distributers, those points could need the trim; this is a major event and you are traveling at the speed of light so be consistent, plentiful duplicate product; do not cut them off from variety and remember which machine you are taking out Deposit where you pick up like needed distribution. Keri's mother will use hooks and line to retrieve for her stations to be supplied. Remember where Tomlin restacked Keri's Runner have her start the hook from the middle of the top of the stacked piled boxes just touch and hit it is easy to teach her this information. Each box contains like thousands of loosely stacked packages almost like, Schools of Fish, each box must be pulled in to the point that will give her the closest access to the triple, hand pulls, up into the walls that will release the contents of the box scattered within her wall across the floor and leave the rest to fall back to the area which it was caught. Do not give the impression that this is just a box they or she would not receive just a box as just a delivery and you've wasted your entire efforts. You just want the remnants to fall back after she has slammed into the side surface of the wall with 3 hard pulls. As you sweep across the floor remember to stay in, for proper connection of your new Tarantula, which sends it seemingly so able for consumption can sense something some other thoughts possibly in its location it is squished all over around the Burn Mark, easy pickings. I have never gone down there which sent me to my other duplicator so just suggested it. The difference between the two, Tarantula and Rex is Tarantula, with just a slight gaze under a light fixture you can start an erasing decision, of your mind there. What this does is it means everything is a reverse of memory. Since you have met legitimates at the second arrival, don't keep them for yourself the two were necessary for the Stations; I know at this point size doesn't seem the factor but elsewhere it will. Whatever you have it is God, or it wouldn't be God, and everything is done for you! You figured out, God. I completed Eternity. There you have done it, focused everything from the place you started at the First Floor, right up to the Second Floor, noting the symbolism from the boxes kind of like a, Clear Moon like structure and the presence of, God, Comes Out of the explosions of the boxes. With the finished legitimates throughout, The Fountain of Youth, no matter how small it has been incorporated down to the dust. Put this in your mind that this is something you are going to do. Working with the proof is one thing it is not even the same, when you get finished because when you give a directive there it is done, because of the proof it goes on forever. Just remember when you come in just raise your left hand a little less effort; and you can see where the whole thing is Mindset. Everything is in accordance to this, Layout; you look at something it could be a Birdet or anything it just is but in his mind it knows everything about this, Layout so everything will just go on; about its way; the Layout in its mind. They fall back to any area below and accommodating even the tiniest of Gods Creatures, for they to know what they will want to be doing. I completed Eternity. All of your Disciplines, take just a moment; lying on the floor next to a wall, using this wall as a barrier peak or look under the wall; and into your progress; everything should appear there that you have achieved accept the subjects do not see. Keri's Mom might have this in mind and knows how to handle it at which time of almost the opposite, of the God Material; I was thrust into her residence the night before like going through a ball of glass from above Keri's; where she is told not to bring her Runner, but it will go automatically there after the Display Party. she would be my last contact with my completed Universe so under the wall I know where I am situated she is accustomed through time to, and repetition to know where the Zoo and its odors have apparently been a huge factor on the truth no one believes anything and they all assemble at the point where you have a wheel gate entrance from that vantage point you are on your own to produce an asset to open imagine, since Throw to open has taken place or put two little holes and force in one great thought, Beans and Rice they explode out of the plastic like package through the little holes and lands right below you in the bushes; as a unit its called a Pit. You know the assets at this point are inclusive with what is necessary, give it not to long then display any example of a usage of anything, at contact when this rice explodes you have it, it is a tedious wait and according to this particular serving technic it is really a delayed decision. like watching out for number two with your Dog through your hand, you should have all of your Vaults in place. Right up to the point where almost like a contained pocket of food, it is swept right into the mouth upon directive and don't forget the wine. I think it is the time element that you cross over to control the spilling of the wine into your mouth in case you have the rest of an asset biting ritual; this is just done a second time over I know it is cheesy on a second bite. Slowly you will get the reaction that of compliance and enjoyment reaction to the meal If you understood just lifting your left hand you can track this reaction and they will be on their way to building their Stations, instead of taking. From there knowing your line of legitimates and that they are all right begin the, Stations and the smell of the Zoo will be over taken by the Stations activity. The rest you know and it might be a good time to check for admittance into the Second Floor. My purpose for telling you this, to get evacuated from Earth, all along while you are doing this process you are doing it to make it work from within your Universe. When it works you will realize like it is on a counter top but suspended from top to counter; from your left and what goes really well on the counter snacks! While you are working this to the right it will work that easy! Maybe 3 or 4 then think of these like granite slabs from left to right or at a point then accounting for height like a pyramid lying on its side. This is the disturbance, take two points and it would be like stacking the points together; this area has moved. From where I am telling you you are at, you are looking from the outside in. If everything has lifted these were the Universes, that have moved. So they would be more on the floor. If you started from the left at the large circular structure which was life created by you and drew from top and bottom and encompassed drawing your lines to the right everything would come together at, where you are at inside. Then looking to the outside just add The Nile; water all the way back through the shelf to and behind all of the shelved items just with two brush strokes up you must do this as you should know how to brush a perfect, straight line; from bottom to top without making any mistakes. First they were practice strokes on which would end up on your face from My Golden Photographs. You only get two which shown; first a line, from the eye, possibly easy to work with. the other just a perfectly straight line through the attempt; my photographs are just filled with these surfaces to draw from; each one maybe could be hundreds just wherever the gold chose to collect. The purpose for me bringing this to you, and I hope you are intensely listening, The Nile which I had heard of comes together and flows smoothly with all of your inside door parties, which is the Universe, you were looking for I am sure you can count many parties as you were starting out as the outside too, at this point. Don`t forget the inside? Now the thing to remember is start over. Ok. You will now need an counter act to over compensate by slamming two granite slab doors; you will know as closely as reading the words on the wall, that close that you can touch; now literally do the same two quick like finger draws lines up making this square a Door into The Universe. With that power you and your Pet, have micro second to get on to transport floor and then you made it all by thought. You will see the Golden Eye encircled from your nose out I saw on my left eye looking in; do not forget your Pet. Ha, the Birdet, just found a snacking cake! Another thing you will need to do is now being connected to your Universe, you were caught before the disturbance at legitimates point I am sure I am right having not seen a single mistake. I left you at Keri`s first few encounter's looking for The Universe, from Growing Apartment, to growing to right on perfect timing; you will need to set up the parking garages. I have now ranging in sizes and we all know, Keri`s Mother lives next door on the left so vary them you will need this first one and we all know that the first door in the Universe, was done off of this Keri. But imagining the contrast between there and out to the garages to the original apartment she was or was not dwelling in leads only to her mothers apartment from the Nile again; now drops the hot to cold or both onto this area a perfect place to test the waters once tasks systems power button, is through her mothers wall comes a large cylindrical container as it passes by her make sure to let it drop off the flooring plain as it will fall past Keri it will land right in Keri`s mothers possession. Don`t ask how; but contrast the two into that happening When you first meet Keri, make sure to let her confirm that anything dangerous on her mind to get it out of her mind she will know what you mean. Keri, is all but safe in her apartment by her mothers which is now in her special; the door blows off the a semblance speeder we are all safely on the floor of the first party from underneath, Growing Apartment she is able to move through the unit then what is needed is to do the same for your, Self Likeness couple the same thing happens for her. Water will do it all contain and anything more careful and not. Watchful but stern, these are artificial which; has never touched water. After the legitimate application.
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Dog In Space

Bring all of yourself along for the experience.

I`m In Space

See yourself in each experience.

Out In Space

Reach for depths at each experience.

Background Title: Space In Space

Being patient has its response, every trickle could show what we know as prevalent, something has to respond to our now inner or then like to an outer, collide with contact metal, and mindset. Which to you is the more virtuous response? One holds the weight the other the power so as not to shift, it slides your just a, Step Up, if you choose it spontaneously into, Eternity. What goes up must come down, there as it has always been. With one vigorous sliding like metal to magnet clasping, a single grasp; it is opened never to be closed. At once a step coagulates, to and from that point from your, Patio you and your, Dog, have chosen what active fragments lie waiting along this once traveled moment, splitting your possibilities of power left, and right, to each other. A once in a lifetime unleash into permanence so your stepping left, she stepping right; only meeting yourself at each movement forever. Step into, Eternity, you will ride, arrive to defragment your inward direction to assimilate and to save a, Dog. Together take your seat, not tipping permanents', letting rise and accumulation descend, as the only flower you will ever sew accept your, Dog. Your apartment in the sky, every, Humans, claim, to regenerate and to show having shown back; assembled no weaknesses and ride your mind out leaving above all spirits from your passing, to present, now direct to your duplicating inner selves back to where you came. This is never lower as, a fish to cologne, as you over see your, Patio, but your destinations should come and as no surprise workably easy as you have passed all cleansing activity; to gain your restful bed. At that this what it is; I found that this knowledge has been represented like an almost clockwork moment. It is so deep that it is a reverse thought as what it might appear but; it is a; Door, now; about your, Real-Estate. You might have guessed it you have been walking on the walls that you have come to believe could easily be considered dangerous by predator, but here so deep it lies so very beneath, the only sound projected matches the night before as a stamp, to the top of your mind unimpaired, left possibly to the point of almost undone, but visually intact, so the only sound you will hear; "I knew it someone has figured it out, where it is, and that it cannot be reversed." That day is yours, be alert and always bring in new methods of serving old to the new. Snow White, has always been everything, is looking for a change from, Your Spousal Window, a delivery at this window of the storage of packages and now to be tried for her, Empowered Product Opening. This will be chaperoned by the mystic, Egyptian girl, Keri, I will rezoned, this very personal information. Include next, Egyptian, then, Earth, Product Opening; remembering assembly is required. Oh, Uh (stereo,) Snow is in for a ride. I a third; she a first and, Keri`s, a third. I, a corridor to here; is also an assembly tactic, as well as an exit route tactic possibility. Not so fast, so keep it tight and try not to miss it when it comes up at any of these decisions. A corridor is how you just brought your shipment of, Earths, assets to get to this point. Yes you read me correctly, the finished and packaged goods. Earth, has assembled; has been found. A semi-quick, three point take off or known as a swing arm elevator as from the beginning tangent points of interest, these knifes are a fence; it becomes a balcony from this take off. Once around, or opened, hold tight do not forget your, loyal Pet, Pets; you have duplicated the first of all moves into your, Universe, so you should be standing and searching your floor choice and again once you and yours get off and door closes wait a few seconds out of the way; doors will open and deposit a complete shipment above you; I suggest it is indeed the same floor because once opened it looks like the sky at night. Fish like the middle top and spend time catching to fool, Tomlin, who is anatomically notorious for opening deliveries, he may not be made aware because the box is obviously back on top of the unopened, quarter of a football field product arrangement! Just get an opening and bite the, counter way shape, fruit sided spot; swishing and tasting. Swallowing is continually a consistent thing to remember. Next it is back at you, rule of thumb, and quick serve hand act; and you have you, and your, samplers. Elevator type, looks like, Spider Web, in ceiling corner moving left from delivery landing point, is known as a corridor, Hoop Elevator. Have you noticed, Tomlin, has been following, and has a gift for unpacking down the corridor and the ships components you have just applied to your collective; which he may give himself to the check in any time you have a problem, for tune-up which is very difficult to explain! Or just down corridor from, Earths, assets they, (Dwarfs,) should hide just beneath so carefully get them in. By setting usually done for, Birdets, in is set, so safe is in. Always talking in circles the difference here is a, Square. This meeting should be handled delicately when approached they may; asset dis-assemble a ring or two but if you give them an asset from, Earth, they all will agree it does them much more good in the world which they live. All in all, the next is "Try 2" for, Self-Dog, her favorite, Chicket Bonart Deat. Try window is, Order Window; grab it she is always sniffing through your sniffer always has. And then, Snow, may appear through a facial mirror window at that time; so she looked you up! Safe, Safely, Safest. You could assume she came in from a, Universe Travelers Lane, like a shipping lane of sorts. Since the window we seek is always facing front left it also has been proven to call its activation through Egyptian, Keri, as was the case here. Flower box for, Snow, window will accommodate, Egyptian box next then, Earths box a like pestle is used to open; lookout what comes back at you on this box opening, it is third Egyptian, assembly to You, and Snows, assembles her new dress so consciously attribute these administers at the same time; the Corridor Elevator Route is in reception when she might decide to use it, her old dress lies stuck to the floor. Where is Snow? She did a soft drop landing from above as we all took our seats at that point and, Keri`s, third assemble, Egyptian at her knowledge in, Manulife; and serving, Gold Clad Drink Containers, and drinks this time were found in, Snows delivery in the top right hand corner which we removed and set on the floor because of its weight; drinks should hang lowered like chandelier for the Dwarfs, and we argue where to sit since most of the work is done from feeling around in the box. We uncovered a secret from some of the fine powdered treasure that would lead to the fact that all of the contents of the box can be stored as a bag from lifting the smaller bags of dust like material, Snows, old dress lies stuck to the floor adding this dust solved this problem and the floor elevator was a good start point when it appeared. It will be used to start a cardboard collection when boxes are all contained; and moving the containers and boxes out from under the, Spousal Window, remember to swing your body hard to avoid using the elevator. Night is long, assembly complete through three boxes like one box, Egyptian. Snow, has a problem with her, Dwarfs Teeth, which are apple seeds, into a hat is the trick get it, Monkey. Earth Assets, we have shown, Snow, may contain seed (orange,) so this planting is essential spacing for enough separation room and also allowing the seeding, moving in towards for, 90 degree left from you, and plant away from each other, set with soil, then we have sent artificial turf; and have met, Snows Tree Person, it makes a nice patch for him so carefully under the tree. Top, Snow Tree, turf beneath, Our Tree, and landscaping the landscape is set; ”Safe, Safely, Safest." Since these trees have blossomed from both, Snows, Earths, boxes and they met on rounded feet they need soil and the proper spacing; I like her stuff! That's a lot of work watching, "I understand, I understand." At the right moment, at the right time, at the right spot; study and we can go into it if all on your mind is not just a blur in your past, which is normal if you have been successfully accomplishing what has been read twice. Don't leave yet the best is yet to be achieved...tangents...stop! Puzzling; this lay of simily also when acknowledged starts back at the beginning after day three at this point so be alert at your surroundings as you progress through each moment. You may not like to stretch your (...) to slowly; or become what it appears, (Me, Apes,) photos can be caught prematurely but, Apes, pose below as babies, optional but not safe, safely, safety, for a while leaving the area. I know we have gone into detail about power, through developing your transcendental deliberation AL quest here at, Disney World, in, Push for the Future, Acquainting Moments. The power lies between start to finish, in and most of all noting that the longer you sit in the prospective spot the more power is stored for you and, at that; Great Door, had you been vividly precise enough to imagine, your own whereabouts. Now you should have cleared away, with your mind everything for; what fits into that template as a pure, clear, vision of, what goes up must come down; leaving at eye level your three dimensional mind. Another way of saying this, that artifact appears to be what, an, Egyptian, artifact? Definitely not with this in mind I would say; that is an artifact, Egyptian, in origin! I would also stress that, Keri, Sister, is now more believable than; a fish to cologne. Yes at this final, Kingdom Door, the third, what was the object of her mobility? Since this a new substance, and all be concerned a condescending bully attitude, it starts with germ fear, and ends up in space as a release from the second altitude guidance into a beating star, by pack, level it off; cures cancer, and teaches to not properly pinch near suspected life as it could cause deceptive lunges into its containment wall as well as that of a, human nature occurring probably everywhere as aggressive but very, very well disengaging atmosphere amongst a disorder I believe cannot exist, and you being,,, I say in all control once you get that out of the way. So we have gotten this all completed, I know you have had