Chini Gyal
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Chini Gyal wah u want ...
First: Know before judging.. judge before hating... fuck this. life`s struggles.. purefucking struggles.. bomb this motha fucking world. kill everyone...

Kelly... also known as Chini Gyal n` Bonnie
I`m officially 13... since april 13th
den fucin piss me off
ummmmmm of course I`m single and luvin it
straight up I`m 3/4 laos and 1/4 chink.
b-town (springdale)also known as singh-dale
I LUV R KELLY u think hes a rapist..den FUCK U<-- dun expect me to like u, or dun say hi im from aa ur page is nice so i wanted to add u n` ask for html help NO BULLSHIT LIKE DAT.. i aint on dis site thin to make friendz aiite dun be stupid
nuff respect n` nuff nuff Love Y
+ Aleckz + Anish + Annie + Anthony + Ashley + Avneet + Benjamin + Brittany + Cindy + Cristina + Eric + Ericson + Gabe + Kevin + Jennie + Jenniffer + Jonathan + Jordan + Mandeep + Michael + Meghan + Monica + Neeta + Oneal + O`shane + Rachel + Rahim + Raman + Reggie + Romeo + Ryan + Shawna + shelby + Sonia + Tristian...

Ex-friend 1 (da bess part of it)
u talked behind everyones back,
u truly deserve a smack,
actin like u black,
yo, ur minds off track,
girl u tink ur all dat,
NEWS FLASH UR FAT! Ex-friend 3

Look, i hate u, straight up i hate u. U talk to muchshit, it`s nice to u u can keep me up to date on everyones buisness, but tellin out my buisness juss aintright. Look i no u cried cuz u feel unwanted but reallyidun care.. crysome more, who cares? U juss cryin cuz want your way. But idun care i can cry ifafamily member diedbutdey aint comin bac .. so i cancry but datdun mean ima get mah way.. so cry if u want go talk shit behind mah bac i no u think ima back stabbin BITCH... but u no wah i dun care.. ur da one frontin like uza bitch.. goin around sayin i aint a bitch im da bitch, but think bout dis U- -A-I-N-T- -S-H-I-T. Ur a flirt u flirt wit everyone if dey got a girl or not. still remember when everyone came up to u and saaid notto flirt wit grade 7s ( grade 6) kk dat was da time when i was happy, everyone tol u but u still do it. Look everyone hates u, u think dey like u, but nobody does dey front. juss like i was frontin dati likedu, but fo real i aint scared to show it.. I HATE U KK?? If it wasnt fo u talkin to me i wouldve thought u was a wigger. and also just to say everyone thinkz uza WIGGA, u act black, and u no u aint. Just cuz ur step-dads black, dun mean u are, u aint even round nuff black people to say dat ur surronded by dem, I DUN EVEN CARE, IF ur mom, ur dad, ur sista, and brother are black, it dun mean U ARE. or i could understand if u was raised in da projects but u see u aint, so please stop frontin like u black everybody noes u aint, iight ? do me a favour, catch a glimspe of yourself in da mirror, so perhaps u can realize ur white