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Let go.
Monday, September 11, 2006
I think campus police should get a life.
Now Playing: Rascal Flatts - Oklahoma-Texas Line
Okay, so...

6 kids (2 of whom were Lebanese... I blame this whole situation on them - troublemakers).
1 large bag of dense Taco Bell 1/2lb. burritos and crunchwrap-supremes.
1 laptop.
1 balcony.
1 hookah (wound up being an innocent bystander).
3 campus police.

Part I:
After smoking last night, someone started talking about Taco Bell and we decided it would be a great idea to go. Naturally, 6 of us squeeze into a pickup truck (with Jamil on laps, head almost hanging out one window, feet hanging out the other) to get some food. We came back after the ordeal and proceeded with food to eat on the balcony. Jamil was playing music on his laptop and we were talking... it was good times. Til...

Part II:
Enter 3 TU police. They looked up to the balcony, headed up the 3 flights of stairs to tell us that we were too loud and to issue Micah a noise warning. You know, cause we were being so gosh-darn loud (and sober).

I've decided that campus police should really try to track down criminals and not reprimand those of us who want to sit on a balcony and enjoy some reasonably-loud music.

At least Jack's Mannequin is tonight! So excited :)

Logically crafted by Mathematically Challenged at 4:02 PM CDT
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Sunday, September 10, 2006
Funny story for the day
So, funny story...

This week, I ran out of underwear. Well, I didn't quite run out so much as I ran low on the type I enjoy wearing every day. So, I wore something less than full-coverage (aka 'ass floss') on thursday. I took my laundry home to wash on friday night in preparation for the weekend, and while I was unloading my laundry from the car, I apparently lost the one piece of clothing I wanted to loose least: the skimpy underwear.

Unbeknownst to me, not only did I loose them, but they wound up getting stuck to the garage door.

Mom went to close the garage door, and apparently the skimpy underwear went with the door. She brought the garage door back up, tried to remove said underwear, and failed. It apparently took a good 10 minutes to get the hangling underpants-of-death unhooked from the garage door. She came marching in to the kitchen (where I was cooking), victorious, with stringy underwear in hand.

Embarassing. Good heavens.

Oh yeah, and life is pretty gosh darn good right now :)

Logically crafted by Mathematically Challenged at 3:37 AM CDT
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Saturday, September 2, 2006
They will see us waving from such great heights.
Now Playing: Jimmy Eat World - Polaris
I had a big ol' long post typed out last night and I tried to post it but alas.

Aaanyway, things are going great. I went to the Astros game tonight and had quite an amazing time hanging out on the roof (!) with some good food and great company! It was a nice break from life.

SGA is going well; so are SWACURH and NACURH. They're keeping me busy for sure, but luckily I've carved out some social time. Amanda and I went to the Shinedown/Rob Zombie/Godsmack concert last week and I got completely wasted. Umm.. yeah. If I called you or text messaged you that night, I do apologize. Especially cause I got the new phone that day and I still don't know how to work it. :-(

This semester's looking better and better! I'm working on my passport cause it looks like I'll need it - that could be potentially amazing. Perhaps a crash-course language course is in the works.

I'm in love with my classes. I mean really. They're just amazing and my profs blow me away. It's so refreshing to love going to class!

On a somber note, we had to help a family friend bury her 1st grandson this week - he died just minutes after birth last week. It's been rough. Ugh. But on the bright side, the twins are doing well and it looks like I'll get to see them soon! :) Yaaaaay! Perhaps that visit can be combined with a skiing trip? I think so.

This weekend's going to rock; I'm excited. Yaaay long weekends! It's too bad I can't get completely wasted on the boat. For one thing, waterskiing while intoxicated is bad (I've almost killed myself without drinking). And second, in order to drunk-waterskii, I'd have to start drinking at like 4am, which is just sad. I'll save the drinking on the boat for when you come to town, hon. :)

Lastly, I'm sort of undecided about what to do with this site. It seems unnecessary these days, and I've found that I don't really have much of a desire to post on it anymore. I guess we'll see what happens.

Lyrics of the day may be depressing, but the song is so pretty.