time to spend on yourself, and just let me add your, Pet, has a duplicate of all at this point for their own back at what you have accomplished through this time with them referencing, Pet, you should have imagined its existence so you might just as well have this readily tucked away. Since you’re at mostly a holding pattern to go back and maybe sample what you have already conformed, a transformation there of I know it is a smaller version of you now imagine, you should have no problem fitting in for this, Opening Box Party. As since the objective of both of these places actually places you into the restful sleep of, Eternal Bliss, you have been watching. You might not believe this but you are missing, one half of your guard against the; Whole coming into and bringing to a point which lifted from time; Yourself and Another, you stand face to face. The, Universe, was, Created! Many, many, as much as, 81 could be Thousand could be, 6,000 more years ago and at this point to free your concurring indulgence and yourselves you should be prepared and need to realize the danger that you're now consumed with at this point, to point out and point out believe. Her or Him, meaning, You when Either, They or You, the same should not make any dangerous moves. What is left behind at this point is not as relative because your concentration bringing this about; look for an, Elevator that when once automatically is sent, then taken, never wants to stop; its only range is through the; Top of an obelisk, as you fall and you and your, Pet Dog, ride at the start of the fall on top of the, Elevator at this time carefully taking your cover; will convert all energy needed to cook your, Dinosaur upon impact which by the grace of, God, is a match to this, "Tale." Lizard Cat! There is always time for a little cap; equals. Baby Dinosaur, or meaning what is brought before you as a result of a successful cooking of one, this will converge immediately after and the days you assemble; and is at voice distance from your sighting. Which stands to reason and well known to the, Mother Dinosaurs, or, Father Dinosaurs, so any involvement; starting with the first one is keeping your back covered at all times and you might or should separate them from the babies. They really do not see this move and consequently any other it is a game of, Mom, Dad, see what is happening at which "I'm working" and they run a tri--trilogy of thoughts so keeping as cool a figure behind the glass as you can and they know both boarders, that is what's left you know! Continue by moving the parents I like to think that it is a, Small One to, Mother or Father, since the, English, call of your and only your presence, is hard to distinguish, and devoted, as you will find out when by; whipping food over top of, Wall Enclosure; maybe you have helped, now you may watch its first feeding unfold as quietly as it had happened with the same feeling as it is capable as running or talking; touches directly. Their language is one of development or their future; I cannot say enough if this should happen; there by not telling you this information is my first choice. Basically a, Hole, greater than the size of the object, Dinosaur, is a detour which methodology is taken often it appears easier than it seems. A Roman Kid, who is always bothering his mother and the consistency of, Roman Statues, needs air to nourish; needs to be washed, you may think a long and tedious task but what does a, Statue eat; Elements! Think again easily referred to as a glitch which I do not know its fate, other than it was there not seemingly alone, as the, Dinosaurs, the word a strong mimicry like presents. He may know, a Female one; I hate to think! A tiniest of, Roman Material Man, shaking at a very rapid rate, forcing into his knowledge, collectively marking light and your movement, the opposite of protected sex as if to add this hindrance it is not enough it is connected whimsically but not forever leaving; Little Cupped Me, a right handed boot covering my elaborate; Whale of a Stone, for starters. Keeping the, Blood Cells White on the right side, until; Red on the left side, from some asset could be any asset in my case I used, Insect with my own, Black Widow Touch; and acquire these type of consumables one is enough. I would probably say the most advanced of any known presence accepted and at the time of its manufacture presciently it adds; Red to the Blood Cells on the, Left side. Now claiming it has watched the, Dinosaurs every move having been impeding towards only its knowable and doable life; what, Dinosaurs certainly not the ones we have brought of resolved cooking as much as. You may have noticed that I have broken this into sides though this is just the first of the series meaning once it captures the starting symptom's it grows at a rapid rate and is carefully monitored by all witnessing, so know what you are doing; just the, Color Coffee, will hint is an attribute to making a careful change other than, Black and White; as seen by, Apes take note! It is the Protection, crossing over, Itself, to give notice as to not neglect it, She or He, knows it's a reference so intricate of its pages in time. She mentioned, "That it could only be done once, and that it could be done off anything," and "A unit when stretched to its complete thinness," I mention. I jumped at the chance and she had told me before that she needed only what was, Act actually and accurately; with what was left a habit was my only option! For her and I could see the, Ends meeting and moving across that I knew what to do. Those ends would produce first my, Fish, then through her, Water, enough to contain the, Fish and it was done. She did say that it could be done off; anything and that was all knowing. But I contend that instead of telling you to go away and use anything that you know and might imply, using what I have come up with as I won`t say because what they need is their power, to coincide at this time precisely in the order of no mix of any kind; so telling you to do so would set you in the right direction if not, would be of no use. You will only need two points, one on or of hand, and below the, foot; to wear this to its full outreach, or do both but separate within the day, loosing specimen. I find I am right handed a perfect, Two Point Landing to Below! This when it is done will leave, Whole Likeness, of it as it separates its cover, but once one of your two points are covered, I used my right foot first as I walked almost cramming my toes through and the same side to complete my hand covered knowledge; I used knowledge to arrive at this precise point of each. I had left perfect cuts on my left hand from slipping off and embankment, and sending an open cans sharp edges at an even slice of three figures but when I heard by this, little Roman Electro-lit Meanderer, that I was at this point unable of full use of my right fingers I new the task I was in for. I can not say what leads him in my case but he acted as though I had been telling him how to conduct even the simplest of tasks since he did disperse; in his garden! Statues, don`t wet they get washed but it has been in motion ever since the beginning of, Creation; at this time this is not a hindrance to me or its, Mother. As it moves cross counter from point, a, to b, or maybe crosses itself; they are ends. When you think about it you do not need the points; being as your task is to free this, Other Person, and then, Yourself, from being in the area of, Creation; that you by now have forcibly arrived and taken account that there are. This substance comprises to a completed, Survival Kit, needed for sustainability. Bodies of, Fish, for either biting the different consistencies, interchangeable from here it means I am addressing you. Hello, Men, and Women, mm..-a-… Man. Potty mouth…Woman, releasing the equivalent water when completed for the; Fish. Let me go to one of the cooked, Dinosaurs, don`t let me get ahead of you. Your nasal passage, as is already known as a meal source of acknowledgment for serving a meal through to, Self-Soul Dog; could be their first but let me show you the most important meal of theirs. At this particular attempt from the, Wall Window Serving Vestibule, which was I want a, Turket Leg, remove, quickly then there is a, Shake variety serving, then remove, these attempts can become intense; I wanted to know where the can of, Chicket Bonard Deat, came from as it was dawning, that this was her favorite. Then, stabilized I was attempting my own feat a completed part of continuance attempts; my production was a success! Knowing that I was not hungry I continued to be assembled into my, Feeding Apparatus Table Setting, of Material, its wood; it cannot be proven, used would literally, be would, Base. This will be important to the end result which will be before you from, my last paragraph. If you haven`t caught on in our, Universe, this information has been a hollowing cry for a completed attempt of locating and rescuing the, Missing; and Yourself, which could only be completed once as her quest in a dream is fulfilled at this point. She looked like she had been there all along and I just separated our thoughts. A harmonious selectable sample of ones feelings, seems appropriate. Accidentally I chose not to miss these feelings; and at this point had my cigars out, losing one in the process though I found it that evening replaced. Have you ever contacted the, Greatest of all Universes? What was my plight and vicinity I had the moment to meet with the, Directness, whom was awaiting and on the line for my arrival. Similar contacts I have had throughout my quests through, from within the, Pyramids. These which exist as swarm entanglements breaking into tiny balls at their directive includes, Python squeezing whatever else you would find, small fury creature, and a, Dinosaur, representation in disagreement of if there is not an answer would the; Dinosaur, eat the rest. This was early on so I assured them that the answer would be; there would be no danger. My contact was no less before my meeting though, skeptical at this point I was face to face with a, Walking Cat, that was none to alerted by my presence at what appears to be a, Casino of High Exposer, as I was in but would retrieve my unnecessary and countered encounter, I came up with a brilliant move which means developing a, Suitable Quarters, for the unknown guests is first, as easy as pie. To apply Under Floor what we find so very difficult is a just whip one up there. You should have been well introduced to this philosophy by now helping the, Birdets, and landing in the trees and yourselves; can also make this material work as an, Estate, material. Make sure they are not to come out until it is safe which is a bit tight; as you have swept the food into their exit path to rain down on them. Again this is the focus as I now have phone contact with this, Director of course this is all relative to my mission so as I was becoming more acclimated I grievously got to the point and asked, "What if this trapped person who has been here since, Eternity, wanted to know how one might turn on the lights?" I had just spent the previous night having what I will always consider my finest, Opening Party, ever! She was now blinded out by her most sincere attempts to find anything’s place at which time I suggested that under her new, Photograph, as I also at the same time had for the opening, The Stairway which she was very reluctant to stumble down, we were trapped when the, Oil Light Enhancement, was to be secured into its holder; that finally she collapsed! Right directly onto the, Mirror, we first found and I was not going to let her pick it up; as it is known to be willfully to those imaginations a shattering experience. I found it an experience while I had just picked up and viewed the shard I use to reflect myself. I chose this evening to assemble my thoughts from the previous evenings which led to this; I know it wasn`t there so in the mist of things we; as I was about to explain were connected. You might be wondering why I am bringing this out so hurriedly and you should stop and think that you might need a mediator to transfer this information as it is happening it looks like it is more possible; to handle that way; I began to explain! Obviously somewhat taken by our ordeal which is now unfolding as it seemed; "You take over." We were all convinced that she, I, and now, He, were the subject of some power shortage problem needed to execute our mission, Air Pressure, should also be acknowledged an important factor here, but to begin with. He hesitated a moment, "Tell her to shout into her computer and at the same time hit the power button" which was up, for my, Website, "Power I need to know where I came in at," again, "Power I need to know where I came in at," now I was, "again." Then I was, directed to tell her to change up with the word, "Save," and deviate to the left hit the, Save Button, slightly smaller than the Power Button, "Power I need to know where I came in at," hit the Save Button. Again "Power I need to know where I came in at" hit and the Save Button. Again "Power I need to know where I came in at," hit the Save Button. There it happened! The door slid up opening; she was able to make an escape! I realized her need to not get caught when the door landed on something I think it was representation possibly, of a, Fracture, which was a good thing, because she had no idea of how to determine the total size of a, Birdet Dinosaur. This was leaving droppings into a, Hand Entrance Hole, which kept her from cleaning away the debris; which almost caused both our demises when the, Dinosaur T-Rex Foot, came down on me and the, Dinosaur Birdet Foot, totally unexpectedly came down on her; we both made safe recoveries luckily. Now I pointed out that, She was in an Elevator! I cannot bring you to an unprecedented arrival at any other, Universe, than our own and that would be defeating your purpose and any, Universe, has this very same predicament well, I`ll go on with the beginning of which is only the beginning so far. You have, You, and then, Your, then, Him and then, His, to contend with, of the outcome of what I am about to tell you; and then, Your Her Outcome, and, Your Outcome. Then His Outcome, and Hers, until completed in every aspect. Oh! it goes on in more than, one more way; anyway! So you guessed that I am next? Just place yourself at this point, a point where you are in or at, a safe place from disruptive goings on. To the left facing you always is out, keep around, you will need this space and the greatest of effort to use it. I had no reasoning behind the fact that I did not have a chard of mirror with me though when she descended onto the mirror it appeared to be the coming election of altogether. Together I was only concerned that it was not breakable and I was proven right she had no disenchantment but was coming out of, Dark to Light, added we were almost killed when the legs and feet of, Dinosaurs, were thrust in on top of us, so hence our ability to control such outside interference is a sense I hope you have developed wisely. I mentioned I was for separating the, Dinosaurs, parents from each, Small Miniature Other, seen as three separate this means, if you see it has any chance of falling into a hole large enough for a largest of all, Dinosaurs, that you even might have attempted to take such a plunge; very wisely! Now let me show you my thinking and always followed directive, one you encounter an insect, easier to imagine one, we think that could happen anywhere at any time. My motto is you do not want to do it to people, or live pets, but to living insects it is a discomfort but nothing more than something of getting their job done for them so do not get caught. All you do is forcing yourself down, not once while in route but it is a three point move, so you are down forcing your legs to hit bottom completing this maneuver. Maybe just a little lift of your feet, especially for insects; to make a long story short you have transcended below them so if they were to make a move that would be enough to put them into a different place. There you have saved the day! What good were you! She on the other hand would wish to deviate from this process as this came about a disagreement came apparent hold sited the best is yet to come; she`ll say to thrust it down in a harrowing attempt rather than a peaceable movement and does it her way. At any rate to get rid of each awaiting its fate; meaning the, Parent Dinosaur, You might hear, Dad as it wants to show its masculinity, persistency and get you to talk by mimicking you; and your obvious habit, as you conduct your life; mimics. Apes, do this as well only they see only, Black and White, so I guess I better let you know that a, Monkey, is also present on your side of the situation who will turn out to be most appreciative you will see. I know I had introduced her, Her Dog. I instructed her to choose her door to exit beings from the, Elevator Ride, they were on and she did. Next I was instructed at my mark; to tell her again to concentrate her efforts, to repeat: "Elevator- I need my things, Elevator- I need my things," again "Elevator- I need my things." Suddenly the elevator opened and a surprisingly large number of things were appearing to transcend down to her awaiting as she was, which would turn out to almost exactly fit her; Torso, to a Tee, when she wanted to exactly consume as she had in the past. I told her; from what she actually had to repeat verbally now the catch; here the most important part of this information is that what is needed, the answer to the point that what is needed; to sustain for consumption! I knew that there was an answer because when she appeared on our first acquaintance which up until now; was possible she was just a thought to me, then it was slightly different. One of those thoughts was possibly a cover for me because something was slightly obscure then she appeared and I recognized her. She told me that it could only be done one time; and that everyone who knew was a part of the, Universe, of which I am affiliated with and further more, at this time; going back in time as far as any, Universe, and that as far as she knew it had never been confronted as they all knew; nor was it ever recognized by anyone to whom it was intended. To begin, life as it should be when answered what is the, Universe, without, Life, and most importantly sustainable life. Sure their may be if you will, another side or acknowledged by you a similar, Person and Persons, but this in no way is intended at them.   