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|| Roleplay #: 02 ||
|| Record: 00 - 02 - 00 ||
|| Next Match: w/ Scott Steiner vs. Steve Corino and Lex Luger||
|| WME Achievements: None As Yet||
|| Owned By Deadman Inc: None As Yet

| | Well Slam is getting closer and closer by the minute, so far we've heard from both Steve Corino and Lex Luger, in regard to there upcoming Tag match-up which will take place this Monday on Slam, as they face off with 'Big Evil' The Undertaker who just the other day, laid out the deal to Corino, telling him that this Monday nothing will compare for whats in store for Corino at Downfall.

| | The WME cameras fade in as the cameras are backstage in an arena where a WME House Show is taking place. The cameras open to the backstage area, as Superstars and WME crew workers are walking around, getting ready for the show tonight, as the cameras catch up to Red Evil himself, The Deadman, The Undertaker as he walking down a hallway with his cast on his arm and a pissed off look about him.

| | Taker then stops as he passes by Doug Dhillinger, head of WME security as Taker approaches him and interupts his conversation with some other Security guards.

|:-:|'Big Evil' The Undertaker | Dhillinger, you seen Scott Steiner around here at all today?

|:-:|'Security' Doug Dhillinger | Hmmmmmm..Nah Taker, I havent..

|:-:|'Big Evil' The Undertaker | Damn, Alright boy well when you see 'em, let 'em know that Big Evil's lookin for him..ok?

|:-:|'Security' Doug Dhillinger | Sure thing Taker..

| | Undertaker then continues walking down the hall obviously trying to hunt down Scott Steiner. He then walks past a WME crew worker,and stops her before she walk any further down the hall as she turns toward Taker.

|:-:|'Big Evil' The Undertaker | Hey, you mind tellin me where Scott Steiner's locker room is?

|:-:|'Backstage' Worker | Ummm..Scott Steiner, yea I think his locker room is down the hall, and to the right, somewhere down in that wing..

|:-:|'Big Evil' The Undertaker | You think?

|:-:|'Backstage' Worker | Yeah, I'm not too familiar with this locker room placement..

|:-:|'Big Evil' The Undertaker | Heh, ain't that right? Well alright then, Thanks..

|:-:|'Backstage' Worker | No problem, anytime..

| | Taker starts off down the hall, passing by many WME Superstars along the way and even more crew members and equiptment. He then makes a right just as the crew personnel instructed him, as he makes his way down the hall, and comes to a locker room door with the nameplate 'Scott Steiner'. He knocks for a few minutes, and places his hands on his hips, but no one comes, as he sighs with frustration and mutters to himself.

|:-:|'Big Evil' The Undertaker | Damn it..

| | Taker then turns as he's face to face with Steiner. Steiner has a water bottle in hand as he stares at Taker through his shades,Taker then breaks the ice.

|:-:|'Big Evil' The Undertaker | Steiner man, I was just lookin for ya..