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Races of Gryth

Below you will find game stats for Player characters as well as some valuable information about each race.


Humans in the world of Gryth remain unchanged from page 12 in the Core Rulebook I with the following alterations:

- The Mercy: As Tor showed mercy on the humans, all humans recieve a benefactor from the benefactor list.

- +2 to will saves: Humans remain the only race untainted by the Voice due to their strong inner strengths.

- Home Regions: Kor, Gryth, Legionna, Semar, Alberin.


Dwarves in the world of Gryth remain unchanged from page 14 in the Core Rulebook I with the following alterations:

- The Voice: As the first corrupted race, the dwarves must choose a Disfactor from the Disfactor list (see below).

- Home Regions: Luftholde, Gryth, Kor.


Gnomes in the world of Gryth remain unchanged from page 16 in the Core Rulebook I with the following alterations:

- The Voice: As the second corrupted race, the gnomes must choose a Disfactor from the Disfactor list (see below).

- Gnome Wizards, Clerics, Druids, and Sorcerers recieve the Brew Potion feat for free at 4th level.

- Home Regions: Cathro, Gryth, Semar.


Half-Orcs in the world of Gryth remain unchanged from page 18 in the Core Rulebook I with the following alterations:

- The Voice: While Tor spared the humans, Gale showed no mercy on the Orcs. Half-Orcs must choose one disfactor from the list plus a benefactor from the benefactor list.

- Half-Orcs recieve a -2 penalty to swim checks, due to their inland Orcish instincts (Orcs recieve a -4), plus, a half-orc cannot willingly enter a body of water deeper than his/her own height (same applies to Orcs)

- Home Regions: Kor, Gryth, Legionna, Semar, Alberin, Grahsha.


Elves in the world of Gryth remain unchanged from page 15 in the Core Rulebook I with the following alterations:

- The Voice: Gale took pity on the graceful elves and only slightly corrupted the Elves. Thus, the elves recieve one disfactor from the list and one benefactor from the list.

- Home Regions: Kor, Gryth, Legionna, Semar.


Elves in Gryth do not have the ability to mate with other races.


Halflings in the world of Gryth remain unchanged from page 19 in the Core Rulebook I with the following alterations:

- The Voice: Because of Tor's hate for Halflings, the halflings were wildly cursed and recieve two disfactors from the list.

- Shattered Divinity: Halflings were barred from the afterife by Tor, and therefore cannot cast cleric spells, with the exception of Cure and Inflict spells.

- Internal Hatred: Halflings recieve the favored enemy: Humans ability for free at first level, due to Tor's mercy upon them. If a Halfling Ranger takes Favored enemy: Humans, its effects stack.

- Spikes: Spiked Chains are Medium-Sized weapons (thus Large weapons for Halflings).

- Home Regions: Gryth, Legionna, Semar, Alberin, Black Talon, Blue Talon.

Note: You may not choose the same Benefactor as disfactor, is Half-Orc or elf.

Ado: +1 to Gather Information Rolls

Menko: +1 to Move Silently rolls

Salaza: +1 to Handle Animal Rolls

Bergen: +1 to Animal Empathy Rolls

Hebi: +1 to Climb Rolls

Lokat: +1 to Concentration Rolls

Armo: +1 to Autohypnosis Rolls


Ado: -1 to Gather Information Rolls

Menko: -1 to Move Silently Rolls

Salaza: -1 to Handle Animal Rolls

Bergen: -1 to Animal Empathy Rolls

Hebi: -1 to Climb Rolls

Lokat: -1 to Concentration Rolls

Armo: -1 to Autohypnosis Rolls