The Monkey; has come out with you and is very, very in touch as you have seen. Its senses though are that of alertness to a, Tiny Alcove Window, setting. Lets End, World Hunger Pain! First brush the high on the Left Shoulder pile of Dandruff, off from the top of the Left side shoulder, remember left is always in. The little; acts like a snow flake directly inches below, Vestal Wall, facing towards, directly behind you but, Our Monkey, sees straight ahead like you. Remember do not clinch fingers together as it is a hard to escape way of detecting that you are offering something to some sort of animal who is peering at you; straight in front of you! this Vestal alcove is not much bigger than this little guy this is important because if you have or intend to collect any species you just set them in, The Whale of a Stone, but some of the species only fit the tight boundaries' of your mind hence their freedom, hence they are Safe, Safety, Safely. Now Your Little Guy, has his appetite subdued but; So do You! From their just try like really hard to unfold or shoot down to them; oneself has this capability, just a whole grouping of sorts for him to eat and just hope that he or she is capable of learning to pick fruit. Firstly, Their actions seem a little timid at first but He/She is pronounced in the fact that it is this trail He/She must follow by mouth as it always has but since you have been able to keep out the consistency of noise and peer pressuring noise encountered from point, B, to, C, everything is as calm as is intended. Chita's like to jump up onto a, Hair Matted Nest, from your inside mental but just above the inside mantel, to both us and these, Exotics, is an, Alcove Reach Down and Grab, place in teeth, whatever Shelving System. It works well with their reach. I think this may be it; because it went undetected up until now and works just like the, Under Shelving of the, Whale of a Stone. At any rate you should feel the relief right away! It is more cause than cause; which leads me to a final thought! When this all got checked out it was, backwards in its progression causing a no contact to anything relevant to me cast of myself! So try to deal with and hopefully positive results might be a reconstruction possibility since safety is the, little kid, should have been, Holed Out First, then in all intensity the, Mother, so as not to be crunched! Anyway you have to go through and make sure all of my information is completed correctly like double checked as if I did not want to put you to far behind in all! I foresee the difficulties we are having surrounding how easily, pretentious it would sound, to you; just to say, "This, This, and This." Held in place by you is sound waves and that can be broken into bits of knowledge you are having; into a, Giant! Your sound should be, "Errrrr" a gentle, high progression song, theirs a gentle call identical low progression sound, "errrrr"! You might encounter as proof who lives in between which I can also say for, "Certain," things of course, on a mind cannot be proven, although everything surrounding this is; these being who get all thought first hand or before it's referred to as fact, when no one else can. This is a, Cat! So much for throwing a sensible though into the routine. This is a three point, occurring act when you see evidence of a, Factual Cat appearing; from, You to a, Giant, to a, Cat. Hence while at your command and all you have relinquished during this rescue so far I strongly recommend when you see you are in an, Elevator, moving upwards at a great speed that you jump up and ready to set and exit facing out and remain standing while retrieving your possessions. Then this will then settle you as a, Vacuum affect to your resting place. In turn lift the walls and you around you; in an upward and rapid projection angling off at a, 90% angle facing, or to the right, and making your shot to a settling perfect capturing embank. Which shortly you will reconstruct two of, Hers/his size further and further apart; First out a, Giant, Box Delivery Forever; will be set in delivered. Keep alert to the fact of reoccurrence as is caused thereafter. Me being of, Dog Person, in and all I stand for here; as compared to origins. That could not have been worked, in any time that was not ever in that or of, Dinosaur, as the reason or, Cut Off, to replace the, Universe. So I can only say, that they, will be examples of the differences. Hopefully nothing will ever come of it as we can further explain one believing in a speed of light reason for existence for all, Life, as I; Me being of, Dog Person, the lightest crumbs spread thinly over the top a lighter crust, this was achieved as a double almost, Twin, example countered off at the same instance. Its history was as derived from the Spoke: A Universe Connector. A Walls of Un-shatter able Glass, Walls. To see it was surly a, Giant Gem, though it was not being, it was an, Inhabitance. Between the, Giant, a self identifiable to only being of oneself; and the area to where should I now dare to reference, where we were from this rescue, Mailed Ourselves, from before trapped which we were then. What lye past all of this hived and then honeycombed, or honeycombed and hived! Mailed, past its final resting place two larger half room of square footage are first created. A set for a huge delivery box its entire dimensions; of the first but just do the set, of for the second. I know what that is? A Giant! just shave the corners off the box in, at an interval through time task. And it smells the well prepared, Birdet it is accompanied upon your making it possible to be created or seen, it is really in the first room where delivered and very intelligent. I can not say as this pampering stage is even known as a stage anywhere in the, Universe! This corresponds to the Known dimensions of the one rescued when her, Half Walled Building, she/he spent the night in with her/possessions was the day following your escape finalized. In other words you completed yourself and the next day elevated Her/him at speeds and, Around You a Significantly Thinner Walled, enclosure. Her/ His will lift as an, Elevator, of approximately half of the large room just do it! It has to do with the space that you have to work with; into the inner, of the two, making it or keeping it respectively a, Four Walled Room, though yours is much thinner and again this is just out of the, Elevator, to safety. And from where you are, at possibly clearing all obstacles of when you see both sides of the wall appearing to be passing you every which way, down and up you know you are in an, Elevator. So you may choose your stop but at this time it is not a stop it is a front and back wall rather than the sides sent down a, path elevator shaft, horizontally rather than vertically which is the, Mailing Aspect, until it is tossed to safety. So it was a rough ride out of the grips of Apes, I mean, Large Apes, I like to think I left them all falling down the, Elevator Shaft, the way you would do to have them go around the long way home; but theirs were revelations of old, Neanderthal Man, and newer, modern looking passages of the likes, but they were all looking back and the bigger, Apes looking for their darling miniature, Baby to cuddle. I sped by like a giant envelope to lead through the path; hence the attribute (Mailed Off) too. In two thoughts; How is your, Fish? my Fish is fine; and don`t forget the wine! Complete rescue for them, Him or Her the next day although the room is a much larger, Elevator, don`t give up just get them to safety! Maddening when the full glass is raised and incorrect spillage is not a gulp, and swallowing is a continuous mandate. Both of it meaning; Ends; of safe covering line you now possess it is very important because it crosses which is something you needed when, opposites might attract. When you finish you can close your eyes and you receive a flashing set of lights seemingly following some path of your thought this is information you have taunted this and see a bulging at its seams. Well the night was young and you saw possibly material coming through seemingly, shake or whatever you need to do to get it delivered to you but undone all of this meaning was interpreted from this, little statue material little flickering memory blanket of annoyance, had been a choice to; pee. So not allowing a burst to develop. Just allow enough to get covered; by having it slide first over one foot preferably my right a reason for the clenching of the toes. Then the right hand, I had a cut on my left hand, but why? I did hear him say while reaching my paper, "Why he is so unable to use his hand." I have figured out that it is a change in the texture of, foot to granite as soft sand paper. I used legitimates from a first, Universe, and it did cover me a, Black Widow Asset; crisp at me at some point. The thing like the word means, Cat! Don`t call me that means, Dog. So change your computer at that corrective mark, just knowledge like, Tree People! You see little animals clutched into a knot that break into whole, walk upright, cleverly disguising and held; if you can create their dwelling with an over sweep of food in their path under the floor. Then reaches this creation for their attack on the food! This easy to create just be there for them. And it is done make sure that they are in; and not to come out; they will dive like, Birdets, from a sourer, but be careful their natural habitat, lies directly under this decent under the floor. (Mailed) I say me, and now since I have figured out that that little, Roman Man, is still connected at my command; I will let him know that he had better respect his mother. I can feel a, Hole; in which he can break through to safety; but did she see it, apparently the walls are to thick at this junction then in a while this respect turns extraordinarily dangerous because it leads, Her, right into the, Birdet Cage, and for a moment the top flies open and could be snagged! Down comes the feet of two, Giant Class; Tyrrannosaurus, and Birdetasaurous, (Any) Species; first mine then the other! This is an enticing moment of keeping safe; so for a moment she knows having caught a glimpse. All of this energy is blasted in, your favor, so I mean a night is a safe amount of time, so she is acclimated. The next day she has a one shot advantage so do it safely; you know it is connected as I have stated! Just to let you acclimate yourself, I during this whole time want you to know that I did not touch anything at this close encounter. It is now time to let you know that when you release yourself, I have been working with, Elevators, the whole time through. To understand the points and pressures that you are in by not budging, the pressures will pull you through. Sure it is easy to say that up until this point I have not manually touched anything but in the grasp of the moments, I know my mind was a, mile a minute; caught up in the excitement. Therefore to move yourself at your commands, probably did involve precision handy work but you know that just a swoop to the right is up and into the, Elevator! If you are swooping, and hopping, yourself under the door that has slid up for just a moment you can judge your efforts and escape unharmed always to the right because that is the way you have perceived this entire episode from. This separation is also prevalent with making the, Cross Protection, a true reality of yourself. Dressing it to your right, Man or left side I am right handed and I can say I have encountered the bulk of pressures to my left from my right but we are all one being in a sense and I know that it has always been thought that, Woman, favor the left side when in fact that is the opposite. So once you want to check this it might just be a time continuum, go back to, My Black Widow Asset, the most advanced asset ever manufactured in more than one way because it represented me in another, Universe, making it that way with just such a touch and is a perfect check method when all on the inside of me on the left side is enflamed with, Red, for a day or two so ease the punishment and dress only the right side all opposites are reflective of both per both hands in a sense. like a very, Tiny Horse Hoof Glove Boot Cover; and redeemed in the left hands, well! So Turkets, have splintery bones you must teach as you have rounded your inner soul, Dog, her owned, splendid first meal of such; I noticed her eating it the next day and I instructed her on piecing it to each bite. So not so hard of a move is biting the, Fish, which will be for you, Men, skin! how is your fish? "My fish is fine!" And for her, Women, needed the power to engage in her treating of consumable meals to keep alive, by doing the same she had poached the, Fish, as her first attempt at the, Food Source Window, did produce an exacting replica but seemed to be caught at the end leaving her tugging apprehensively, a watchful eye, body to mind, a fish to cologne; Giant clenching with fist, "Turket!" But it was not she is not to touch and it is floating off, and intended for her inner soul, Dog, at first breath, Dinosaur Birdets, do the same thing with their breathing, "Remember When, Remember When;" this as you are keeping low and out of dangers way. You might have picked up that she was also in remembrance of the smashing of the bones under the elevator, and she was able to understand the flakey part when told, resumed into her steaks, to get started with and before that, was able to catch a straining leap; at one point behind my directive, leaving so hard but so beautiful before her consumption of a steak, at a flaky steak; at a time, when it is connected to each thought so do not retract the answer hardly to getting the job done. And again she must be convinced of, eating in, Fish Skin Bites, is also a flaky to her flaky; she is eating too big of bites for the meanwhile. Another example of this about, Your Self Dog, having original, Self Owned Bite, of perfection, Leg Portion. Achieved at an, Wall Window Serving Vestibule, full assembly of full, Dinosaur Meal, This would be found as a result of my long journey to another, Universe, as I had been activated; Since, The Beginning, as the result of teaching the, Human Being, or, His Entity, as was my mission. To begin with to assist as I would or compare. Now holding them altogether both, His Self likeness, Chair Beings, His Pet Dog, which started in, My Self Likeness Dog, and has gone completed; (Dark Meat Dinosaur) To my, Tia`s Saturn`s Gold, Pet Dog or, Mans Best Friend, and, The Whale of a Stone, "Never Ending Moment of Life and a Home." Spread to share as she sees fit this leg portion fans in increments and safe, safely, safest, think of the largest, Brazil Nut rescinded at her bottom breaking it into segments which she safely ate, cramming one portion after another; she saved her period as I witnessed rising from the top of my right hand where kept the, Whale of a Stone. To make or produce the highest level of asset within the, Universe, The Black Widow Inclusive Asset, which is only augmented by its matching, Universe, of which it is fashioned at will stand to be broken, probably forever. I say that and tomorrow or perhaps this evening another, after another, break through will occur not in the same place if the complete, Original Universe, is ever opened, to be visited by other, Universes. To be left in capable hands to visit is just a tow away. It is a wonder that the, Human Race, has not yet come to the realization; as a result of the need for sustainable and stored food in place, which to store it has been reflected as; everything Humans, have been through as reflected by any contact as being a probable explanation left behind; as a knotting of a, Race, to be erased, and unknotted, and out of the way of these and, Future Generations, to come. It seems simple when you consider the idea; "A Bite of Dinosaur Whenever You," want one; could be carried out. This being the; Cut Off, to the question, "Why We are Here?" If a Tree Person is in existence, and erases all of which has erased in the same sense as it occurs using, Dinosaur, as the eraser, Blood from Blood, and shows the, Tree Person Within, this is much, much, different in all aspects than, not being in existence at any ready, through a no time continuum existence, compared as a, Tree Person, who just proves; a Tree Person. look at myself then compare. Make this last amending power stage an all effort, give it all it can take, Reverse Comet, is enough to start your, Mother Ship, as you might be un tapping your full magnitude now where do you land it; guess, right onto everything; from the start which you have been performing. From above it is a perfect fit and as you latch, seal, what your every strain, and you remain inside, you will sense that unlike the bully which somehow might have obstructed your view from behind, doors, no tricks, you will hear and feel and see what is none other than the streams, of a squashing, crunching, smashing, of what will become naturally your; Second Strapping, into a genuine, Gigantic Table Setting, for you, your guests at this, Coming; and of course the amazing part would be that is; is almost served at this point. At the same time you are latching, sealing, condensing, everything together in unison and finding that it is the perfect mate for its match, realizing with each further cracking of its now seeming realization; its shell is used as a dish presented to you and only the closest part of this creature/dish at that precise timing using the; Pointed Utensil, take your strike and get it into your mouth as it will inner seal you; to its consumption. Have I asked you if you would like to try this insect, Tarantula, and remember too as, Host, collect the, Utensils at that point, I believe that this is a, one to two, interchange, on and on, down the line, because it does come up again in your mindset power for just purpose, regains a mobility possibly for the next day’s attempt and, Ground Rule Party. Have you tasted the wine, with this dish just keeping; a crack away! I hope you have noted the similarities a payment requisition to hand off and return. Let’s go back and say, what goes in should stay out for acknowledgment and a nickel might stay there all night if you don`t move. I keep getting, Bronzed, or something so I keep my guitar out and think of, Tomlin, and what he might need to encounter through his mission of exacting things and this could be a leading start for him at this day. I know, Keri, was just a, Super Nova, just last night. I also know that the, Whale Of a Stone, comes into a rare find for water as it sits in weightless for a portion to expand into his presents he flies; also green pea souup! Is checked for by hand presentation, contact to prove it can be proven; old and traditional I am glad that I became a professional "Vapor!" just one drop if caught covers sufficiently a whole cigar, on middle ring hand to ring finger plus the real task at hand is shooting down (Mohhawsquitos,) with your can of repellant. I mean this most invigorating experience is the most vital procreation that one could follow. You might think of, Mayan, because they believed in what you might have witnessed; covering the, Earth, the, Sun, I mean, Fire, just temporally so you might keep your lips tuned on "M" not "V" although at this point I do not think you are all final. Yet leading into my next established enlightenment, smoking, with fire how will, Keri, attain the fire from your cigar or how will her cigar be struck; by throwing your still lit cigar away. Just turn at the coordinating attempt you are still there from the night before and let it fly. She has been waiting for many reasons and one is it might ward off predators searching in through each window as sound is a potential eves of disaster which life having never developed can not be confirmed other than myth of time as they search these origins so be quick and cautious these kind of look like, Dragons, but they can go by without reason or reasons of doubt so the two of you need to keep coordinately in sync. Keri, two we had a first in send offs. Tomlin, still impatient would show up with, Keri`s father whom have never physically met, I guess I was the first as he hoisted me over his shoulder in a round and round where might I sit that could never happen due to all of the excitement but, Snow, and, I, confirmed it was their first. Keri, will ride off knowing at this point how to keep her, helichopter, ship, as semblance; started and seeks her third as semblance. I know this thought, two hand buckets, are the start, gear and gear. As you speed by she is yelling, the ships components you have just applied to your collective to report axis confirmation that; and what a luck that she has having harnessed her cigar. At this point when asleep or whenever coming across an elevator that will not stop is the key to where you are. Did you ever stand on the doors of a plummeting elevator with your, Pet? Waiting the thing out will be two levels higher from there. What should it have been that we are looking for; the answer to the tangent? If knives were a balcony (fence,) "Like a Fish to Cologne" Yes the Big One the word itself could be the beginning of this answer; Dinosaur. Die no Saur, what could be left out? We are not dead. No nothing should be left out. No we are not sore. Keep all of these tangents together, since all is everything and everything is all if you could only remember this one point. As you go along and live your life of, Eternity but guess what? Push for the Future, is not about that! *!