Jimmy Eat World - Polaris

I'll say it straight and plain
I know I've made mistakes
I've always been afraid
I've always been afraid

A thousand nights or more
I travel east and north
Please answer the door

Can you tell me
You say that love goes anywhere
In your darkest time, it's just enough to know it's there
When you go, I'll let you be
But you're killing everything in me

Get down on your knees
Whisper what I need
Something pretty
Something pretty

I feel that when I'm old
I'll look at you and know
The world was beautiful

Then you tell me...
You say that love goes anywhere
In your darkest time, it's just enough to know it's there
When you go, I'll let you be
But you're killing everything in me

I'm done, there's nothing left to show
I try but can't let it go
Are you happy where you're standing still?
Do you really want the sugar pill?
I'll wake up tomorrow and I'll start
Tonight it feels so hard
As the train approaches Gare Du Nord
As I'm sure your kiss remains employed
Am I only dreaming?

You say that love goes anywhere
In your darkest time, it's just enough to know it's there
When you go, I'll let you be
But you're killing everything in me

When you go, I'll let you be
But you're killing everything in me

Logically crafted by Mathematically Challenged at 2:33 AM CDT
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Monday, August 21, 2006
I've been at work since 730 this morning after getting up way early and dealing with some stuff (major drama), so while I shouldn't be posting at the office, I got kinda sorta just a little excited when I saw the very first press release I've ever written show up on the Houston Chronicle website!!!

Not only that, but I'm kind of excited that I wrote it in about half an hour and was finished writing before the presentation was over. And it isn't written horribly... in fact, it makes sense!

So, so hot and totally made my day!

Logically crafted by Mathematically Challenged at 3:52 PM CDT
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Sunday, August 20, 2006
Dave recap and stuff.
Now Playing: Brooks and Dunn - Red Dirt Road
So yes, Dave was amazing. A few points of interest:

- I bought a VIP parking pass ahead of time and had to fight for parking becuase Ticketmaster oversold it, but I did make it down the aisle to my seat as Dreamgirl was starting, so it was ok. Had I missed Dreamgirl, there would have been big-time trouble and somebody would have gotten slapped (or worse!).

- I smuggled a camera in to the show, and I got past the patdown cause I stuck it in my bra. Sneaky huh?

- We sat on the 3rd row (or 4th?) and as always seems to be the case, I had a high and drunk older woman next to me. So drunk that she was dancing and falling in the aisle repeatedly. It was funny. Amanda and I decided that at least she wasn't a greasy old man hitting on us.

- The show was probably the best I've ever seen of Dave's. He played Tripping Billies, Satellite, Louisiana Bayou, Hunger for the Great Light and my favorite part of the show, the 20-minute Everyday and Ants Go Marching super-fantastical montage. Amazing.

- So, there was this guy a couple of rows behind us, and he had this super-cute (not really) sign that said "C cup" on it. He also had with him a girl and a bra (so classy!). Carter, Amanda and I look at the poor guy, and he looked so happy but I felt sorry for him cause he didn't know any better... so, toward the end of the concert, I pretty much flashed him. Hopefully now he knows better than to get all excited about that. Of all the people in the world to see that... me, Carter and Amanda? Honestly.

- Dave looked at me!

- I think the VIP lounge may be the best idea ever. Especially cause after the show, when people were hanging out at the bar and drinking (before they got on the road to drive back to Houston), they put Animal Planet on the big screen so that we could watch prarie dogs mate. Such high-quality family programming after a concert where most of the people in attendance were drunk and/or high the whole time. So considerate.

So, it was all-around awesome, and when I wore my Dave shirt yesterday, I definitely wound up in lots of conversation with lots of people who had also gone to the show. Dave fans are the best. :)

In other news, neighborhood drama v2.0 happened yesterday, when we brought the boat home to clean. We pulled it up onto the driveway and it caused a little frenzy (since everyone who lives around me is either old and nosey or young and nosey) in the neighborhood. OMG drama.

Speaking of the boat... we definitely took it out at the ass-crack of dawn this morning. The lake was as smooth as glass (which made the early wake-up call totally worth it). We got some good runs in, including Aus and his friend Casey kneeboarding and wakeboarding at the same time on 2 different towropes. Cute. Except that my sunscreen (yes! I actually wore some!) didn't stay on when I was getting in and out of the water so now my face and back hurt cause they're so sunburned. Boo.

I'm really, really tired so I'm going to sllleeeeeep. It's been a long day.

And note to self: start drinking *heavily* during NBD chats.

Logically crafted by Mathematically Challenged at 10:46 PM CDT
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