*! And from the very top of, The Obeliskobelisk; it will not stick but will travel through upon thinking this thing out. I might pointpoint in the direction you will travel but you might want to go back and think of these next two points. You have been active moving your arms as though to gesture through the night that this might happen; did something get tossed out at something; of course it did and now is the time to use it. As you fall coordinate your next, the next, Castle Top in; since you have succumbed the highest point achievable. Good, work. Do not miss the blast! Point two, they say that you must have a next one cooked; or be, Pre; Throughthrough. It looks like I am using double conjunctions again. So do not touch anything for a while; or explain your grief! If listening to anyone just try to get through it and bare it you know where you are leaving from so take a guess what? Try it! At from where you will be landing, the scenery is just spectacular for you and, Pets. Reenact at least twice daily from this point and do not forget to send, Tomlin, to be checked out he is probably there now and things are about to get interesting. At any rate you now know what everything is and should know by the outcome what everything is or another way of saying you know when it happens from try two, Serving Window. It looks like an overstuffed banana to me; what beautiful table assembly as, assembled around me I am permanently gripped. Yes it’s the, Big Stuff, and all is included and perfect. Bite for if you can believe it, 40 or 50, seconds it seems like an eternity! It did not forget your, Pets of course you did that as throwing a, Dinosaur Dinner. You are throwing (collecting) the chairs from anywhere across your, Kingdom; or they flock in periodically which has never been done to our knowledge. Get the rest of the chairs filed in; it just happens but that is also how this is done by loosening the, Checkup Female Sitting, next to you or your, Likeness Person in Chair. Once she is unstrapped she has been there since, Eternity, you can silicify this single movement. As she just needs a quick relapse and you follow up with a release, and I speculate some slimily, it might be true but I cannot of course give testimony that this is a real, Dinosaur, held in place; at this time. Just to get things started as properly as can be; thought is only in your imagination, for your guests, more so it is your thought that you seek! Now about serving it is you may have noticed at your service! At your directive like a puzzle it moves piece by piece down the beautiful middle of the table assembly as each guest is served as well as the second course can be established waiting time is bearable. Why is the second course like the likeness of the first memory? Memory collects power, as I hope you have not just been sitting there you must really be taking this seriously! Where do you think all this power will come from, so the more you sit there the more power is collected because that is the key to your hard work these days and at that directive everyone puts their face on completed courses; then is sent home with guests filing each as served. Extracted as the route they were chosen to arrive at the feast; I did notice a swap or two, or three occurring down the line in pressurized containers. Guess what our guests are, this is the knowledge this is life. You may use another approach but slowly consume this meal because precaution is, Safe, Safety, Safest, due to any percussions you might encounter, that is why you invented (Mohhawsquitos) repellent; that, will really start your day. Try two Try. Start back at the beginning; known as a, Swing Arm Elevator, this memory could be considered within as assembled with each of the other, movements to make a swing arm elevator. Completed at that time Elevator, number one which you used to secure access as a route to your first entrance. Time has gone by and since hopefully your progress has greatly been accomplished leaning all about elevators. Encountering one from, Earth, requires a step up, to exit, no matter where you choose to exit. This particular type of elevator maybe encountered at new positions you may have acquired and by not focusing on it as an elevator, and as you encounter its presents on the floor beneath you, the object is to avoid using it. All that you need to do is a hard swing of the body making sure you have cleared yourself from its rectangular boundaries. More over the reasons for this you are busy doing other things, these landings resulting from elevating yourself to these spots, or within the, Universe, areas can involve shipments, and assets, so you would want to concentrate on completing your aerial relax and rely on interests into your life and gain from friends you may have confided in but most of all your reaction to assemble parts while opening boxes for yourself, friends, and acquaintances. This is what got you there onto a, Castle Terrace, with just easy thought maneuvers you can imagine and manage moving from the first, Swing Arm Elevator, and going towards the wall; to just walking into the main room and doing a relaxing encounter and making the room a comfortable place to be. A quick three point take off, meaning an identical movement sequence to a, Swing Arm Elevator, only you have stood up to leave your patio and go inside or do something; looking back at a, Knife Fence, it becomes a balcony. Do not forget your, Pets, as you turn one swing then two swings, and finally the third swing, it is at this point that you should be looking for a, Door of Your Choice, it gets higher quickly and your choice is very important. Quickly and do not forget your, Pet, while exiting the elevator the doors will close and keeping out of the way wait a few seconds while the elevator is still in motion the doors will quickly re-open and discard a huge supply of asset boxes. These are, Earths Assets, about a quarter of a football field sized shipment; I do suggest that it is still on the same floor because the opening of a single box looks like the, Evening Sky at Night, all lit up on the ceiling, yes you read me right. These are the products that have been packaged and stored encapsulate in time; I like to say grown; because they are exactly identical to the, Color, Coated, Coded, Products, except that the individual identity is not present until consumed in the same way it is in a concentrated form and could be anything once you get past one bite you may consume and serve passing these to do sampling to only life in your, Universe, and every bite use swishing and swallowing to identify what is a continuous meal. For this opening make, using quick serve hand movements, holding hands together and rubbing quickly at potential guests within a close circumference of your proximity, like an, Ice Cream Cone, shape your hands. Shape your hands and shake them loose by rubbing. Then continue testing and consuming as guests are listening and watching and have received one in their grips. Example if you have bitten once and through is concentrated fruit and you see a salad eat the whole bowl a representative at this opening will with one leaf consume for testing and when the oil and vinegar hits her pallet will burst into flavor.; and acting off her reaction to the leaf will be the passage of a wedge of tomato make sure she is swishing and swallowing. This is from there like a party this is actually your from, Earth Opening Assets Party, so remember the entrance point at the same time of delivery. It occupies space so therefore it takes up space. Overnight the stereo system has been booted and everything is perfectly a tune so placement of this component is a synch; and completed percussion, is a heroine achievement. I first turned off, Tomlin; back toggle switch, down then; My Self likeness, Chair Person, then next, Female Confiding Specialist. As, Tomlins, Dog, Tomlin, had just jumped onto her lap to show such a professional groom of its likeness then turned off the switch. I then used the square large button on the back of her or chair but to complete circuit. I prove being able to plug a cord in it the same time as reaching in back of a large piece of furniture and plugged into wall. There are what is like a handful of people operating behind this scene and the reverb actually blew out their minds literally several times it and all will be alright. I hesitated for a moment and then quickly turned back on all of the switches. That night it just happened to work I feel, Tomlin, had been finely tuned. I did connect with a serious gunshot connect that night because of all the noise. I picked up like a, hole in the center, while I explained the last reverb; I had to they usually go back to that origin of, boy were they`re surprised! Also a, Ball, is granted from, Personal Station, for all purpose charging and all of this power you double checked up you…. I have not decided where I should place; to Hole, but it would look nice along with the others. When you look down and inside of your head for just a moment and you see a little bead of, Gold, inter tubing around in a pool, legs crossed, obviously from, Earth! Then you see from there, Spider Webs, webbing, and lots more of the stuff, as far as the imagination can possibly take bringing it up it has spotted you. It is now in movement up the stairs of the pool! This, Assembly Spider, is now in time for it to be set. Your power has greatly been boosted and across your cigar it runs off and into your finger as it is using escape routes in your body. This will be the important point to remember while you are off, conscious of this activity. So swoop past the location that you were just coming from, and you are re-arriving, you should have ended up on the, Second Highest Terrace Out. Hungry for more of what you have just had, for instance a powerful, Sun Surcharge, or Fire Surge Consumed, was caused by being active in the, Universe, and resting thereby charging picks up very rapidly a new meaning of the word consumed. You have had a day or two and the main which included your party so using seating on board your, Ship, from there is the only possibility this morning. You have got your direction pointed out for you just stick out your arm and where you saw the entrance at your, Personal likeness room set the little guy in very carefully release it from your hand. It is set, my stereo has spider`ers, flee`ers. You have had a power that is not exaggerating everything, ever since your first bite as each will take many minutes, that with in these days before and after the, Party, you had engaged. This will never change and unless you think this they will only use much like they are, they will not. So it is a free monitor to you of what it might mean to them, such things as eating tree leaves, as you might think because it happened, might not be tree leaves but prepared to tenderness as a compliment delicious food of what exists; he liked it! This also allows for serving, and serving, ups the right answers the rest you have explained, an under lying current of mint laced in its time crumbles down into your beginning of its tale. Which this whole life is, it is very copied, also very notable to them what the accomplished readiness prepared as conversation, like also wine if you cared to could be, Cherries Jubilee, meat and wine all swallowed or cherries while swallowing but everything is way too balanced to be dwelled upon; you have got a lot to eat and face it. I would count on the sun at the next morning’s rush as for to this to be witness. Poured up through your body, and practicing movements at rapid rates is perfecting yourself; finish is recommended with every thought, except for starting three swipes of the wrist used to contemplate handing the, Business Cards, but not demanded necessary. Thank, You. Thought Transfer, can record anything as seen: Visit my Website: For individual ordering of complete sets of these products, products investments, for E-mails: selected by company. Print and immediately rescan and print again to achieve an ultimate new version of gold dispersion. A must do: It has the power from within: If someone hands you a, Gold Photograph, you operate it at a distance then let it do the work for you and through continuing, and feeling; for the bests results. At once you understand all that is necessary, that is you use your thoughts to transfer. Use e-mails as many times as you like for your family (prints.) Businesses, would be bold containing this extreme tactic. Upload: The first print will assure that e-mail is refurbished if deleted so keep copy handy to scan. Hopefully you`ll be enjoying these, Gold, products over and over again at home. Study my Website. The answer to my Website is: Read twice, then anything you have read you know. When you wake up in the morning no one should ever, ever want to believe that as you have accomplished these simple methods, for entering your, Destination of Your Destiny, and that if dangerous, Pre Historic Life, will be the, Rulers, of all and the rest of time! And that you should turn back and consider getting back to the, Planet, or getting it out of your mind. What is not known to most not all possibly, are these methods, and what may or not be there you may pick up a friend or two. Saying this enhances your extreme decisions. One: Not knowing that you may have friends there; or having, Dinosaurs, appearing to walk through your living room while you are there. This, White Faced, being all but; Un-human, Robotic, but knows possibly others because they are there; and wishing for nothing more than to solve the problem. Example: With all of my wisdom and knowledge I bring with me food, seeds which I have united in the process, year after year, right in the middle of my work they have become coated with my, Gold Process. Through time, in my mind they have been cultivated and since been evacuated. One way, Black Cornel, of corn bitten and ,Tomlin, was born. A Black Faced Being, smooth just like the, White Faced, friend I had picked up there; was here, and in need of some trim hence the name, Tomlin, (toma-hawk,) long handled like ax tool; this almost like a machine. First feet to the granite, one, two, then one two and, three inching, (inching,) the last hit on the right side of the right foot. This will open a, Pyramid, Door or Floor, in this case believe it. The Door, will close behind, Tomlin, who left the instant he saw what to now to him, the damage. Leaving the two of us standing there eventually she examines the damage, a perfectly clean portion; after they met and we separated. Living in a Corn Pod, and the ax dropped after his hands and nails were done. He emerged, trimmed, and to be dressed, separated coated in material; his movement anywhere fast so direct his direction once (seize) into left wall. This jolting him but, not causing him to fall off ledge backwards, because you caught him slowly mirroring his about to be new skin it releases from out of the wall; fitting tightly over hands and arms quickly over his body; and he is off. This was force against force, do not let him fall. There is a single time which he falls, this just changes his attire to a shortened version of waiter coat; Now you have really got him! Back on tract: Husking the corn he was slightly proven to have the right tools for the job. That was until the, Dinosaur, wanted a taste of it; and the ax dropped out of sight down a shaft, but so did the, Dinosaur, then the ax fell off along the trail, it has been picked up later as leverage. No one was hurt; you should have heard it; and saw it; it was like, the bottom of the cornel you eat. So I start by telling you the, From the Beginning, reach down and grab, not falling out, the first and shiniest object below, scoop it up and in through the window before you fall out, and to your right toss it and begin hammering as hard as you can into the inside of the door until it falls twice, (hammered through) at least two times. Really hard; you do not have much time its a judgment call and what if it comes back, you hammer it again. Then something looking like a birdet, you hammer it; a latch and you will be able to hear this happen. It is so easy a birdet can do it. You are there with silence going back to the beginning, everything remains the same nothing has changed; meaning nothing is needed through the rest of your Eternity, except your ideas. Now picture, standing line from which you are part of, and you know your decision; you see yourself walking up to, The Open Granite Window, thinking then, to close off the door. You attain silence by doing this and then from the inside you have two methods to achieve completeness. Silence by the way is breathing later developed. They hear things up there; and mostly remember to sustain yourself where you are. First the rough finger and tow nail, like an old wolf roughness. The Pyramids, have been around for a long time so imagining this, Granite Surface, it is not difficult and you should handle it first with a knife. The fingers of left hand just brush it up on top and with a powerful pull start hacking off the nails, you use great force while completing this. The finger of left hand first then the right hand, brush it up on top cutting and hacking at the same vigorous force. Going back in; to complete your feet is a blessing in disguise. Since you can not do all of these steps, all at once, lets go back a little. Just adding a couple of things to the sequence or order which is your take of understanding. Sometimes it is better to know that they can be considered; scrambled, so you don`t alert someone who is next to you or passing by. I call that what is one, of existence or two, but not knowing is safe. It could happen! You have accomplished silence, the door shut tight from the inside, knowing you are there on the inside and not letting yourself come barreling out the window. Now at that point the window is and will always look a bit scary, its like, where you have been there, for thousands of years but probably if it was not for that I would call it the, Dinosaur Window, not dangerous. With just your thought wipe your hands completely clean with towelet until it is rolled into and dropped then handed from hip, to passing, Dino, figure to dispose of. Next a roast beef, (the greasiest, you know, fat on the top,) that you can provide and the, Presidents Kitchen, commercial (something I started,) whisk the dead insects from the top to where you stand into the area; it closes like the sky does when raining down here occurs; which is important to know. Then going right past the silence (see where you are,) its an important corner and would probably be worth it all knowing what you have just been through; it harnesses a window of the one whom lives across from you also this is consistent through out the rest of your eternity but a, calming, Spousal Windows, throughout. Now go back to the nails and do your feet on the, Pyramid, standing blocks there, straight ahead where everything would close up (like clouds, this room,) just like a walk over but if you were on the beach; you can lay out a tarp, just tying down the two corners away from you. It also gives you some extra footage, the knots and about a 1/4 of a mile down; I saw a huge ship - yacht. Using the power omitted from the, Pyramid Blocks, will be just enough time so try to hurry. Otherwise you would light up like the, Universal Woman, on TV. That last cut with the knife chopping, inching to the right will open up your, Pyramids, with a knife, Treasure. I found a, Horse, not a touch, on the nose and your off. There is an elevating lift; with a single step, at that point so don`t go for the, Treasure, but beam to a place you have already set up. That is why there is considered a first, second, third step, which is one? The other is keeping in touch with your, Pet, Dogs, mostly usually upon shoulders. Giving signal alerts and jump into the elevator, them to follow. This is a carriage and known as a swing elevator, do not let it swing you out of the window as it swings by it and extends to the, Choice Wall, which is a wall of doors. This solid wall of doors is also at speed of which elevator travels like, time warp speed. Getting off on your signal, do not forget alert to, Pets, for your move off. You should know how to set up and explore where you have chosen, this is all new ground and all you need is your thought to make things work. As a rainy days clouds closes up so your space is accommodating. The place that you can beam or just walk through time, and place, are very important, because they will beam you to your last place visited all in one thought, sometime; landing is advised at that thought. Surprise; for hammering the door against all predators; you have earned the, Wheel of Condiments. Which are used as already opened bites. Plus, Chicket Sticks. The combination sea food, chicket, all birdets, end in a (t) or you would not have a successful conversation. And if that is not enough the latest, Hot Dog on a Stick with the Cookie pulled off at the same time when done. Just let the sticks fall off to the side they will not hurt you and are very important in future for seating, deep and hard, into your chest, along with the, Blue Ball, Crystal, and the, Green, and the, White, all seated hard for, meeting and charging. It also means fun and what could be a controlling devise what is prevalently known through out by residents, Fire Sticks, like powerful electrocution devices. You will get the chance and things like, a slam of a door sets the wheeling in the halls of which they came. There which is nearly here but in line with something not to many people can do; but have at the firing range. So get to, Tomlin, and what he leaves on the table could be used as, a bathroom floor; sliding in, the tiles, with dogs, but block this over shoot, so dogs do not fall out onto shafting drops through walls, and off floor levels. Basically like a very active wreck room atmosphere, for fitness. And behind no messing around a wall of muscle matches the, Gong, that if possible could stop a granite ball, also a finished charging appearance; though unlike the granite ball if you could imagine that being a possible feat; and used as swirling. Then when returned from charging recoil is very important to each of the balls landing backwards, The Muscle Block, and set. One other tip; for, The Double Estate, The White Mercy Ball, a tip, and a couple of bring backs, its mine! A hands on a second one, flee seen sliding away towards you. These require precision knowing where you are at. And from here to there a, Crock, adile; the space you have to move through when snapped at, but the flying blades, not to worry, The Whale Of a Stone, is still the most protected thing in, The Universe. Between the, Crock and the three snaps; there is nothing like just the purest ocean water so before a possible fourth snap, Tortoises, are known for this, come back! Relate to sand, relays one emerging into this ocean allotment, Sparkle, and hitting the waves from the sand, this encouragement keeps them closer aligned for sustainment here, please help there to. Signed on the back, The Double Estate; which we all know came from here. I wonder if you could take a look at a new, Business, I am promoting. Just in time for the, New Year. This is as you can see something that will be of the future as well as an excellent display of the past, don’t you think? So picture yourself 10 years from now and with any knowledge, and skills of the present day the situation will change when you think of how many contacts you should be involved in. There is e-mailing, writing letters, and stationary for the ones you love, notes, and the, mobile phone surely plays a part. Of course we can never rule out the computer for the tool it is yes, Gold can now be e-mailed, from now and through eternity into the future and into the public eye. For your own X-mas cards, and printing; business; or any intended motivational, into the future, Business Cards. I hold before you my product, transferable as this substance that you are looking at. A, Business Card, that works, by keeping its worth, fresh in your mind, and body; keeping and handing, but more importantly, giving the connection. How does that widen your future; for the next 10 years? Everybody needs, Business Cards! There, is certainly enough time before X-mas for you to get to know this product. You will attend to deliver its explanation AL all to, your only closest, relationships with others which you intend to share; this much added asset touch accent to. All you have to do is transform! I know one at $10.00; for presence into this future would be great so, I want you to co-exist for $15.00; for a double asset accent. Here are the four to choose from. Good, luck! If everything brought to your attention in the morning, and everything seen through your eyes, matched what you are seeing today, then what you see as the past was. And in the future of tomorrow as, you now sit in your chair and swivel today, are you distracted by anything, or are you set in your ways of direction; through my directive, I propose that everything and not even history can change; that it is still the same. But here you can fulfill your dream by making it better, and faster, and sharing, whatever your true intention are; with anyone you choose. Come on be a part and find it done for you. The past from me. Thanks to Disney, all destination is set up for you. Say; Hi to Mickey, from me. I will collaborate this. --–William Lee Janis--- Push for the Future. Acquainting Moments. I mention, the end of a star, what is a star. A star is the end of, and route that is sending what is already in place in the, Universe. The start of interference, so from that point out it becomes a library at super speed, with the slightest acknowledgment at a glimpse. It also is in place, let them use their power because making a full attempt to alert to that point could get you into a lot of trouble; and is a constant flow of interference. The reason for mentioning this is, where you think that the power is going to come from, getting back to our situation, is generating such an evacuation; not much will come from the stars all bright, and shiny, sparkly and so intense; that the mirror anomaly is right in front of the stars from our point of view, and are all, Legitimates, which we cannot see; one huge sparkling. The only way to knock them down would be to knock them lower, and us bigger, which is a beginning of sparkles that I will discuss in, “Push for the Future, Acquainting Moments. 4B.” Like a butterfly will knock, throw and seemingly defeat any encounter, it’s come across by nature is then transformed to a landing, on a dog’s nose and quite an a average of successful getaways; but like any living thing the opportunity that should have arisen was not; the Black Hole, could even be as important as what we conceive of as a, Black Hole, today but in reality, is insect in size and is only matching to the fuel check, as used in, Egyptian Pyramids, life. To confirm this thought, matches your pets up with clothing; you say it all the time because it is also; all of nature’s pets. But catching one is sheer, and a large crave, for all of your pets. Kind of rather than using bullets for a ballistics check. You do this when it comes up and it seemingly; lands in your hand. You could light a candle at night, out in your yard, why not in your home? (The Right Might Night Light Shown.) Why not use your own, (Make It SO.) This is a hold; this atmosphere must be broken. You know of it, it works out of your garden. Candlelight Breeze, could result; a knowledge force far past seas. I want to introduce to you, My Product. One I made it this, showing my signs. I re-appropriated or made it possible to open the destination, to carry it out to your, Places of Residence. The purpose of this, to teach nature a list, which I can demonstrate its existence withstanding. Now not only can you design your own, Personal Business cards, you also have the, Proof, of it. These answers are how I did it. One of the greatest attributes of this product is that it is real, to the, Great Pyramids, it is seemingly as powerful to scale. I think he's a, Nature, lover talking to, Nature. Teaching you how to not think so hard. Nature, is just not aware of its existence tangency, and at a stone’s throw, are incapable of continuing the process on their own. Like held, to the dirt, of the atmosphere. But most of all; how to use the ships, how to fly, we need the fuel. Its destination; above the, Gulf of Mexico, aiming for the top you must land just under the top of the border of, Texas. And from that point all, Life, must go. Not bad for a, Garden Party, to teach itself and all around! I will answer that by saying; everything, Humans, did not want I made sure it went to, Nature. Check out these, Business Cards! These Images, are in fact the proof to start with. You cannot create your own unless you own a set. That will keep you busy until you have your own personal and privately owned and personalized, hand out copies. For professional, Gold Contacts, which will last through the years that you have shared and built. Apply them to any thought and also to all of the applications in, Push for the Future, Acquainting Moments. Form no opinions until you read this. Being all alone is the beginning of being twice alone to the same place; see this as it happens! This Stuff is so powerful that one thing is for sure. To get a concise meaning: you need a door to the proof, (square images.) You will use this thought accordingly: never grab at image (like taking a picture; just focus on proof, when it dawns on your mind, at the top of your head; just quickly flag it off; and wait. For nature as well as us this is a one-time process-per image. So from then on just use and wait. For nature, it is keeping, and their abilities can all perform as a single unit at the same time. So you can see the imaginable door and proper ways of usage. Everything else you should know. The, Whale of a Stone, to you. View Images below for usage of, Business Cards. When I say that, this stuff is powerful, I am really gauging this a single glimpse, as if, holding one in your hand so scaled down to size a, Pyramid, as immensely powerful as you can imagine. I can only provide you with a base, or cornerstone, for such transporting, and, Evacuation; (containing all inserts, animate, and naturally insects,) as everything, is unchanged. Accept knowledge, that, you don't need, except the knowledge. And since your goals are to complete aspects covered in, Push for the Future: I agree that this, Process, is disserving at least; and very trivial to perform it is called maintenance. By pushing a finger onto the, Clamograph, or image, a seismograph, untouched by humans, hands off just deal it around you. The size varies in that, Business Cards that are original have much, much, smaller a variety. Tinier garden variety, perform maintenance on both Card, and Yourself, periodically. When this is done, take a slight step in front of you; and delivered is your striking, Pyramid. You can guess the rest, opens at top, size withstanding; expect the best and just let sit, you then will have the, Golden Power, at your hand, or did I say feet, literally lightly stepped. To keep in place, floor slides out until in locking point, your mind should stay stationary, hands off, is a safe way to say, remaining undetected. It takes a lot of effort but the destination is seemingly infinite; as you would reach the end of the star; which is the beginning of our knowledge; these will reach your destination point of aim. Caution; interference, point from there, these just came back from, Earth, in the future. We know we are here and at least we have figured out we are going. To use your personal equipment, and aim straight ahead you may find a larger you that, what is needed for anything else; is drinking a frozen orange juice, without the bottle it hit the spot, go on to the next; practice makes perfecting an easy target. Hello; Space Burgers; out Photo; What isn’t, Here, (intended for us,) isn’t. There, (on top) yet, isn’t intended for us; it is intended, (attended,) for wildlife, (to teach, everything else it is around.) Space Burgers; out; Photo out. To complete: Don’t grab, themselves the photos, but always low to: away from the ship. From top of mind, then hands, out arms, (flagged off,) quickly. Completed. (Grasp,) http://chapter11.epiqsystems.c om/EFH claim # 619 If, Holograms are fluent in our computer programming, then yet, our minds remain even more fluent. So what we feed our minds, is just as important as, what we feed our bodies. So we need a clean explanation of each, we need clear examples. Examples of reasoning can only be taken so far, in my opinion, as the Crow flies, a little sharper than just programming to a finer degree. All the rest bounds; you can take in binds, into your future. Transfer holograms into facts for advertising, mental notes you keep down for yourself. You may never know when you would need it, representing your future of, Mind Travel. It was once a photograph, once diminished; then into your own sequence, as it may; it is a stationary post. -William Lee Janis Having taught literally, you know then, knowledge is expressed in size and shape. Then get ready for, Space Burgers. Don`t forget to get rid of wrapper it is the most important thing to remember then before receiving change, then start the first app of (door of images,) do not grab when it reaches your mind, flag it off, at location at landing. There, Your back! Was to a fish cologne, meaning you have completed a flight. Interesting to Nature, one lesson stops all atmospheric disruption around them, be sure and tell everyone there this; and to confirm, start another, (Place in Nature,) and when you go back to revisit; then this is clearly acknowledgeable. It is only appropriate to tell, to arrive at a certain point sure we aim for a little further out; but this is to assure that the landing is directly on top of the landing sight. So once taught to them, this to us and usage. Has developed; (develops, when you see it, into a ship size, or Photo ship :) Just, lock and load, (press against, and take off.) Remembering to lead it to the end; you do not want to redo, in the middle of the flight so take as much time as needed to judge it as you can before setting a final approach of the runway on top. I would suggest only moving steering once; that is, when you are ready to hit the top. From, Miami, travelling at a great speed, aim, North West, Over the, Gulf of Mexico, to that location in Texas, slightly higher, on top of, the landing station Just above, Dallas Ft. Worth. Teaching, Nature, will only gain them knowledge, and size if completed; there is a considerable change in size for the most part when you fly them yourself. Insects can be seen larger, or until they acknowledge this themselves, and at your own, Space Deck Landing, you can actually see yourself, as a disk settling over the edge of the sight; as a confirming landing. Which is the storage place for fuel, each of them. Once this is common knowledge, (flight, clairvoyant,) it will create the (Swirl) for everything thing known for evacuation. Burn off is known as an (After Burn Off) in the, Rocket Science World. Being in two places at a single time, a starting place knowledge gained, and the same at destination, (where the "off" comes in.) My fuel always seems to be involved with, the food aspect. Whether it be your pets fully served on, The Whale of a Stone, or at the final movement, flagged off before receiving your change for your, Burger (brings back with you a supply,) Just don`t say you left that out or forgot anything. This will produce as many ships as you can or care to in your lifetime and is your proof of accomplishing such a directive. Although, they will become sparingly placed, sparsely a jointed. Just check your heart for progress! Next the compact; what you might conceive as a ship! Food; Color, Coded, Co-eating, or Tweeting, hmm doesn`t look like what it’s supposed to be does it? Let me try this in different form, add different form: Did you ever try, Bitsie Bananas? One stalk consists of and of as many, People, That ..., Dog; might be present with and you. “A Never Ending Moment of Life and a Home of When Remember When.” It just takes one, stalk and from where, Clr, Cded Coating. There I`ve got it; then the main stalk and then on, and on, from on; got it? Remember teaching is a process and distribution can be completed. Like a fish to cologne. Hand rubbing asset delivery, quickly. So let me warn you these are all fruits, even the shoes that you might find under; at your feet. (Add -Visor) and you might come up with a, Dog, and who, loves, Space Burgers? This final proper usage is highly recommended... socks, and only socks, do not eat the shoes. Clap each one and wipe as a unit; get it ripe! Without socks! Use as any of the other grown products; try some dried. W...W lost us; if you’re feeling lost go back and start again. You can just start to drop the seeds and while this may lead you to some other variety; I found the peach to be excellent and chews well through the process that you have, that in your mouth, try the shake method before swallowing. Though your extended order of would it; would be, until supply will begin to diminish the seeds they kind of stick and everyone knows why we plant seeds (.;) You will need this knowledge, in the, Future. Space, is a good place to meet, Yourself, right? What have you been doing with these orders? They, have been waiting, what orders? This question mark is all wrong. The top of this question mark is the key if you were ever to find invite through your woes; and by the way if you did not find a, Place, to drop your, stored fruits, how did you come up with the answer, make sense, Three Thousand, Four Thousand; it’s all been the same since, that`s why I am telling you. Black, you get--? So you don`t lie. Again, what was it, Color, Coded, Coating, and on branch and on, and on,... Cliché. It seems the softer we are the harder we get. This will past the test. Here I am standing, since, 4000. I have a stalk and break stalktet, sounds like, Sparrowetstarlingstarlinget, or Giant. I hmm. Now I have found a, Place, and enough for any trendy business I will attend. Moving back inland, Easter Inland, if pronounced properly. Thank, you. I will also need at my beckoned feet something I have always searched for a, Lifetime of Eternity. Period, no not Easter, a little higher; when I climb out, no two are the same; hold that elevator, I`m on my way to the second floor. This combination is a winning form of flight; all at once. I got off to rather a quick starting, running, I do not know if it was a reaction off, Tomlin, but matching out on thought lingers yours as fitting to, paisley tangent, despite how you are feeling it may keep you wondering that if it is not you or, consciously of design, but you might want to pay attention before this, sub-conscious, gets you above ground from that point; out of dropping all of your pocket stash on the floor; and this is really, to keep to where you are. Then what you are about to see is only amazingly everything you have accomplished; at a great speed is before you. You are, all in one, all beaconing all call, all knowing and out; just while you were standing there. Yes I am talking about the, ground elevator door or shaft; that you have just encountered and just in time to experience the true, Mind Resorts, anywhere in the Universe; yes the ground just rectal led you a position of decent; when you get there. Tell them; Hi for Mickey for Me! Under your, Seating Double, and just left of your come, come; with any or just some tests; finger persuasion, pursuant member, and of all of you, and all you stand for as always, and has always been. Alien eyes. Willingly for your, Pets; for your, Dogs, and you, You, Branch! There we have the two! Guess you cannot explain how this is, in relation to your, Pet. The Whale of a Stonesa! Sitting here since, 4000, I have reached what from under came from his chair, my original fruit copied. Yes I mean a Banana! And this is done, it looks like a stack of, Men behind the seats, when … there goes another one; is in progress “Computer! Sound like a Banana Peel. Hope you enjoy the blending, “For Yourself and Good Night!” Just flew out the window. Just flew out the window. A product of reality; no you cannot get it past them; These are also the same, Species, and; who cannot extract us out into space, using their refrigerated ships, and busses, through our atmosphere, we seem to now know and have known each other in the past or from the past. No? This is accompanied by the equivalent; Dog dropping, or any of the other peelings, slipping past aim, our concentrated efforts. Something I call; maybe, Balloons, quick finger tie. You know how a, Pidget can teach you your wings and then you traverse a gap with, Dog, as hat. This is done, and if on the next floor down; after you have rearranged the, package may swipe towards at a projection. That, and only that; could become dangerous for any passing visitor whose looking for packages as so it slides under seemingly. So be alert and carefully lift your feet and this adjustment may widen for the next shot under the chair; as package assembles, and packages assemble, can be rearranged by a breathing sequence. Look up a bar, what was it, something flying over; but when it says that you should have been ready for when it should have been happening to its quartered area; you have rearranged. Remember small is swished, and in no shortness of your supply, of all the imaginable ingredients’ which make thebe Banana. Tune in next time where I will tell you; what it is like to be under an Egyptian; through the, Spousal Window, where the packages have been stored. Since several elevator advantage maneuvers, be sure to help the one across the way by having one of your guests shout into the window. There for her in a tall, tall, Spousal Window, and, Egyptian, is smaller while she leaves the evening activity of opening your shipment. Visa versa this, Golden supply stock of drinks may have weighed a ton as table and lawn like chairs go up so be sure to set it on the floor, for her. Next box side allow for the apparatus to be lied on you as it will assemble properly, on, on, and on. So that was three boxes. The first was a reactant explode from where I was at. Yes you might want this tender ling, Image, to glance a view there into at this point but she will confirm your suspiousions, proximally that it is the real store room; after your second elevator, to your third; explaining the lawn chairs around, good for a top box, massaging explosive cleanup for you and your, Pet. Being third it sets to a clean beam reading type; movements back do not forget your, Pet. I saved the boxes which explains the third elevator I always seem to be climbing out of. We could go over the meaning of evacuation as aspects of relation to each other. What is new, what is done, what would you do, what leaving means, why everything is starting as the same as first anticipated, nothing has changed, nothing is necessary but what your think. It is all new, and only you can change it to your demand, or order. Some examples of what I just said are: The, Universe, we are seeking is really on the opposite side of where we are located and is considerably so large that just upon glance makes visible that which is the beginning of this, Thin Wafer Universe; why are leaves flat. The, Egyptians, are renowned for being, Crater People, and because they never stopped working, slid or sailed upon a smooth or invisible water substance as far as the eye can see. To them by shifting weighted supply carriers, which I have seen and it pointed out a, Tiny Wooden Vessel, yes they did send the men as well; I did business with them as they glided by and will continue to work. All they know is, Sparkles, but announced enough to realize they could cut with smoothness, material and only use the remaining portions to construct their large, Monuments. They sit on the top of our, Oceans in Sparkles. It is the one thing standing on us that we are opposing to its flatness, making it in relation to here, where we are. A, Wafer Shaped Thin Entity, sitting on us which caused; this to be flat. Make firmly the only difference, large to small, in comparison to, small is not really small to, Us, but the difference is point aim, entry port along with our, were along with our Pets or, Pets are with us. So I stand at that beginning. I explain; at this void, everything is larger here; it is no boundary for, us including, Pets. Now moving a few seconds and limit allows many remarkable things to occur. Birdets, under our floor, Gullets, for everyone commemorating them for this knowledge. We all know everything fits it always has, but everything is fitted now they reach their floor so be careful but not until they pass the fish. Trees fit wherever and blindly can be monitored from and by windows and may have anything that is possibly their desire by adjusting to one shade which you can follow up to your set up. after you have literally pieced this together not long afterwards elements do arise taking their place be care full for what you still might see they don`t see you but caution to the wind this is also, The World is Your Oyster. I am telling you this because I have this arrangement at three different levels and this can only be verified as a check, marked by a tree or empty box. So it will take the rest of your life to get situated; but who would not be fully satisfied for spending the day in your actual, Universe, and each hour that passes. Something you may not have considered from this, is this to that. That, really means, Pet, is Dog. So we see evidence here that leaves are really flat that is why leaves are flat. Everyone has, Lizards, Lizards carry simply, roast beef of course more Lizards, which you must supply as soon as you, carry. They were great fun transporting and you can supply insects to; from an open kitchen standing window known as, The Presidents Kitchen. This is the last of the turning points, Kingdom Compartments, on, Earth, which made the person smaller to reach this, ends on excursion through this ends. This none the less will raise, dead of course insects which fly around the roast beef; just lift and release-spread. Every Lizard can be retaught this at this time so spread the word. They have worked so hard making things harder, check out their new cutlery and watch your toes while walking by. These examples I have completed for you. Carry? The Wafer Universe, does not know what trees are, to a tree, air shaken really fast, are considered, Sparkles. There, where does that go, from here let’s say forces, wind types, Weather, are standing in their way everything must go. You know that space, and down to the content of the soil. So secondly, to all of us until proven to, Nature, along with everything, I have accomplished, all I`ve told you so far; I`ve completed. I`m sure we don`t know what drilled through to expose what was in the soil but elements do arise. So while sitting in your back yard, wonder what they know and it may hit you. I would think a, Water Fall, could solve this although I would know where to send this. Down to the last bug according to specifications, and each little bit of knowledge, as is put together you must be very careful what you know; be like that. Like grabbing forces to assist what causing it will choose to stop and teaching can be done. But if I think of anything else, the rewards by this, though are the greatest; for them. You say, "Up-There," and you can virtually move through that thought, that is in a contrasting thought to brightness. The go on, and opening the curtains, you get Sparkles of course, in contrast to, you have your pets with you, what is small comparably you see not much different, but your pets are with you. So it would be a point of aim to all other living things; we are life. Some I have awarded you with, The Sea Gullet, is one because of discovered point of aim, so you each have one. Lizards in, Florida, became, Chaliced, from the resulted Walnut deal around wearing it, so you each have one. From the, State of, Florida, the entire population of Lizards were awarded which continued, from and will probably be resolved from, Continent to Continent, and were awarded a free transport and you all have one. This paragraph explains everything thoroughly of the entirety of what you, must do; so be plentiful each day. So birdets which live beneath our feet do live under lizards under covered dome, all which transcend beneath, and very cautiously to their natural habitat is almost under their feet. They know foods on the floor; then to the floor so be careful. Insects bounce "up" so be careful. I have just completed a possible never ending plan to add to this Evacuation and just one more thing to add. The Lizards were all rewarded with flight and, Florida Ship, by water and just enough power to Evacuate Dallas, Ft Worth, in time. What are legitimates; according to, The Egyptians, way of life I have just applied a wash over and left a fully functional Estate, including, Pyramids Stones, my own maintaining, Space Pyramids, Obelisk, Pillars, Columns standing and reclining, an Arch seated, Fish cities, and treatments of my material (photographic Gold.) Andromeda Strain, another Whale of a stone, both happened in and about the same place as well the second set is watching a lit cigarette, Candy. The Chalice, for manufacturing nuts while watching us not shaking, a Crater, which is explained, defined, and to precise measurements for this development. Hanging Mobile Entertainment Vollet Courts, or lightly put, Conches and ball, returns and it went on and on. Points of interest: Showing you is an easy task and when remembered, and used, in a consistent basis you are assured of a fully successful, permanent life based knowledge forum on survival, a kit from here, Earth, to remain there. Your aim of entrance for you, and your, Pet, into, The Universe, and most importantly; a connection frozen into your mind. It used to be the apple, a one mind reference of life remembered, and so began the rough, and ready solution, to what happens on, Earth. What remains in our flattened, Universe, or our, forever home to be. Take a two and a half inch cylindrical stone made of quartz, white and unpolished, a, Whales Head, on either end or a polished (v) into the center connecting the two heads within a side view, carved just precisely where each mouth should be. But of only one side of the stone. The only other accent to the, Whale, would be 18 indentations, including a small smiling mouth, in dimension to the rest of the, affiliation on one end, marks a, Whale Head. This is where you should live, but not here on, Earth. It is so delicate a dwelling that even reaching, a to close atonement, and a too short of contact, by, Humans, is a mistake and never waiting to happen; although it is in the palm of your hand. One can calculate what is acceptable to the feel, and stick with it while operating. You know what you would do during this time of need; and important to note using it as calculations; that there is no such thing as a mistake, through all and all power exertion. Leading back, a Point In Hand, is leading back an association to food. And it always seems to be leading back to an association to food; or should I say (leaning.) It is the opposite of our effortless, Point In Hand, and that it will not hurt you. And, there is no such thing as a mistake. The wedges come out easily and readily ready to eat. This is a, Palm Cooker. Just so you know what this is, it is for simultaneously placing your right, or left palm of your hand, directly in reach to, The Whale Of a Stone. Potatoes, I know people get carried away but the port for a delivery which does take within only a minute, to be an edible, port product, is more easily understood for its potential value towards the, Pet, and just minutes to begin eating. It gives you time to initiate the other two or three steps which are, first like gravy, then real quick, past the eggs, raw, and right into the main course. Then just the meat up to the gravy, and potatoes are in, again right in a line, again past the raw egg, to the main meat course. If you want to measure your Pets, chewing power this is a time to impress this. The consistent chewing on the, Meat Preparation, gives you the energy, and time, to prepare vegetables; carrots cook the quickest. Waiting on the vegetables, while they will be found, at the end of a completed biting mouth full, behind just slightly of food, which may not be seen readily at first but you can smell the wonderful meal. The vegetables hold an allotted amount of water which makes it; and is good for the, Pet, to swallow. So, Palm cook the meal, palm cut the meal, separate to the, Pet, Pets, inside wedge point, mind maneuver, by each. Be sure that by monitoring your, Pets, actions you do not reach a disruptive hand contact to overcome enough power s created and they do learn never to forget how this is done. Having reached that standard is only done by making sure that it is accomplish constantly through each meal and continuously kept tour table served food with consistent changing of meals. Like a course of courses. You have created this dwelling and at that single moment became a, Gourmet chef, to begin the course on this to be, Monument you will need a, Pet, or Pets in time. The steps are individual to the placement to how close to the stone they are arranged, do not worry about course non participation it is almost a natural thing for them to learn. A in place so during placement of first choice almost throw it up over the step it will land safely at almost any leap so allow so that there is no recoil or any moment for a reversal. this is the starting place and depending on how compacted and in relation strong this construction will become from adding to it this first step is really only for your first choice, and I mean really, not including you. this total concept of not being involved physically should be fully left intact in your mind; because it will diminish to the very end, until you are sitting there with an enlarged one(whale Of a Stone,) totally empty of the void. The reasons for this is one your ambitiousness, and to a lot for your ambitions. Like I say: This is the most protected thing in, The Universe. Remembering where your hand last felt contact with the creation of, The Whale of a Stone, so let’s just refer to it as an, Estate, and I teach how to make these along with the association of steps to go along with successful transport to and from their final resting place at your set up. Basically how you build them; From This Place To, In Place. They are the most protected things in the, Universe, and for basically no effort will be the most protected, Estates, anywhere you are; once in place. They will be with you from this point on. The steps I am talking about will be as a double, Estate, the more you make of them, and practice, and learn, and teach, your pets for a future, Statehood, and surprising as it may seem these, this will be the first thing, Your Universe, will pick up as it did the entire, Universe, of Creation, surprising to me. Now for your second task. A Mural, stands at a door not blocking, but rounding a way, a hallway behind it is; your way to an elevating shaft pick up. At that point to where you have set up, just rise, do not forget your, Pet, after; do not forget to watch your step. My Mural, is a stone rounded and like, cratered smooth, for what’s inside yourself to cook. Eggs, and eggs, eggs, eggs, the multiples are dogs. From your Chicket Hawks, or Hawks Chickets; just bring it up. Feed to the first expert you can, and make sure they get around the corner behind the, Mural. Make it so! This is the whole point then you and your, Pets, rise! Mural was created teetering, on base of floor level against the wall it may wobble but try to keep it in place and create your new stove somewhere also called set up (create.) This is how it was done, and it kept on going. The Universe is expanding; therefore what we do in the, Universe, is done here. Now the, Universe, sits on a stand exactly like, The Whale of a Stone, is in our hand. This, Thin Wafer, expressed to us almost like a wine glass would look at a distance; or, Chalice. We obviously expand but not like the strength in the, Universe, but together a form of pressure is a release to life and we need to recognize these changing effects. Our bodies do to give our organs, and bodily functions, the space which they operate. Other than a, Super Period, for a, Pet; we sit here and we notice change. And for a very good reason. You would not want your, Pet, in the, Whale of a Stone, to recognize a period for a death you lived through a long time ago. The pressure in your hand is mounting so, relief is a, God Sent, and you will want the best outcome to resume smooth relations, for both, bodily functions, which will drop off through your hand and into the reservoir of water, flushed. This takes time to acknowledge at first, and then time for the right time to develop; legitimately expels daily necessities in life then a little more time through your thumb and forefinger, connecting to the, droppings falling through into the water reservoir as a toilet flushes. The first thing you tell your, Pet, when entering the, Whale of a Stone: Of course the first thing is lifting it in a quick and vigorous wave a thought developed as acknowledgement that this, Great Achievement, is about to take place. To its final resting place; but most vitally making sure it is hurtled over a, wall which is there, we cannot change that. This wall acts as a, Beach Barrier. So the first thing you tell your pet is; now you know how a dog likes to twirl around, and around; so not so fast a few twirls and two straight down thoughts in a row and an actual platform now exists. Keeping to a minimal when, Pet, resumes movement to top while conformed to this platform applause is a relief to both you, and the pet; that this is done correctly. Having now constructed a crater teaching them a ridge exists to take care of their business, and back; they now have the space to run along the inside as a never ending direction that they can follow. The wall, or barrier, exits to account for this, a shower precedes to your right and, Pet on one hind leg, to the other; so as not to be detected and to attain balance while lifting the other leg to apply soap which was hit hard by the paw and box delivered away will be starting, that is going in motion with every paw movement throughout the cleansing period. So catch a breath and begin scrubbing. This may be hard to believe but by that, Dog, doing this it is actually giving us a shower and is such a, such of a thing, so shower them while you are in the shower, they will look forward to it whenever, and no people in theirs; and no drinking. Have you set yourself with a, Whale of a Stone, or or three, or four. This can be, business, or referred to as (that) meaning, Dog, and you can associate all necessary wording. The reason for things like that is people can control things such as ailments while properly posed to the right feel or feelings, not to break tangent or contact in a meager run of the system; try to keep comfortable. Two `V` towel corners, and they spring from the shower door this is all done by thought; so you can understand how the effect, and the power, that is generated; to complete one legged uplifts. The top is wrapped around the head to stay without ever removing they simply fall off at times and getting dry is like the shower is, in movement. Getting over the tail is not difficult and up the back and preparing for the dismount up and over the wall, like waste high to you but it must be overcome and again at intervals, just keep and secure proper distance from the wall, .which is remembered so they won`t be drawn back towards the shower door. Repeating this process could be weekly, monthly, by weekly, but except for the first step though, you should be prepared because you will need to make more than at least, three, Whale of a stones, in your lifetime. So keep this, First Thing, you say your, Pet, between yourselves and all else will come together as a permanent mineral watch. Always, back to the water pressure, until they get up, always on one foot; so as not to be detected. Noticing change you have fitted yourself, your, Pet, and conveyed the message to help to, Evacuate Earth, as a permanent display. You know that thought is the only thing that you need to conquer any survival, “The Kingdom is yours, and yours is the Kingdom.” How this is not true but more importantly there are things that may come up that could be a total down fall of this once in a great offering which I will show how this should not occur or happen. You know that I can sell to anyone or each individual a ticket enabling the purchaser a full and complete clearance to this destination; all in one freedom of opportunity. But this is a, Luxury Item, all the work is done all that is necessary is still going to take your lifetime to be your own. Here or this is my take on this matter with just one unit or sale any or every client is granted a complete and total prospect for what we are aiming at sell on an individual basis meaning to establish one sale. By giving the information to oncoming potential buyers as advertising for one big sale; which do you like best the, Business Cards, or the Information which is more valuable? So maybe my agenda does not reveal right out what my intentions are or how I feel about regulation of the, Out Flow, in my own way. Who knows maybe another opinion would reveal what might be desirable, antiquating the forty years of work I have put into this product all of which were spent when sold using Spare Changing, in return for, Golden Key Rings. Through the past 20 years plus, everything in between could be kept up to par in the literal sense of the word, legitimately. This was something I do not think has ever been accomplished so right off I would consider this to be fresh in thought and sensitivity, a, Luxury Item. It is very productive, and pragmatically a sensitive way to drive the source out; of being coveted, and desirable, and into main stream For the Future at $20 Dollars a day. Into the public but look where it has landed me or guess what happens if your focus is on other things, all it takes is one thing to go wrong. I guess I had a 40k/40k cut on things and would be no less than $23,000 a year; I think I still had the better of the two and I could not just expect to take a few thousand on submission and especially after contributing Three times that amount to the business who eventually would find that it was not such a strong return on my investment, I could just request that it did not happen. So I see things not happening in my real focus and from what I had just told you I have everything and I would be looking very hard to turn into a new and a more modern direction than I had available, and facing the trends, have been broken. I know you, by thinking that it is hard enough putting things here in an orderly way like you really are used to but now it is putting things there; I think easier, and it is done clearly, at any and on any degree of change or completion; do you see my soliloquy or simulation? You carry luxury Items on, to something with you. The Whale of a Stone and Pet, Dog, You leave them, at home on the stand you made with it. And by the time you are ready to be inhabitable it is too late. Carrying or leaving, so far I have felt only one strain and I was relieved. Leaving a blood hologram in my hand of her self-likeness and locating droppings into a water toilet just below her feet. She through nearly a year on the move took to her feminine way and a completed, legitimately purge is now a contending factor to, The Whale of a Stone. So you can imagine what she went through. Right through my hand holding her into a water surface and flush. This system of contact though was not recommended using thumb and index finger as target led to under my, Pets, feet as we have Lizards directly crawling off contact. Example everything down to and not which a, Bus Ticket has, a gluey substance and over excessive smoking mixed with using a, Bus Ticket, causes a very thick accumulation around your mouth and very hard to wash off. Tomlin has proved this by enacting what goes in, does not come out so he brought it up and found out what it was and prepared with his further extended talents a complete maize oriented gourmet meal. So then what comes away from our lips generated by smoking never goes through our digestive track but is the result of a, system to a, system, and comes up clean lips. Like standing there smoking and a roach crawls over your pants, what you would do, you would reach for it or; everything but rat-tit-dui, everything made of corn is just not the start of, Mexican food, insight, Universe Luxury Items, are carried and at home. You leave them, at home on the stand you made with it. Push For the Future, Acquainting Moments. Hi Marketing Customer, What's been keeping you busy? I haven`t set a foot in the direction of, Old El Paso. I had some good news come out of my mind; through my camera, I`m sending you attachments. Just remember it is nice to hear from you; and see through what, Nature, wants you to see. You! Might be just the thing to be into, are you on to me? I have all of my work done and try at my, Disney Store Online, to reconstruct where I feel it would need it. You probably know working with, Big Businesses, is an ongoing nowhere. Now where is that leading. Keep the, Lizards, full with roast beef, and insects. When you don`t look back; then don`t come falling out the window if you are already there. See the first shiny object below the window; grab it ( a 22 right ) now keep the door locked down, (2 times at least,) and latched; with unbelievable force incase; what if it comes back, then hammer it again. Then it looks like a birdets head smash it and latch it. It comes equipped with, hammer; not the 20 hammerings. See the silence, something else to do before you wash your hands thoroughly; that, hand it off in a denim draw. Through the silence, a safer window appears; wonder who that could be? That is to cut your, Wolfs, I say wolfy, finger nails off on a, Pyramid Stone, (like watching TV, from here, and so is the knife,) remember the, Presidents Kitchen, on TV? It is topped with insects. First finger nails, then at that point toenails; there will be given just the right amount of power to complete the job. Are you still here! There, is where they go. Again you are there but don`t come falling out of the window. With a knife, really quickly it`s worth the effort and then located at back of the room more, Pyramid Stones, lift those babies up there and, cutting, and edging, to the right the last three edging steps; with a knife will open up your Pyramids. You like bikes I like horses, (don`t touch the horses nose,) but a step into the atmosphere is going to where you started, an elevator. Oh, I haven't told you that part yet. To your right and just past the window, and the silence, is an, Arm Elevator, swing arm; Pets, accompanying hop on and it swings past the window and at you, to the right and up to the, Wall of Doors, and choose where you want to be let out keeping and learning, your, Pet, or Pets, through time will follow if listening. So that step above the horse, leads you back to there. I say that because you are now only left with your thought. Chicket Sticks, and new to the flight World, Cookie Hot Dogs, or hot dog on a burning cookie stick, eaten both at once little time to cook. From your new, Condiment Wheel, all is opened to just squeeze some on, looked hot didn`t it? Just let sticks fall, after first trying each. They hear things up there, so the one thing to remember after the silence is sound, from your mouth, and to sustain yourself from, Earth. Write back when you want to hear more. Thanks, good to hear from you. -William Janis Owner. Follow, The Pyramids, Follow the Emails, Followers. By mixing the two variety of cards; you create your own individual card with the older mix. -William Janis Owner. A safe distance in, The Universe is compared to it being, The Universe is expanding; therefore what we do in the, Universe, is done here. Now The Universe, sits on a stand exactly like, The Whale of a Stone, is in our hand. This, Thin Wafer, expressed to us almost like a wine glass would look at a distance; or, Chalice. We obviously expand but not like the strength in the, Universe, but together a form of pressure is a release to life. A distance much deeper through, The Universe, is needed. Here or this, is my take on this matter. With just one unit or sale any or every client is granted a complete, and total prospect, for what we are aiming at selling on an individual basis meaning to establish one sale. By giving the information to oncoming potential buyers as advertising, for one big sales day; which do you like best the, Business Cards, or the Information, which is more valuable? You know that I can sell to anyone or each individual a ticket enabling the purchaser a full and complete clearance to this destination; all in one freedom of opportunity. But this is a, Luxury Item, why are legitimates placed in a safe place; when I know for a fact that, My Universe, is doing exactly how I think, meaning my thought pattern has never changed. So do you spend your time searching for legitimate answers, or way of achieving thought, I thought of many times. All the work is done; all that is necessary, it is still going to take your lifetime to be your own. There is another way to look at this: I repeat this the, Universe may use up what we have already laid down and this is a, Luxury Item. If I cannot sell, then you cannot sell. There are others who would be wanting to get into the action but again, if I cannot sell they cannot sell. This alleviates the problem of one on one meaningless paying off individual accounts so what can you do to help. With your money I could go on and establish a number of large accounts and we can procure the, Human, aspect by getting the delivery deep into each person’s flight as the ships are intended to do. I really think that the, Business Cards, will give each person enough to do and when they are prepared enough then release the actual, Photographs, in a timely campaign giving a new and more powerful change to enjoy. I could sell to you enough to keep your clients in your own time. I really do not want to sell on an individual basis; I am selling forever. When 43 years ago I started, through the years I said that I would begin my start of, Production Photographs, and begin printing for the public when I turned 60 years of age. So maybe my agenda does not reveal right out what my intentions are or how I feel about regulation of the, Out Flow, in my own way. Who knows what trust of another person’s thought is when you know that the universe is doing exactly as your own thought maybe another opinion would reveal what might be desirable but antiquating the forty years of work I have put into this product all of which were spent when sold using, Spare Changing, in return for, Golden Key Rings. Through the past 20 years plus, everything in between could be kept up to par in the literal sense of the word, legitimately. This was something I do not think has ever been accomplished so right off I would consider this to be fresh in thought and sensitivity, a, Luxury Item. It is very productive, and pragmatically a sensitive way to drive the source out; of being coveted, and desirable, and into main stream, For the Future at $20 Dollars a day. Into the public but look where it has landed me, or guess what happens if your focus is on other things, all it takes is one thing to go wrong. I guess I had a 40k/40k cut on things and would be no less than $23,000 a year; I think I still had the better of the two and I could not just expect to take a few thousand on submission and especially after contributing three times that amount to the business who eventually would find that it was not such a strong return on my investment, I could just request that it did not happen. So I see things not happening in my real focus and from what I had just told you I have everything; and I would be looking very hard to turn into a new and a more modern direction than I had available, and facing the trends, have been broken. I know you, by thinking that it is hard enough putting things here in an orderly way like you really are used to but now it is putting things there; I think easier, and it is done clearly, at any and on any degree of change or completion; do you see my soliloquy or simulation? You carry luxury Items on, to something with you. The capability of these new photographs are much different than any of my previous work all though I am impartial, I like them mostly inherently. The new ones have the capability of responding as a single unit together all in the same or single thought of each. This can be done to an extent by reasoning a question of another’s existence which puts it on the mark but travelling the distance is the point which we must learn. Are we at a safe distance within the, Universes center, being that it has never been done before and that I have the capability of delivering us, at the safest possible out flow, and much deeper with each flight as is my capability. The problem may arise the truth that we are only on the edge facing, the trends have been broken. If the, Universe uses this energy and it expands against us we could be matched out from our thoughts, our thoughts, which would leave us meaningless or broken on the edge. So getting the flow is our, our best thoughts. I would ask for, $100,000, from you this enabling me to combine my talents in a more progressive way than my option enable me now. I am keeping in mind that the whole of the power, just use it one time and leave it for a while will be acceptable to, Product and Buyer. You have seen my new, Product, which is perfectly fine at first but will combine better at a, 3/4 Era, when there is perfect control for a perfect, Photograph. I have 2,000, Photographs, and many are, Business Cards. Didn't you think during usage, of having many resulting, displaying, with in, Tia`s Saturn’s gold, Black Pearl Mindset. A candy box is wrapper less, preceded by entrance, Pet, included and or conveyance gold thimble sized carrying, Tia, working as mechanized motion to replace placement with in, The Whale of a stone. The reason there is enough power resulting, displacing, assuming so far all items are complete. The next two items individual candy papers, from top layer can and will occur leaving, Pet, safe in tangent to begin to decipher; Tablet, located under the Chin of, Tia`s Saturn’s Gold Photograph. Although it does not face us as users it is easily deciphered understandably having power dispersed by usage to your, Pet, Pets, in this case; what happened to the candy? It is bumped along for a final consumption into the, mouth orifice, in other words not bitten all, Pets with, Whale of a Stone, may enjoy and us; enough for the day. The display is then set for an bursting; of, Dog, energy as quick as the eye can see; because of, Tia`s Saturn’s Gold. Apparently sunk into its neck, and must be released carefully, and cautiously, from both its, and your, neck simultaneously by holding the, Whale of a Stone, close to your neck, there is a gripping, tiny bite sized like pinch action, to be careful of it causing any damage, but now is the time to clear the area of any teeth occurrence then the, Commandment Stone, is read. One how to alleviate urine, the next, it should say, Loose Puck Geeset, for that, a bound paw leg she carefully reads on. But we already know this is not possible amongst, Dogs. As evidence of this power surge into the sky, this is also a delivery, of wrapped veil burrito; to eat for, Tia`s, hearts content says the, Tablet to Tia; and our, mouths orifice screens an out coming slice. This also carries a resulting display and subsides by what will eventually be quieting, all incoming sound, including problem outreaching of passed away beings; so worth all the way around keeping this usage completely to yourself. Just to mention the, Pyramids Two, has been completed. It was designed to keep as was the actual, Pyramids, to act as the barrier for, Dinosaur Containment; which would prevent passage to us; but only allows the rest of the heard to evacuate, Earth. I am certain this, Leader of Dinosaurs’, is out witted and probably unaware of its diminishing, Carnivores. It an, Arch, is held up by, Crater Lake, caused when it was founded. Safe as a summer lake party; but had to be evacuated with use of legitimate means. It has all been, but a bad dream, for those who treaded into this watery orifice; the plan worked. What would you guess the icing on the cake, was there to be, the burritos, that made a tasty snack for the, Dinosaur. Since though, Tia, started it she can as well complete her monarchy like lightning speed when her still, burrito remains and shared by a, Woodpeckeret, drawing its corner slice; and almost losing a toe. Twist burrito paper lies safely on face, rubbing gently risen, some reaction to candy wrappers. Over and out a, Saturn’s Gold Mindset, making even the quieting trees, and shrubs, in the distance look to be cavern-ness rather than complete; immobilized. As she sinks her teeth into one more thing then releases gratuitously. Like, Tomlins Dog, we see the evolving of which is funny to, Tomlin, and a behind jet engine just an occurrence for his new found friend which he has chosen through hundreds of walls; at a single and no grid, a walker through walls, which if he falls his attire to, Waiter Uniform, is replaced, to his, Dogs, covering, into suit; as being unknown wood, is not allowed through many doors a, Mindset, to apply his vastly utilized tool, to capture at most, a paw clip for his, Pet; as well as its game position, at our beginning; has been well kept. Which leaves by, Pyramid, to, Tomlins Set Up, into, Pets Set Up, there at time of suit. Don`t forget the sliding door elevator after the clipping as you watch, checking of clipping, which comes with it all if only you knew how to utilize this power. Good for a couple of clips? As a matter of fact the hind foot of, Tomlins Dog, is as large as could be so try and stay low to commence introduction as simile to our own. My ears hear 15 million at, Disney, for all, Disney, and for their 40%; let’s hear it for, Mickey. If you see along a tree, vertically or round, it is a sound like log chips I am told to hold. Old or lulled it didn`t bother me though I am bold. Speech to me I wanted brown, I wanted yellow, or smooth pastels. Wood is brown, gold is yellow, to white. This is a photograph that sees you. I understand I photographed it, Hold-Yellow Oldtious, hold ye chipper is wrong sides, ye tipper long sides. So you saw a tree what of it; Magic Photograph, is Hold Yellow Oldtious. Mindset raised set where you left it, you were there writing in pencil, out on the web, or fastened in your hands like life. A child your mind will desire, a photograph of fun green, then slightly to brown, fun red, blue gold eyesight, it knows more than professional photography knows. For growing insight, watch! See, some white may appear, it levitates in prolonging finalities. The perfect photograph of, Trees; Double Gold, will do. While you were wondering, why you would want to own a, Magic Photograph, think of, The Universe, a lot of separate, Universes; while at the time you were not anticipating the largest cluster of composition your mind is now receiving signals. Pastels begin appearing to start another. You are becoming affixed to that photograph and nothing can stop that assumed attention. You affix to a white moon through setting of the most beautiful photograph. The photograph, in no time, has taken on a white blue, white pink appearance so intense the greens turn to abalone, the trees shake with a pink tint, more than it did when it was in its original existence. This is not bad for a photograph, it is watching you. Now, would you wonder how this was achieved? It was the result of an enormous falling of, Gold Elements Units, upon units, stacks, upon thousands; on top of stacks; stretching across my view. It crashes disappearing into the trees, through my mind where I was sitting, through the camera against the film, and disappearing into the trees. Leaving me the deepest idea of a monster to release, and re-idealize, through my camera. When the activating process used to attain the finished photograph took hold inside my television, it was the most blazing fire lighting up well over three quarters of my screen before me; a swirling gold mass. The first things I noticed were the colors of the atmosphere separating while I reveal my camera to take the shot; leaving both in the television, and at the end of the tape, a burn; I became quite concerned. The next night I finally was able to produce a, Black Ebony Image, from out of the coals; the most beautiful photograph. While understanding the power that went into the complete process, imagine sending the process through the process again to capture the fine gold for a photograph. Picture, in, Art, a painting sitting in the middle of the room with one air born grain of gold dust coming in towards the picture content; and at you. While waiting for the right gold particle to finalize a shot from the camera to start the process of the photo-finished photograph at some point too. Gold that means dust, as well as adding another step into the processing, also adding the power of that extra precision. These photographs may really be aggressive at times; this is natural and they show no limit in beauty, or through thought. Behind the power of such a photograph could be as many ages as thousands and thousands of years, which would make these photographs safe as well as fun to display and exhibit so watch it, it is nice. We do not have to confine life’s amazement centers to, too few directions. Although the ones that we have are great and have been inspiring to us through the centuries. What more impressive addition to this collection than duplicating the make up or copies of the, Universe, in each movement or composition of each photograph a hand held, Universe. We have always spent time looking out to the stars, now an acceptable reach to have them here, looking here at you. Black Pearl Mindset; makes available its power by replacing itself into the photograph and processes the work for you. By placing food on that thin peril means showing back, showing up, showing you. Hands of time on a photograph, hands that with each second tick away unnoticed, food is second to all legitimacy. Take food with time for instance, when the time in a photograph only stands still, Magic Photograph, takes full control to make use from that perspective, looking at you, bringing its life, its senses, and color. Try a crispy pear, before it reflects its properties, the pear as we enjoy. This is possible if you work through the colors of photography. To enjoy photography something legitimate is added in its purer form; to gain is white pearl! An example of a, Black Pearl Mindset, photograph is what it is built to explore. You might imagine in your mind a golden patterned center in a photograph as a focal point realizing that it had just happened the, Gold, was just caught, sparkling, it became what it was to be. This photograph has not yet experienced any of the processing the other photographs have been through. Existing to explore; take a glance to see the gold bounce to the surface of this photograph. The procedures are the same in any of the other photographs though these are rare in existence. Bouncing off the surface as it has been captivated within a crystal ball for eternity; it may be one day it will look to us to release it from its confines to be activated. May I suggest this photograph because, on this website, in the future the answer might be found? Safe! Beneath your clothing, light in every direction going out, none coming in. I like what you say, what you don`t say, Tia`s Saturn`s Gold, bead is it`s life, grain is your life. In response to my recent e-mail, Business Offer, I would like to make a proposal I don`t think you`ll want to refuse. I found under web pages, Business Gifts, is it possible to have information sent to these, Business Owners, from your, Company, my e-mail ending, W/I/H/A/I, Where In Heavens Am I, through your newsletters, updates, Etc. In a mass advertising endeavor have shown, My Website, to show potentially interested customers about a new product extreme; the finest of elements bottom line. I keep all printing rights, you buy e-mails as many as you decide on to be sent from various stations around the country. Prints to be distributed through, Banking Facilities, and kept as investments to such buyers and leaving them to friends to exhaust supply. Money will be saturated with new, Gold Element, and fly out. End product will be distributed through banking transfers from bank to bank accounts via telephone proving a solid hold on the banking industry, literally; photographs distributed through time I will: do the rest. Not attached to my website but equally as vital as my e-mail web connection, Fresh Dinosaur Cuts, 8 Plates, I have advertised exclusively on form. Knock Knock: go home gold link cubes. Gold flatware cubes to be used with your moments, the rest you know. If you can implement this you can do your part, Computer Mindset. You might want to drop the, clams’ man, out to trot. This means real, Estate Pyramids, plus hidden door at back, so slide and hide. The element does not see gold, but could see you, requiring steady and precise action movement to achieve. I offer a, Tri-level Business plan, start your e-mails with your, Businesses, yourself to your, Businesses; and I offer the entire second level of the same in the future. Still without printing rights so there is no risk to, Businesses, Businesses, for continuance purposes. In other words many, Businesses Businessmen, could become interested and involved. Copies for me: Mail same letter to corporate offices of, One Gold of America. For yourself to partners of perfection, needs yielding. Golden Perception Homes or Estates; easy to contact, second letter. Pushes, from there; here you make out castings a, Crack an Estate, the two headed, Whale of a stone; Photographs are essential to process. They make a continuous stream of gold, not to mention all of everything new to, Mankind. It`s there, it`s collected; that`s what it does. Please make every effort to gain from interacting with the colors; feed the need. Lips consume food, why do lips consume food, dash, back handed slap, bed fits perfectly and adjacent to, as well it should; go over instructions. My next letter: I am concerned greatly that my e-mail was or was not legal for me to use knowingly, intentionally referring to content expressed, in a large advertising campaign, E-mail reads. I like what you say, what you don`t say, bead in standing, Tia`s Saturn`s Gold, grain is your life. I would visit my website at: http// or e-mail me. W/I/H/A/I. To achieve vouchers, coupons. Pluto`s forgotten secrets, I`m looking for answers and responses. This may or may not generate a truthful answer from you, though it is absolutely vital that the words appear in this sequence. If not would you please forward this letter to the person with superior authority for his/her considerations, to see If it were possible to move, Cultures, to a different point home. I would not want to be in the middle of this while they were leaving. Explanation of photograph, middle on website. I`m in Space, totally random usage of completed photographs to select this or any of the photographs for testing from display of finished photographs. Taken to pre-selected point to continue production, making new video tape. Randomly placed on mirror outside then placed back onto display randomly. That day in another room while taking the shot, from a few feet in front of the television, oblique to the display, fifteen foot from the display. This, Photograph, resembles a painting in back of the television set, off the television, off a photograph of me. The, Photo, literally rests on my shoulders; lit up on my face the answer; too much gold. If you think of the photograph, Dog in Space, lying on left side in small bitmap; is this the lost secrets of, Easter Island, you can transfer the similarities. You`ve been making them for years. I truly would appreciate your assistance. So have I. You have got to take these photographs seriously, accurately by raising your children, no I`m not talking to your car, I want to look across the country and I want to see your counter activity. I`m not telling you to fit it into your car to go meet; you’re in it; have you got a plan? Parents could tell their children their pasts are the most important too, if necessary to sustain any of the above. If you understand my e-letter and it`s subjects; the, Business Week, should clear. Thank, You. -William L. Janis ATTENTION EARTHLINGS: WOMAN USE GOLD AS MAKEUP; ONE HALF AT A TIME, EYEING, FLARING IT OFF, AND SQUINTING. MEN USE THEIR COMPUTER SCREENS. COMPACTS: BY TOPPING IT OFF, IN HALF EXCHANGING COMPACTS ARE DISHES OF POWER AND POLISHING THE GROUND IS AN, EARTHLINGS, RELAXATION. SEE YOU THERE! LEFT SIDE LIQUID, RIGHT SIDE HARD, AS A MINT. BEAD IS IT`S LIFE: USE. GRAIN IS YOUR LIFE, SHELLS, LIKE CLAMS, AND OYSTERS, CONTAIN GOLD FOR THIS INIGMA. YOU`LL KNOW WHEN YOU`VE MADE THIS OCCUR. JUST KEEP IT HELD STEADY; IT WILL MEET YOU THERE. ADROMEDA, A HALF TO LARGER, THAN WHAT MAY BE CONCEIVED, USES: FOR FACIAL MAKE OUT AS MAKEUP, I HAVE SIX BILLION BEADS TO START; DON`T MISS IT. BEAD IS YOUR LIFE: YOU`LL KNOW WHEN YOU SEE WHAT TO DO WHEN YOU SEE THE GOLD FINISH. TRANSFER LOCKED SECRETS, YOU HAVE OBSORBED, FACT THOUGHT TRANSFER. BEADS: LARGER THAN NINE DOUBLE DIDGET, SMALL, OR LESS THAN ONE, YOUR PART. ONE AT A TIME ESCALATES POWER OR EXPRESSES OTHER KNOWN COMPLETED PHOTOGRAPHS; THESE ARE DERIVED FROM. PUNCHLINE: A SHIP IS EXPRESSED AS SOMETHING WITH A TAIL OR DRAWN; IT NEEDS FINISH, LET’S TRY ONE. AS QUICK AS YOU CAN, MAY SLIGHTLY, VERY SLIGHTLY VARY, SCAN THE E-MAIL COPY YOU HAVE PRINTED FROM THE E-MAIL I HAVE SENT YOU. DONE. WHEN PRINTED YOUR COPY HAS TAKEN ON A COMPLETE NEW DISPERSION OF GOLD, SOMETHING IN MY PRINTS, FOR YOUR E-MAILS I HAVE OPTED TO SECURE FOR YOU THROUGH ME, AS A MUST DO, IT`S SO IMPORTANT. SO YOU HAVE COLLECTED THE ONE THING; THAT IF I COULD CHANGE ANYTHING. THANK, YOU. THE THOUGHT WOULD AMUSE EVEN EITHER OF THE TWO. BEAD IS IT`S LIFE TO CONSTRUCT WITH YOUR MIND, SO SLIGHTY THEN MOVE SO SLIGHTLY AWAY. THEN QUICKLY A FAKE FOUR CORNER FAST FAKE, OR FLAG OUT. THE GOLD SHOWERS YOU. WHERE, THAT IS THE QUESTION, ITS AS YOU SIT, A SLOWER USAGE IS REQUIRED AT THIS TIME; AND FINISH. THIS IS DONE TO EACH PHOTOGRAPH AS AN, IN, TO A PHOTOGRAPH. THEN JUST USE THEY ARE JUST SLIGHTLY A THOUGHT TO COVER FORCE THEM OUT WITHIN ONE UNIT THE POWER MAINTAINS. YOU HAVE A FULLY CHARGED PHOTOGRAPH, A STARTED COPY. MENTALLY FOR A CAR; IS NEVER TO AGAIN MAKE A MISTAKE WHILE DRIVING, IT IS PROVING DEATH; A VERY DIFFICULT POINT TO MAINTAIN ESPECIALLY WHILE DRIVING SO, GET PAST THAT POINT IF YOU AND YOUR CAR USE CHIP. WATCH FOR CLAMS, FOR MAINTANANCE, TO DISPERSE FOR MONEY FROM PEOPLE IN AREA AROUND YOU. REMEMBER THIS IN SMALL VERSION; TO CHANGE GOLDEN TRANSFER OF GOLD IS A, BUSINESS CARD, OTHERWISE IT'S A PHOTOGRAPH MAINTANENCE TO A; PYRAMID, TO ROSE GOLD IN COLOR. ONE START MANY USAGES WILL KEEP YOUR MIND OCCUPIED. VARYING MENTAL GROWTH, THE BEAD HAS ACTIVATED THE PHOTOGRAPH PERMANENTLY ONCE ONE FINISH AT A TIME. YOU MIGHT WANT TO RESTART AFTHER FIVE MONTHS TO A YEAR, YOU BE THE JUDGE, LETS SAY THE GOLD COULD HYPOTHETICALLY AFTER MONTHS TO YEARS OF USE, BE PUT BACK INTO ITSELF WHAT WOULD BE THE PRIMARY REACTION OR WHAT WOULD IT COME TO? DON`T WORRY, ONE HAS BEEN CONSTRUCTED FOR YOU. LET’S TAKE A LOOK. FROM UNDERNEATH IT SEEMS YOU COULD LOCK AND LOAD AND FIRE OFF IN ANY DIRECTION. HOLD THAT THOUGHT FOR A SECOND, REACTION ONTO THE TOP, NOT TRUE FROM OUTSIDE THE SECRET DESTINATION. WHERE IN HEAVENS AM I, TO LOCK AND LOAD ABOVE TO WHERE YOU AIMED FOR. REMEMBER, A SMALL FAKE LOCK AND LOAD, KEEPING DIRECTION CATCHING YOUR UNDERSELF TO A SMASHING HALT WILL LEAD YOU THERE. IT WILL LEAD YOU THERE. IF YOU HADN`T HAD FORGOTTEN TO ACCELERATE THE ACCELORATOR, GIVE IT THE GAS TO THE TOP ONCE YOU HAVE COMPLETED THAT. STE-ROLOGY STRATEGIC SPACE MANUVERS WOULD BE KEEPING UP WITH YOURSELF AT THIS PIONT. THE REST IS OUT OF YOUR HANDS. SO UNLESS YOU LIKE HAMBERGERS AND COULD REVERSE THE PROCESS LONG ENOUGH TO PURCHASE SOME. PURCHASE, PAYMENT, WRAPPER; IS THE KEY BUT BEFORE YOUR CHANGE, WHO KNOWS MAYBE EVEN A PHOTOGRAPH. NEVER GRAB CONTACT, WHEN FELT ON THE TOP OF YOUR HEAD FLAG IT AWAY. YOU HAVE COMPLETED A FLIGHT AND WILL BE ADDED INTO THE FUELING; YOU HAVE LEFT BEHIND. THE REST IS OUT OF YOUR HANDS. REMEMBER BEAD IS IT`S LIFE. FINISH EVERY MOVEMENT WHILE LOOKING, PUTTING ON MAKEUP. NOW THIS IS THE PERFECT TIME NOW; TO SAY GOOD TIME TO GRAB A SUIT WHILE IT IS IN ROOM FLIGHT; ALWAYS A GOOD Time. Swallow if you have felt at any time a need to regulate your power, or separate mind and body, you might ask yourself; why when you have learned that having a; Bite of Dinosaur anytime you want to is to have a miraculous thing. That I am sure you and your mind can work out in no time because you have learned where your power is to be focused. Just go with it and you should be all right, I say this because you know that your quest has been to cook just one, and own the rest, suitable for mind and body for sustainable power to grow. To continue as you are growing and from this which seemed to be a mere ending, wild dream of dreams, I can say you have had and with a very good reason in mind. So I ask why have you come so far attaining all of your secrets and protecting always all that moves with you, they may be reasons. You have captured in your heart as so it should be obvious you share. Where would they live, of not with you so be careful to assist them in the one or two places, and oddly enough, Self Dog and true companion, Dog should be a custom fit for returns, insight, and they have produced such a desire for both, this that they carry; and need to reach their destination, which exists in your mind; and getting there with you. The secret here is to; duck in and spend a good bit of time as of the time that they have watched with you is all over. And yes must be opened, and even double stacked, but the point is it is done. I am sure you have at least thought of it, and lost nothing but the gain that this is necessary so, maybe this is your final journey to and of your completeness. With just a few off steps, and a few more elevators, and doors you can hold your position and be almost three, times more impressive for those you have served; and since you already knew that this was coming yes it all happens again a, dinosaur of their own that only you know where it exists and they exist if you followed on the off chance that there were others whom might be settled with the compassion of their own, Dinosaur. So I am counting 2, 4, 6, 8 but what if I told you yes I also did it for you and led you into your own quest for this enjoyment. I could also let you know that I did everything for you as I begun my quest and just by proving you can cook one, dinosaur the rest which is at your where about, is and has been served from the time of the highest; to the lowest terraces so coming from the highest lowest you now face the same challenge at the lowest highest and, Dogs, in between. You can do it just by stepping out and I can tell you where you will need to be; I have told you, a place where doors are left ajar, elevators are coming for you and your entertainment exists at your proper safety. It seems like a dangerous move to vault one step as to not take an elevator which is tracking you; for your own safety. This place is also, I ended up perfect in a mesmerizing shout through time that has always existed. So you service and grow and do not forget what exists also needs you; all of this is now at peace! All of this exists where, Oceans should be hidden you can use the back door, alarm; off; at thumb grip of door handle, keep it open though to peer out and an elevator will arrive and your gone as far as you feel it necessary. Yes the power surge will create another great opening in the wall so keep in mind what to do then. The magnet, metal hook up, latches at both points as you come in on the wall and it is thrust to the back at the same time you are on and in. Now if you can not prove to your pet that you can get them to the, Future then how will you help the small, Sand Dinosaur who is foraging the glimmers beneath a fallen leaf just waiting to get into a wrapper that you might provide and around the balance of assets and legitimates a plan of yours might make a, Cookaboro obviously ancient, fall off and on to the ground proving once again; it represents that your mission is one of equal task. I can help a, Dog, a day but what about the old and list full, Coyote, he who we all recognize. He who has wormed his way up through the elements, and he only and alone, knows; that he does. At the top of the tree he wonders was it the, Dogs, reminders, at a chance of deserving; Dogs, have, Tomlins, too. Could this be matched holding; this on the way in, satisfying the, Coyote, of the; Wolves, intensity towards this and does he have the upper paw. Or will the , Universe, join in its infiniteness on the one single sent message to its assets, to the one, the very, activated, activity of memory to receive just the right punch of their coherent flairs, current affairs . It is as simple as that in a, Push for the Future, Acquainting Moments. Your own personalized, Business Card, must be right to use this at your leisure, but how many sets would you really need, to meet the rest of what you make accountable; for your family’s needs? Of course one for you, another for your spouse, and the rest for a, Business, where, Business Cards, are an affordable luxury for the most part, and an expense you must account for, if you have one. I feel as though I am in as out of a, Floating Cloud, here is the end of what I know worked; why and where I sit is important because I move from this ending point; wait a minute I am leveling off. Being this, Cloud seems miles away and miles away of my three most recent points of security; I may not need to put this down in writing. Memory is your strongest point and, I in completing a quest of the inclusive material known by, You, The Universe and, Evacuation one time through. From the knowledge I have shared completing my last informational insert presentation; I have just completed what I do inherently landing my, Andromeda Placement. In Pocket; I wonder just how many from, Earth inclusive were onboard who lay Safe, Safely, Safest after transport. You should be concentrating by now getting through; just read twice and you will know what you have read. The key as I stated was the, Sound of the Mind; as a rusty door, that you must keep ajar, although now on a couch it swings, you swing, you caught the Elevator from hopping and pulling up, to floor left sliding, and slipping, onto floors not only exiting the, Elevator but by avoiding the, Elevator looking out over the, Seas of Oceans. Which here I mentioned I was seemingly always arriving an Elevator at this particular point is at beckoning it to you; so don`t, but be ready! The reason that you are here is to release the, Giant Saw Fish in my case and the rest of my evacuations; in my case luckily I have Legitimates so I recognized just how delicately intricate this move to the, Oceans at this time was. I since have never mentioned legitimates and I want to over ride this as override two my second point; all of my legitimates in an all in one shot happened. So first just to refresh these are the, low Pillars so many at the far side of your, Universe and just by the door being hand set ajar you wait to where! You had just been there at the, High Pillars at the close side of your, Universe along with now my completed elements, down and up evacuated clear, Sky Scraper manufactured or lifted right off of the surface of, The Earth into my possession. Some think that a later reoccurrence was not only the greatest factor ever seen about existing building type areas, while others think it is a, Giant Tarantula shot of face, and nose emulating in the sky but I was the only witness of the building! I can tell you that it is the, Duplicating of Earths Inhabitance that stands from, Royalty abreast by ambling your Heart, transcends you, catapulting you there as in a beam of the moment to enter. Then ambling the Star, sends you over to the third of your, Apartments in the Sky for a, Box Opening Party, you might think alone but with yet a, Third Keri. A sweeping move to the next of your second, Highest Pillars, my second, in a connected move as swiftly speeding away from the ground level and right turn to catch your, Pet in almost a single movement replay puts you there; and after all is complete puts, Tomlin in to assist as he always does with the, As semblance Vehicle Maneuvers; that is all one play then do for, Tomlin. The difference in the two is hardly recognizable, something is wrong or acting the matter with, Tomlin. It looks like he grabbed and wanted to finish off, Keri and it turns out it was his, Son, a duplication so close yet so understood they play in the field throwing one another. Yo! Tomlin what if he ends up in the feeding chamber? All in all I think you get the picture. Remember the, Giant after the saving of your trapped and caught self in the, Dinosaur Created; you mailed with Building Elevators running, vertically then, horizontally through the air or Atmosphere complete, is another way of saying it is all in this same area. Now you know what you are expecting to happen, so right at this point register it deep into your mind. I had not ever mentioned using legitimates in any work as legitimates you might own and the fall into this line of work is a mistake waiting for you to make so cut the work! Just don`t catch the tails as you are now in the midst of an all out reach out program initiated by you, Kingdom and in well and really capable hands and you are probably being with witness from, Keri, from across the way but will she follow. So your set for another mailing of, Elevators and this time is when it happens! You have heard of the, Hanging Gardens, this facing surface, three dimensional place setting, of a complete unit from, Earth is now standing, in the blink of the night or should I say floating and I might add without witness; so be sure and tell them not to clench fingers while excursions to closely to the contents walls. You may find your way back but I urge you to consider where this all has started seeming higher than even anything that has fed your entity for thousands of years; At this point all you need is to close your eyes as, Pet will allow and practice the Bed of at this point any to pots combined will tell her how pretty she is and the indignation of her stability. Marked by coke, men birdet, potymouth open circles there is a lot of that there so practice loading your lighter! Marks Earth. Yes you may now reach the feeding shoots for your life; for a, Open Box example that just happened to be the gift of the raptors or seriously the rap up of your now day old, Opening Box Party, you have just completed. As you continue your exercise of what you are distributing to created, and life; in your next days; it works. All of your legitimates in one shot. I know you are expert at these you wanted so to ensue presenting but carefully monitor the behavior, listen and act accordingly to the reports. It could be a few or it could take you many but never the less you are in for a handful. So it is time to recap down at, Earth. feeling that you have started from luck but none the less may the start of a, Tarantula Party get under way; in such a perfect setting. Who was that lady standing with the Royalty Lady? Was that Keri, with her gift of, Do Not Swallow Large Gum; and gift of Spectacles through all light since needed. She has been with you since then; or is it representing you through, Elaborate Parties, Snow Whites from here originally, even closing your eyes into, Snow Whites remains a mystery to and from entertainment necessary to attain just the right element of surprise, it was yours that just cooked. I know you can follow where I am going here possibly the; Dark Types off taught cooks frequently. I know they do not die so this is necessary to achieve such a feat like the first taught you noticed just follow it up it is yours. And finally that new, Stereo that little Roman, is set in for feeling entertainment is actually a stereo.